An analysis of English for Palestine Grade (6)term (2) 2013-2014تحليل محتوي لصف السادس فصل ثاني

Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment / Feedback
Unit (10)
/ Students will be able to:
1)Practise new vocabulary related to the lesson.
2)Develop an understanding of a listening material.
3)Skim and scan a conversation about "a visit to the Dead sea", as well as practising related vocabulary.
4)Answering questions based on a reading text.
5)Asking and answering questions about" a visit to the Dead sea".
6)Practise using the present perfect tense with (ever) and . asking and answering some questions using past simple tense.
7)Practise using punctuation marks .
8)Practise asking and answering questions using the present perfect tense.
9)Practise making a brochure of interesting places or animals. / 1)Some vocabulary related to "A visit to the Dead sea" such as: [desert ,mud , oasis, salty,…etc] along with a variety of activities and exercises (e.g., repetition, matching, completion,).
2)A conversation about "A visit to the Dead sea", as well as several activities (e.g., repetition, answering questions, multiple choice, completion, (T) or (F)) .
3)Several activities about present perfect tense using (ever) in asking questions.
4)Several activities tackling the various assigned vocabulary and structural points included in the unit.
5)Many Illustrative pictures about " the Dead sea and the desert animals",.
6) some activities using punctuation marks. / 1)A recorded material about " A visit to the Dead sea",.
2)The activities and exercises along with some texts and pictures in PB.
3)A recorded material about The Dead sea and the desert animals.
4)The various activities and exercises of the PB about present perfect tense.
5)Some extra exercises and worksheets prepared by the teacher about present perfect tense.
6)Posters, flash cards, and realia related to the lesson.. / 1)Oral observation of students' participations and elicitations
2)Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in the PB.
3)Carrying out the extra activities and exercises given by the teacher.
4) Ss' involvement and participation.
5)Teacher's guidance and observation.
6) Observation of Ss' group work activities .
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment / Feedback
Unit (11)
/ Students will be able to:
1)Practise new vocabulary related to "Exciting things to do".
2)Develop an understanding of a listening material about "Exciting things to do".
3)Skim, scan and discuss the conversation about "Exciting things to do"., as well as practising related vocabulary.
4)Practise asking and answering questions about the related lesson.
5)Practise using present perfect tense with (never).
6)Practise using new vocabulary based on listening.
7)Practise identifying exciting activities.
8)Practise using punctuation marks (capital, full stop and an apostrophe) .
9)Practise making a zigzag book. / 1)Some vocabulary related to "Exciting things to do". such as: {cave, coral, flippers, goggles, star, …. Etc}, along with various activities and exercises ( e.g., repetition, matching, completion, circle ).
2)A conversation about "Exciting things to do". along with many activities ( e.g., completion, answering questions, (T) or (F)).
3)Several activities in the PB about present perfect tense. ( never).
4)Some Illustrative pictures .
5)An exercise about using the unit vocabulary in asking and answering questions.
6)An exercise about writing correct sentences. / 1)A recorded material about vocabulary.
2)A recorded material about "Exciting things to do" activities .
3)The activities and exercises of the PB in addition to some exercises and worksheets prepared by the teacher.
4)A recorded poem about a related lesson.
5)Posters, flash cards, and realia. / 1)Oral observation of students' participations and elicitations
2)Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in PBand the exercises given by the teacher.
3)Ss' involvement and participation.
4)Ss' answers and T's feedback.
5)Teacher's guidance and support.
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment / Feedback
Unit (12)
/ Students will be able to:
1)Practise using some vocabulary related to "At the clinic".
2)Develop an understanding of a listening material about "At the clinic".
3)Skim and scan a reading material about "At the clinic"..
4)Practise asking and answering questions about "At the clinic"..
5)Practise talking about illnesses.
6)Practise using present perfect tense with ( since and for ).
7)Practise new vocabulary based on listening.
8)Practise using ( until).
9)Practise using punctuation marks.
10) Practise making a questionnaire to do a survey. / 1)Some vocabulary related to "At the clinic".such as; { backache, cough, fever, flu, sick, sneeze, until, …etc}, along with several activities and exercises (e.g., repetition, matching, multiple choice, and completion)
2)Two conversations related to "At the clinic"., along with various activities and exercises (e.g., completion, wh questions, (T) or (F)).
3)Many activities and exercises about present perfect tense with (since and for ).
4)Some exercises about using (until).
5)An exercise about punctuation marks: capital letters , full stops and exclamation mark). / 1)A recorded material about vocabulary.
2)A recorded material about "At the clinic"..
3)The activities and exercises of the PB.
4)A recorded material about an adventure.
5)Some extra activities and worksheets prepared by the teacher.
6)Posters, flash cards, pictures, and realia. / 1)Observing students' participations and elicitations
2)Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in PB.
3) Carrying out some activities and work sheets prepared by the teacher.
4)Teacher's guidance , support, and observation.
5)Ss' participation and answers.
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment / Feedback
Unit (13)
/ Students will be able to:
1)Practise using some new vocabulary, related to the lesson.
2)Develop an understanding of a listening material about the related lesson.
3)Skim and scan some conversations related to the lesson.
4)Practise asking and answering questions about the related lesson.
5)Practise using present simple facts ( revise).
6)Practise using adjectives.
7)Practise new vocabulary based on listening.
