An Introduction to the
OCLC Cataloging Express Service
Cat Express
ILLINET/OCLC Services Staff
Illinois State Library
1. OCLC Cat Express
Cat Express is a web-based interface to OCLC World Cat. It provides an easy to use, affordable World Wide Web interface for copy cataloging designed for libraries with smaller collections holding new or commonly held materials. Using your Web browser, you can search for a matching bibliographic record from WorldCat, add your local data to the record, add your holdings to WorldCat, then export the record to your local catalog. You need little or no cataloging experience. Because it is a web-based service, you have no software to install or maintain.
Cat Express is an option with OCLC’s Connexion (browser version). In the Connexion service you can toggle between the full featured cataloging interface and the Express tab for the easy to use interface for copy cataloging.
Once you Save to Catalog, OCLC attaches your holding library code to the record in World Cat and establishes that your institution hold the item described by the bibliographic record. This record denotes that your institution owns the item and makes it available for resource sharing activities (Interlibrary loan). The bibliographic record will also be exported to a file, which you may download at the end or your session or within 30 days.
If you are set up with an electronic MARC subscription, OCLC can create a file of the bibliographic records you catalog and make the file available to you the next day. You retrieve the file from OCLC’s Product Services Web site and load the file or records into your local system.
Note: When navigating in Express, use the selection bars and the action buttons within the screen instead of the browser forward and backward buttons. Action buttons will vary depending on the screen that is displayed.
2. CatExpress Home Page and Welcome Screen
1. Before you can use OCLC CatExpress, you need to log on. You begin by navigating in your web browser to
2. Type in your OCLC authorization and password.
Note: Before we start the process lets take a few minutes to look at this screen and discuss the various features. As you hover over the list on the right hand side of the screen, context sensitive information will appear.
3. Proceed and click the Logon button.
4. We are now at the Cat Express Home Page and Welcome Screen.
5. You can move the mouse around this Home Page (without clicking) to see more information about the page itself.
6. Logging off CatExpress. When you want to log off CatExpress, click Logoff in the top black tool bar at the right of the screen.
7. Logoff Screen When you are logged off, the system gives you details of your session.
Note: Multiple log in screen if your library has more than one person doing cataloging.
Note: If you need your Authorization and password, send me an email and I will send them to you. You all should have a sheet today with your Autho/password.
3. Searching in OCLC CatExpress
Logon again to CatExpress. Once you are logged on, you want to search for bibliographic records on which to base your cataloging.
Cat Express offers:
- Basic and
- Advanced searching.
Express: The Basic Search Screen
OCLC CatExpress Copy Cataloging (Basic)
1. To start using CatExpress click the Express tab.
A basic search allows you to search with:
- A standard number ISBN (no hyphens), ISBN (with hyphens), LCCN (with hyphens), OCLC number (preceded with an * or #)
- Keyword
- Title phrase
2. Enter this 0477027172 (ISBN number)
3. Click Search below the command line box, or press Enter.
4. When the search key matches a single record, the record is displayed with labeled fields. Verify with the item that this is the record to use.
5. Click the button, MARC Display, to see the record with MARC tags.
6. Click the button, Edit Record, to go to the editable fields.
- MARC Display works here to show the corresponding MARC tags for these fields
- These become additional fields in the existing record. They do not replace existing fields.
7. Libraries can add local information to their copies of the record:
- Call number
- Locations
- Note fields
- Study program information notes
8. Use the Preview button to preview the edited fields.
9. Click Save to Catalog to set holdings and send the record to the export file.
- System responds Cataloging Successful
- Basic Search screen is displayed for the next search
10. Return to the Search list.
Express: The Advanced Search Screen
OCLC CatExpress Copy Cataloging (Advanced)
1. Select the Advanced Search option.
2. Enter the following search terms in the boxes provided:
- Dark Star Safari and select the Title Phrase (ti=) index
- Theroux and select Author (au=)
- Click Search or press Enter
3. The search results display about 14 records. Review the list of results and select the record with the LC indication by clicking the title.
4. Follow the same procedure to change the view and edit this record.
5. Click Save to Catalog to set holdings and send record to export file.
- System responds Cataloging Successful
- Advanced Search screen is displayed for next search
6. To download the file of records immediately, click the General tab.
7. From the Admin Options list, select Download Export Files.
- Check the box next to the file you want to download
- Click Download and follow the directions tin the pop up box to proceed with the file download
- This file will be available for 30 days. It will be automatically deleted after that time.
8. Another export option is to have the file delivered 24 hours later, to the Product Services web site ( These files are stored for 90 days before being automatically deleted.
9. CatExpress usage statistics are also available on the Product Services web site. These statistics provide monthly and year-to-date totals. They help a library monitor usage against the subscription purchased.
