Global II Project

[Second Quarter]

Requirements :

1.  Select one of the following topics. You must let me know who your partner is and you topic by Thursday Nov. 15th.

2.  You will be creating a power point presentation covering one of the following topics.

3.  Create 15-20 slides on one of these topics or subtopics.For each topic, you will need to include the following information:

·  Dates of the Events

·  Important People involved

·  Background of Topic

·  Historical Significance of the Topic

·  Suitable Graphics should be used for each topic.

4.  You must hand in your project on a CD or DVD with your name and your partner’s name on it. By Tuesday, December 11th.

5.  Your final slide must include a bibliography of the sources used. - visit the SFP library site if you are not sure how to do a bibliography.

***** DUE TUESDAY DECEMBER 11th *****

** Maybe handed in anytime before the Dec. 11th, but not after the 11th without a late penalty **

5 pts. first two days ------10pts. everyday after that

Topic List

I. The Enlightenment

·  Immanual Kant

·  Voltaire

·  Jean-Jacques Rousseau

·  Charles de Montesquieu

II. The French Revolution

·  The Old Regime

·  The Royalty of France

·  The Financial Crisis

·  The Revolt of the Nobility

·  The Revolt of the Bourgeoisie

·  The National Assembly and the Rights of Man

·  The Bastille

·  The Storming of the Bastille

·  The Great Fear

·  The Women's March to Versailles

·  Civil Constitution of the Clergy

·  The Constitution of 1791

·  The Execution of Louis XVI

·  The Rise of the Jacobins

·  The Reign of Terror

·  The Directory

·  Napoleon

III. The Industrial Revolution

·  Inventions

·  Life in the Cities of England

·  The Life of Workers

·  Karl Marx

IV. Revolutions In Latin America

·  Simon Bolivar

·  Haiti

o  Toussaint L’Overture

·  Mexico’s Independence

o  Miguel Hidalgo

V. Imperialism

·  American Imperialism in Latin America

·  The Monroe Doctrine

·  The Spanish American War

·  The War in Cuba

·  America and the Panama Canal

·  The Boxer Rebellion

·  The Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty

·  Imperialism in Africa

·  The Opium War

Due Date: Tuesday December 11th

·  Your topic and partner must be approved before submission.

·  The web should not be your only source; you must have other sources. {i.e. Books, Websites, etc} Your textbook cannot be used as a source. Also do not use any encyclopedias.

·  Wikipedia is not a valid source anyone using it for their projects will receive a grade of zero.

·  Please remember that you must include a bibliography with your project listing any websites, books, magazines, or other sources used. No projects will be accepted without one.

·  This is to be written in your own words, if you copy anything it will be considered an honor code violation. Do not cut and paste.