“An Old Prayer for a New Year!”

December 27. 2006

Pastor Steve N. Wagers


Jacksonville, FL

“An Old Prayer for a New Year!”

1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Pastor Steve N. Wagers

December 27. 2006

Sermon Outline

1. A Bolder Faith!

A) A Strange Man

B) A Successful Man

2. A Bigger Field!

A) His Approach to God

B) His Agenda with God

1) A Greater Place to Serve In

2) A Greater Power to Serve With

3) A Greater Protection to Serve By

3. A Brighter Future!

A) A Prayer that God Heard

B) A Prayer that God Honored

Corrie Ten Boom, "When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy."

S. D. Gordon said, "The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing, but it is the chief thing. The great people of earth are the

people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time to pray."

A couple was touring the capitol in Washington, DC, and the guide pointed out a tall, benevolent gentleman as the congressional chaplain. The lady asked, "What does the chaplain do? Does he pray for the Senate or The House?" The guide answered, "No, he gets up, looks at both houses of Congress, then prays for the country!"

The prayer of Jabez is a prayer for a new year, or any year. It is a prayer for the ages.



The name Jabez literally means, “Son of my sorrow”, or “he will cause pain.” What a strange name to give a child.


How could a man with such a strange name achieve such successful notoriety?

It seems that how he appeared to man, was not how he appeared to God. Although his name meant “sorrow” on Earth, his name spoke of “splendor” in Heaven.

It reminds us that God can take our disadvantages and use them to His advantage. God can take our liabilities to magnify His ability. Our handicaps need not hurt, harm or hinder our spiritual progress with the Lord.

G. Campbell Morgan preached a trial sermon on May 2, 1888 in a large British Methodist church. He received word from the church that they were not even considering him as pastor. Morgan felt totally rejected and utterly humiliated. He sent a telegram home to his father that read only one word: REJECTED! His father sent a telegram back that read: “Rejected on Earth, accepted in Heaven!” Morgan went on to become one of the greatest Bible expositors the world has ever known.

Paul Harvey puts it into perspective, “Let it never be forgotten that glamour is not greatness; applause is not fame; prominence is not eminence. The man of the hour is not apt to be the man of the ages. A stone may sparkle, but that does not make it a diamond; people may have money, but that does not make them a success. It is what the unimportant people do that really counts and determines the course of history. The greatest forces in the universe are never spectacular. Summer showers are more effective than hurricanes, but they get no publicity. The world would soon die but for the fidelity, loyalty, and consecration of those whose names are unhonored and unsung."

If God can use someone like Jabez, then there’s hope for every single one of us.


A) His APPROACH to God!

The word “called” means, “to turn in a particular direction.” The word implies that Jabez turned, in a particular direction, toward God in prayer.

As you look back through the previous 4 chapters, you would find that in all of the more than 500 names that are mentioned, not one is mentioned in connection to prayer. Thus, while others may have been consumed with goods, gold or greed, Jabez was consumed with God.

Three preachers were talking about prayer and the appropriate and effective positions in prayer. As they were talking a telephone repairman working on the phone line was listening. One preacher said that he felt the key was in his hands. He always held his hands together and pointed them upward as a form or symbolic worship. The second suggested that real prayer was conducted on ones knees. The third suggested that the only way to pray was while stretched out flat on your face.

The telephone repairman spoke up and said, "I have found that the most powerful prayer I ever made was while I was dangling upside down by my heels from a telephone pole suspended forty-feet above the ground."

B) His AGENDA with God!

I recently read an article entitled “Wash Your Hands Before Praying.” In it the author gives a prayer to prepare for prayer. He prays:

"Father in Heaven, my Lord and Savior, Lover of my soul, Friend in need; Helper and Encourager, hear the cry of my heart:

Please cleanse me and make me whole. Take away from my heart:

--anything that does not bow before Thee as Lord;

--whatever in me does not have Thy name on it;

--all that is resistant to the Holy Spirit;

--everything impure and unworthy of Thee;

--attitudes and opinions and convictions that do not originate with Thee;

--desires, motives, plans and ambitions in conflict with Thy will for my life;

--anything that runs and hides when You enter,

--that laughs when I believe,

--that squirms when I pray,

--that fears when I trust;

--whatever in me that does not give Thee joy, make Thee proud, or serve Thy purpose;

--all of this and everything else that holds me back, weighs me down, and cheapens the product.