4. Selecting a record
If one record is retrieved, the full bibliographic record will be displayed. If more than one record is retrieved, you will need to select the best record. Click on the hyperlinked title and examine, especially, any standard numbers (an exact match), the edition statement, the physical description (format, dimensions, etc.), the publisher and date of publication and any relevant notes. If you find two records that appear to be identical, prefer the record that has been cataloged by the symbol LC. LC denotes that the item was cataloged by the Library of Congress. The symbol will appear after the title of an item on the search screen of results. Also, if neither record shows the LC symbol, consider selecting the record that has the greatest number of holdings attached.
5. Cataloging Basics
Basic Steps
1. From the full record screen, click Edit Record.
2. Edit the record.
3. Click Save to Catalog when you have completed editing. This action will add your library symbol to the item in WorldCat and will export the record.
4. Repeat the process as many times as needed for materials. Select another record by matching the record to the item, editing, saving to the catalog and exporting the record.
Edit Record Mode
The screen shot above shows editable fields in the “Label Display” mode. By clicking on the “MARC Display On” button, the view changes to display the MARC field tags and subfield codes below.
6. Fields you can Edit
049 holding library code – you must add the 4th. character denoting location
020 price
09x Call number
500 General notes field
520 Summary note field
521 Target Audience
526 Study program information note
590 nonpublic note
852 Location data
Note: You can use multiple fields for item information. Just click Add more locations.
Your local system may require a separate 852 field for each holding library code. You can also delete location fields. Your system must be capable of accepting 852 fields to be able to add location data.
To edit, add text in the relevant boxes. Use drop down menus as appropriate. The date you enter is added to what already appears in the bibliographic record (eg. 520 note). The ONLY field you must complete is the 049 holding library code. If your library has only one holding code this should appear automatically.
Note: This is the place to attach a cool abstract from a sound recording from another viewed record while it is still in the copy buffer. Click control v to add it.
7. Preview Mode
Once you have completed your editing, you may preview your edits by clicking on the preview button.
Preview Mode
If you are satisfied with the edits you have made, click on the Save to Catalog button. Your holding symbol will be added to the record.
8. Errors
Should you make a cataloging error while editing, Express will prompt you to make corrections as follows:
1. When the Error screen appears (a red error box will appear), click Fix errors.
2. Type the correct data in the red field and click Save to Cat.
Note: If you discover an existing error in a record, report those errors to OCLC by submitting the “WorldCat Record Change Request” form. To access this form, click on Home (on the top black bar) and select the form link (under Useful Links) on the lower right corner of the screen.
To Delete holdings:
If you have attached your holding code to a wrong record or if you are weeding your collection and need to update your holdings, you can delete a holding. To delete a holding, retrieve the appropriate record with a search, and click on Delete Holdings. At the prompt (delete OCLC Symbol?) click YES. Changes in the holdings take effect immediately. If you make an error, simply search for and display the item again and delete.
9. Action buttons
Action buttons will vary from screen to screen depending on what is displayed. There are three functions for the action buttons:
- Navigation
- Display options
- Cataloging actions ( MARC display, save to catalog, export, delete, clear fields, preview, etc.)
10. Exporting Records
There are two methods of retrieving exported records:
- Downloading exported records at the end of your session
(or at a later date – files are kept for 30 days)
- Setting up an EMS Electronic MARC Subscription with OCLC
(these records can be retrieved from OCLC’s Product Services Web – A file is constructed from the day’s activity and available the next day from the PSW. The records will remain there for 90 days.)
To export a record without setting your holdings, click on the button Export Only. You will receive a message that the record has been successfully exported.
11. Downloading records
To download records, go to Other Options and then Download Export Files. Select the file(s) you need and click Download.
At the File Download dialog box, select Save and then navigate to the location in which you would like to save your file. In the example below, we will save our records to the desktop in a file called, October.
Because a file with the name October already exists, we are prompted to replace it. If you do not wish to replace the file (and lose the existing records) give the file a new, unique name and click on Save.
12. Logoff
When you have completed your cataloging session, click the Logoff button on the upper right corner of your screen.
13. Record retrieval
If you have an Electronic MARC Subscription set up:
1. The day AFTER your cataloging session, go to OCLC’s Product Services Web site
( and enter your authorization and password.
2. Click on Records & Reports (upper left corner of the screen)
3. Select Electronic MARC subscription records and reports
4. Right click records you want to download.
5. If your browser is Internet Explorer , click Save Target As.
6. If your browser is Netscape Navigator, click Save Link as (from the menu of choices).
Monthly Transaction Reports are also available on the Product Services Web site. This date includes the number of setholds, deletes, searches and records delivered. (These reports will be available for 90 days.)
14. Customizing Settings
There are a few preferences that may be customized for the Express Service. Click on the General Tab and then select from the drop down menu, ‘preferences’. Among the preferences is one labeled express options. You may select your preferred record view (label or MARC), classification scheme, label format, holding code and location. If you are satisfied with the default values for these options, you do not need to make any changes in preferences.
More information:
Please refer to these free online tutorials to review today’s information.
CatExpress Quick Reference:
CatExpress Documentation:
CatExpress Tutorial:
For additional help you may also contact us at the ILLINET/OCLC Services office at the Illinois State Library by phone or email.
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