8)Practise using the unit vocabulary to complete the crossword.
9)Recall using punctuation marks.
10)Practise making a cartoon strip showing the weather . / 1) Some vocabulary related
to the lesson such as{air,
cloud, cycle, rain, rise,.}
along with various
activities and exercises
(e.g., repetition,
matching, completion,
and spelling) .
2) A listening material
about the lesson along
with some exercises and
3) Some conversations
related to the lesson along
with many exercises
(e.g., wh questions,
completion, (T) or (F)).
4) Several activities and
exercises about present
5) Some activities about
using the unit words.
6) An activity about
punctuation marks:
capital letter and full
stop. / 1)A recorded material about new vocabulary.
2)A recorded material related to the lesson.
3)The various activities and exercise of the PB in addition to some extra activities and work sheets prepared by the teacher.
4)Posters, word cards, pictures, and realia. / 1)Oral observation of students' participations and elicitations
2)Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in the PB.
3)Ss' involvement and participation.
4)Teacher's guidance, support, and observation.
5)Ss' answers.
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment / Feedback
Unit (15)
/ Students will be able to:
1) Practise using some new
vocabulary, related to" Great explorers".
2) Develop an understanding of a
listening material about" Great explorers".
3) Skim and scan some conversations
related to" Great explorers".
4) Practise asking and answering
questions about " Great explorers"..
5) Practise giving opinions (agreeing / disagreeing).
6) Practise new vocabulary based
on listening.
7) Practise using( Comparatives /Superlatives ).
8) Practise using punctuation marks.
9) Practise making information cards about some explorers. / 1) Some vocabulary related
to " Great explorers" .such as
{ compass, direction, Earth, east, explore, ocean,etc}
along with various
activities and exercises
(e.g., repetition,
matching, completion,
and spelling) .
2) A listening material
about the lesson along with
some exercises and
3) Some conversations
related to the lesson
along with many
exercises (e.g., wh
questions, completion,
(T) or (F)).
4) Several activities and
exercises about giving opinions .
5) Some activities about
using (comparative and superlative).
6) An activity about
punctuation marks:
capital letter and full
stop. / 1) A recorded
material about
2) A recorded
material related
to to the lesson .
3) The various activities and exercise of the PB, in addition to some extra activities and work sheets prepared by the teacher.
4) Posters, word cards and pictures. / 1) Oral
observation of
and elicitations.
2) Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in the PB.
3) Ss' involvement and participation.
4) Teacher's guidance, support, and observation.
8) Ss' answers.
9) Elicitation
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment
Unit (16)
/ Students will be able to:
1) Practise using some new
vocabulary, related to the lesson.
2) Develop an understanding of a
listening material about the related lesson.
3) Skim and scan some conversations
related to the lesson.
4) Practise asking and answering
questions about the lesson.
5) Practise giving reasons using (because) .
6) Practise using verbs followed by –ing form as well as verbs to + infinitive .
7) Practise new vocabulary based
on listening.
8) Practise using punctuation marks.
9) Practise making aposter using some pictures.
. / 1) Some vocabulary related
to the lesson, such as
{ brave, don't mind, friendly, generous, hate,..etc},
along with various
activities and exercises
(e.g., repetition,
matching, completion,
and spelling) .
2) A listening material
about the lesson , along with
some exercises and
3) Some conversations
related to the lesson, along with
many exercises (e.g.,
wh questions,
completion,(T) or (F)).
4) Several activities and
exercises about using (because) in giving reasons.
5) Some activities about
Asking and answering questions using (because).
6) An activity about
punctuation marks.
. / 1) A recorded
material about
new vocabulary.
2) A recorded
material related
to the lesson .
3) The various
activities and
exercise in the
PB, in addition
to some extra
activities and
work sheets
prepared by the
4) Posters, word
Cards and pictures. / 1) Oral observation of students' participations and elicitations.
2) Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in the PB.
3) Ss' involvement and participation.
4) Teacher's guidance, support, and observation.
5) Ss' answers.
6) elicitation
Month / Unit / Aims / Contents / Resources / Assessment
Unit (17)
/ Students will be able to:
1) Practise using some new
vocabulary, related to "Good manners".
2) Develop an understanding of a
listening material about "Good manners".
3) Skim and scan some conversations
related to "Good manners"..
4) Practise asking and answering
questions about "Good manners".
5) Practise introducing adverbs of manner.
6) Practise new vocabulary based
on listening.
7) Practise using punctuations.
8) Practise making a poster showing good and bad manners . / 1) Some vocabulary related
to "Good manners". such
as { clearly, complain, interrupt, librarian,…. etc},
along with various
activities and exercises
(e.g., repetition,
matching, completion,
and spelling) .
2) A listening material
about the"Good manners".
along with some
exercises and
3) Some conversations
related to the "Good manners"., along with
many exercises (e.g.,
wh questions,
completion,(T) or (F)).
4) Several activities and
exercises introducing adverbs of manner.
5) An activity about
punctuation marks:
capital letter and full
stop, and apostrophe.. / 1) A recorded
material about
new vocabulary.
2) A recorded
material related
to the "Good manners"..
3) The various
activities and
exercise in the
PB, in addition
to some extra
activities and
work sheets
prepared by the
4) Posters, word
Cards and pictures.
. / 1) Oral observation of students' participations and elicitations.
2) Carrying out the assigned activities and exercises in the PB.
3) Ss' involvement and participation.
4) Teacher's guidance, support, and observation.
5) Ss' answers.
6) elicitation

أعداد المدرس : رمزي علي أبو حجاج

لغة انجليزية

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