O Lord, by Thy precious blood, purge my iniquity. Take away my sin. Make me holy, pure and clean. Give me a heart for Thee, O Lord, one that longs to do only Thy will, that answers only to Thy call, that serves only to hear 'Thy will be done.'

And now, Holy Father, I am ready to pray to Thee....."

Jabez has an agenda, and he asks God for:

1. A Greater PLACE to Serve In!

“Bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast”

“Coast:” territory, region or area

He is not asking God to give him a bunch of real estate that he can sell and make a large profit. Rather, he is asking God to give him greater opportunities of service.

2. A Greater POWER to Serve With!

“That thine hand might be with me”

William Carey: “Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God.”

Someone has well said, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called!”

Jabez prays, “Lord, I don’t want to go to this new place without new power. If you don’t go with me, then I don’t want to go.”

3. A Greater PROTECTION to Serve By!

“Keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me”

He is asking God to keep him clean, pure, and holy. As he goes to this greater place with greater power he will need greater protection. It has been said, “With every new level comes a new devil.”

Many have learned how to pray, “Lord, forgive me;” but not many have learned how to pray, “Lord, deliver me.” We have an enemy who wants to discourage us, distract us and destroy us. We are in a fight, and the only way to win the fight is by the power and protection of Almighty God.

A Roman Catholic Priest, an Anglican priest and a Baptist preacher were standing near a river conversing when the subject of which church was nearest to the teaching of God arose. The Roman Catholic priest said that of course there was no argument that the Roman Catholic Church was they were descended directly from the Apostles, in fact Peter was their first Pope. He said in fact so close are we that I can even walk on water like Jesus and he preceded to walk on the water to the other side.

The Anglican Priest said the Anglican Church was very similar in origin to the Catholics and he too demonstrated his ability to walk on water like Jesus Christ. The Baptist preacher said that he could not care where their origins were; he studied the word and preached it purely, and without any embellishments. Since they could walk on water he should be even better at it. He took one-step forward and sunk knee deep into the river. The Roman Catholic Priest whispered to the Anglican Priest, "Do you think we should tell him where the rocks are?"

I can tell you where the rocks are; they are in the prayer closet on our face before God.


A) A Prayer that God HEARD!

One young girl knew the power of specific prayer when she faced death head-on. In the midst of her sickness, she went to her pastor and asked what more she could do for Jesus in the short time she had to live. He suggested that she make a list of people in their small town who needed Christ, and pray that they would find salvation. She took his advice and prayed often, everyday, for each person.

Some time later, God began to stir a revival in the village. Only after the girl died was her prayer lists with the names of 56 people found under her pillow. All had put their faith in Christ, the last one on the night before her death.

Cameron V. Thompson, author of "Master Secrets of Prayer," said, "Vague praying is lazy praying."

B) A Prayer that God HONORED!

The word “granted” speaks of “giving with great delight and satisfaction. The word “granted” is used only 15 times in the Bible. The same word is found in Proverbs 10: 24, “The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.”

The idea is that God not only gives it, but He gives it with great satisfaction, pleasure and delight. He not only hears this kind of prayer, but He honors this kind of prayer.

In other words, Jabez honored the Lord and the Lord honored Jabez. Jabez honored the Lord in how he asked, and the Lord honored Jabez in how He answered.

I love the story of the Welsh Revival, one of the greatest revivals of history. It transpired in the obscure coal mining town of Lougher, Wales. The man God used to ignite was 26-year old Evan Roberts. The revival started on a Monday night youth meeting, when 17 young people gathered together to pray for personal, as well as corporate revival.

Six months later more than 200,000 people were converted from Wales to England and to Scotland. When the coal miners went back to work they were unable to get their mules to work because the mules were not used to the language of redeemed lips.

One night a reporter from London came to investigate the claims of what was taking place. Near the end of each service, Evan Roberts would give people the opportunity for testimonies and prayer requests. The reporter stood up and asked, “I have come to see what is the secret of the Welsh Revival.” Evan Roberts replied, “There is no secret to the Welsh Revival. Ask, and you shall receive!”

Are you looking for a good way to start and have a great year? I believe the prayer of Jabez would be a good example to follow. Ask, and you shall receive, because this is an old prayer for a new year.