An Infinite Ocean of “No-thing-ness”
Blessings from Myrtle Beach.
I am sitting here looking out at this vast ocean, thinking about, contemplating, that infinite ocean of Love that we call God. It doesn’t really matter what we call it – God or the Tao, the Is, the Infinite Invisible, the Presence, the Christ, Spirit – these are only terms that the human mind gives to the Infinite – that which is eternal and forever is-ing. Just behind these mental images, just on the other side of this little veil, the veil of thought, is the Is-ness that we call God.
It occurred to me last night that all that we really want to do is to be so still inside, so quiet that we feel the movement of that Is; that we feel that gentle infinite invisible Presence in our midst. Like this ocean that you hear in the background, there is an ocean of Love in the background with you always. That ocean of Love, that Infinite Invisible is your very own consciousness; it is God Consciousness, my consciousness, for there is only one. This Consciousness so loved the world that It manifested Itself as the world and that manifestation; the son of God, the daughter of God, the offspring of God, the expression of that ocean of Love is what you are. It is what I am. It has always been flowing and it will always flow into manifestation. Then the human mind speaks up and as Adam it starts naming everything.
Here, Divine Consciousness expressing, appearing as forms, as infinite form and variety, starts to be divided and named and in the very act of dividing and naming, we step out of the garden of Is, of eternal Love and expression and into a mental realm, a mental – well, we can’t say creation because it has never been created. But a mental image, and images upon images.
So we look out at the Divine Infinite Invisible appearing as, we look out at one and we see 2 and we see 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and so on and so forth. Billions of mental images, all super-imposed upon the One that is, always quietly, peacefully, expressing.
We see fat, thin, healthy, sick, wealthy, poor, male, female, young, old, tall, short, smart, stupid – all of this, mental images super-imposed upon the Divine. But the mental images are not a creation and they do not exist in the Divine Expression.
You see, what occurred to me last night or early this morning is that there are no people on earth. That is what came to me in my meditation. There are no people on earth. What we are seeing, what the eyes show us, are mental projections super-imposed upon one infinite Being. And yet, the truth is, none of these images can get outside of the human mind.
How do we know? Because when we get behind that human mind we see, we sense, we feel the Divine and if we are very still, very quiet, then the mental images are no longer operating. There is a transparency, an opening, a clear avenue of awareness through which we see the Infinite Invisible expressing Itself. This is an actual experience and we look and we say, “Oh, my God! There has been a healing!” There hasn’t. It’s not a healing we are seeing. We are simply seeing that which is, even right now going on, just as these waves continue.
You see, the other day I was reading these Kailua 1955 Study Series transcripts and I read something that Joel said about God being no-thing and suddenly something opened up. Consciousness opened up for a moment because I was very still and I saw – this is what I saw, if I can get this across – I don’t know if you can feel it but see if you can.
God is no-thing. In fact, God is no-thing-ness; no-thing-ness; nothingness and out of this infinite No-thing-ness springs forth infinite variety and form. This is the Immaculate Conception known as creation.
The Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness springs forth into infinite variety and form but it is still the Infinite No-thing-ness. We just see it as all these forms. So there are no people on earth, there is only the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness, expressing; the substance of all that is.
What about that woman you love? What about that good woman, that good guy? What about that loving parent and grandparent and that sweet, little child? I am telling you what I know to be true – there are no people on earth. What you are looking at is a mental image super-imposed on top of or in front of the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness, expressing.
Funny isn’t it? We fall in love with our mental images. If you would know the truth about those you love, it becomes necessary to realize that you know nothing about the Invisible No-thing-ness that is right there just behind the mental image. It becomes necessary to know that you are looking through a glass darkly.
There is an invisible Something that is the reality of those you love and even the reality of those you don’t particularly care about. It is when you recognize that there are no mental images on earth that you can set those aside, become still, enter the silence and the No-thing-ness, the Infinite Invisible Itself will reveal Itself to you right where you were looking at a person. Then you shall know that they are just as infinite as the Infinite Itself because they are the Infinite and the result of this is you will bring forth that Infinite; your recognition of the Infinite makes it appear and we call that a healing. But, in fact, no one has been healed; the Infinite Invisible has been revealed.
These were some of the thoughts and inner stirrings that came to me last night as I meditated and I wondered if anyone would be interested to receive this and feel it.
Now, let me read you something again that you are so familiar with that you might say, “Well, we’ve heard that before.” See if this doesn’t say exactly what we have been saying.
The sense which presents pictures of discord and inharmony, disease and death, is the universal mesmerism which produces the entire dream of human existence.
Now if human existence is a dream then there are no people, no humans on earth.
It must be understood that there is no more reality to harmonious human existence than to discordant world conditions. It must be realized that the entire human scene is mesmeric suggestion, and we must rise above the desire for even good human conditions.
We do not want a good human life because what would we have? We would still have a glass darkly, wouldn’t we? We would still have a mental image. We would still be living in the mental image of a person.
In your meditation as you practice this with those around you—there are no people on earth. The Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness is Itself expressing Itself. It is manifesting, appearing as form—make sure that you remember to turn it toward yourself. Look at yourself. There are no people on earth. The Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness is expressing as my being. It is Itself that which I am, for I am not a people; I am not a person; I am not a persona; I am not a mask. I am the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness in expression.
To continue, understand fully – now this understand fully does not mean get a mental, intellectual understanding of this; it means move into it with your being and feel it. So feel this; suggestion, belief or hypnotism is the substance or fabric of the whole mortal universe.
Does that mean that this world is an illusion out here? No, it does not. This is a spiritual world, a spiritual universe. The Infinite Invisible, the No-thing-ness, is the divine creation, this spiritual universe and it is one and it is perfect and it is is-ing. What you must feel is that your mental images which divided up into 6 billion individuals and trillions upon trillions of individual forms, individual identities, this you must get the feel, is hypnotism. It is the fabric of the whole mortal universe and humans and human conditions, both good and evil, are dream pictures having no reality or permanence and really only taking place in the mind.
Be willing for the harmonious as well as the inharmonious conditions of mortal existence to disappear from your experience in order that reality may be known and enjoyed and lived and felt.
So in your meditation, whether it is for a healing for yourself or someone else or whether it is just to experience this infinite invisible Presence, it is necessary to first feel that everything the senses are showing you about individual lives; it is first necessary in your meditation to recognize that these are mental images not created by God and not to be believed. When you recognize that you can stop trying to improve them. You can set them aside. You can come within and you can ask, “Father, reveal Your Self, Your creation. Open my inner eye that I may see the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness manifesting. Let me see behind this little veil to the invisible Presence which permeates its entire creation. Let me see that perfect Presence, that one Presence appearing infinitely.” Then be still, remain open, remain receptive and let It reveal Itself.
This is the way to awaken. This is the way to come out of this prison of mental images, to step behind the veil into the Infinite Invisible.
We listen to the sound of these waves of this ocean in the background and it seems as if it has always been here, millions upon millions of years. Yet we are told that when we come into the experience of our oneness with the Infinite, we will know the glory we had with the Father before the world was. Do you know that this should happen in your meditation? In each meditation you should become so still that you experience the glory you had with the Father before the world was.
When you rise above the mental images, even if only for a moment, you step out of the world of concepts and you catch a glimpse of the glory of that which is, that which was and that which shall ever be; your true abiding place.
Within your being is this Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness which is Consciousness. Your part in this is to rest in that consciousness. Your part now is to stop thinking, stop wanting, stop desiring, stop fearing, stop worrying, and stop looking at mental images and rest. Your part now is to be a beholder, stand a little to the side and watch. It comes in a moment ye think not.
The Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness is flowing. But in this moment of silence, you feel It flowing; you feel It. You feel Me at the center of your being because I express in you.
Really, says Joel, God is living Its life as you. There is no such thing as God and you. that is why we cannot add God to our humanhood because we would be trying to add the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness to a mental image. Of course, it cannot be done. But if we rest back on this infinite sea of Spirit, a miracle takes place. We feel Its movement. We feel Its rhythm. We feel Its eternity. We feel Its love. This is realization and in the feeling it, it transforms all that we thought we were looking at and dissolves it, revealing Itself.
In the beginning we hardly notice, it is like these waves coming up on the shore here. One wave, two waves, we hardly notice that with each wave it is dissolving a little bit of the sand. It is the same in our meditations. One experience, two experiences, we hardly perceive that with each meditation, it is dissolving a part of these mental images; yet, it is. And when these mental images go, and as they are dissolved, more and more of the reality of the Infinite Invisible becomes apparent to us.
This is why we cannot—should not—meditate in order to achieve a material goal. God has no awareness of your material world. Come up higher than that. Step outside of that mind in your meditation and you may experience this Infinite Invisible which will dissolve your material world.
Do you see how impossible, really how ridiculous it is to tell this Infinite Invisible how to manifest and express Itself? Start coming within now, in your meditation and in your prayer work, with absolutely no request, except one:
Dear beloved, dear Father, O’ Infinite Invisible, express Your Self. Let me be still and see the beauty and wonders of Your divine Presence appearing as form.
All that we ever had to do—ever—is to stop trying to live and create and build a personal life.
I tell you, in the stepping aside, this entire ocean of Love rushes to fill the vacuum with Its glorious Self and fill the vacuum it does, appearing as harmony of being, harmony of purse, harmony of life and body, harmony of home and business, harmony of relationships.
Ever, All, Itself, the Infinite Invisible No-thing-ness, silently awaits within your consciousness, as your consciousness, in the background. Just behind the veil of mental images, of thinking, of thought.
Do me this one favor, would you? This week make it your business to remember, several times a day, to simply step aside; allow the thinking to be still and invite this infinite invisible Presence, this No-thing-ness, to flow into active expression and then rest. After the invitation, rest.
Do this for a few minutes in the morning and several times a day as you have the opportunity, and again in the night if you happen to awaken. Just invite the infinite invisible Being to open your eyes to Its expression; to Its manifestation and then rest.
In this way, you shall awaken. When you awaken, you shall be satisfied with your likeness.
Now, let us rest for a minute and attune ourselves with the ocean of Being which is our consciousness. Let us rest; let us listen and behold It and feel Its movement.
And I hear within my being:
Beloved child, I am always with you, awaiting only for your recognition and in your recognition, as you rest in My arms, I rush forward to give you My all, My Being, My Love, forever.
I am silent before the Divine.