A new Soviet Construction Number Explanations file, which contains comprehensive information about the Soviet construction number systems,and where these numbers can be found on aircraft, for all aircraft types in the Soviet Transports database and files became available. This file can be downloaded free at the oldwings.nl website. As well the Russian location file for the non-official IATA codes, present on the on line database at the is fully renewed.
An-2P1 93(473)11--ENS 18mar12hangared, for use by the fire service there
An-21 96(473)05"05" yellowTSOUYen07jun12derelict, engineless; c/n from photo description
An-21159 473 20CCCP-47687Aeroflot/Turkmenistandam23nov71collided with a radio balloon but repaired
An-21G29-17RA-78735not knownOvy15may12derelict, c/n not confirmed; in basic 'polar' Aeroflot c/s
An-2TP1G100-33RA-32382Aeroflot c/sphoto 05mar12at Pokrovskoye, derelict, missing propeller
An-2T1G108-13RF-00643ROSTOCht24jun12c/n clearly visible on photo; ex RF-00343
An-2TP1G137-19RA-70145Aeroflot c/s, n/tphotofuselage mounted in building (N50.95530 E46.94652)
An-2P1G140-36CCCP-70332Tura Air Enterprisef/n16may12red Aeroflot c/s, with titles, fuselage only, no engine
An-2R1G150-44UR-07409rgd27apr93canx 27dec96
An-2R1G155-40RA-07585not knownh/o17sep04by Torgovy Dom "NAPO" to Selkhozaviatsiya Yeisk
An-2R1G158-04UR-07684Avialinii Ukrayinyrgd27apr93f/n RWN 27jun95; canx 10jul95
An-2R1G158-54UR-07724rgd26apr93canx 04nov96
An-2R1G164-22CCCP-16068Aeroflotmay12preserved Ivanovskoye Military Technical Museum
An-2R1G168-39LY-AEIKlaipéda13may12Murcia-Los Martinez del Puerto now preserved
An-2R1G171-22RF-00901ROSTOw/o04sep05c/n now known, ex RA-92965
An-2R1G178-28UR-62636rgd26apr93f/n Vinnitsa 10may98 in ARZ-421; canx 26aug04
An-2R1G178-30UR-62638rgd26apr93canx 23jun94
An-2R1G188-48RF-02708(2)not knownh/o17sep04to Selkhozaviatsiya Yeisk; ex RA-(CCCP-)84523
An-2R1G189-35RA-84568RegionAviaphoto 02jun12at Boguchany; in basic 'blue' Aeroflot c/s with own titles
An-2R1G201-39RA-84721Yug Linergd30jul08to Ganimed IK; ex RF-02333(2)
An-2R1G203-39N7052NPleasant Aviation LLCrgd05jun12registered in Mount Pleasant, Texas
An-2R1G207-03RA-17958Yug Linergd31jan07to Ganimed IK
An-2R1G208-30UR-81530rgd27apr93canx 28oct00
An-2R1G210-31--Fly LPIphoto 04feb12pres. Palma Son Bonet (N39.604844 E2.7040121)
An-2R1G212-29CCCP-32724Aeroflot/Kazakhstanphoto 06oct09at Ungirli (N49.334631 E67.06677), stored, complete
An-2R1G216-32150Macedonian Air Forcephoto 17may12at Petrovec; ex VAM-150
An-2R1G220-53RA-40263RegionAvia02jun12at Boguchany; in basic 'blue' Aeroflot c/s with own titles
An-2R1G221-48RA-403122nd Arkhangelsk AE11jun12disappeared, being taken from Serov on an illegal flight
An-2R1G222-26RA-3237Knot knownh/o17sep04by Torgovy Dom "NAPO" to Selkhozaviatsiya Yeisk
An-2R1G231-04RA-014242nd Sverdlovsk AETjp10apr12no titles; engineless
An-2R1G232-52RA-33618Yug Linergd02apr08to Ganimed IK
An-2R1G233-47RA-33654no titlesPus02jun12in basic 'blue' Aeroflot c/s
An-2R1G234-34RA-02203(1)Yug LineEIK20may12small titles under stabiliser; ex RF-00519
An-2R---RF-02333(3)DOSAAFrgd03nov09not be c/n 1G201-39, not on DOSAAF register 20jan10
An-2T---RF-02354(3)DOSAAFrgd03nov09not be c/n 1G235-31, not on DOSAAF register 20jan10
An-2---no regred/white c/sphotoapr11pres. at Nowa Sarzyna (N54.042259 E19.045023)
An-2---216 & 218North Korean Air ForceHsd18may12(Hsd = Hamhung-Sondok)
An-2---283 & 288North KoreanAir ForceHsd17may12
An-2---294 & 517North Korean Air ForceHsd 17may12
An-2---614 & 621North Korean Air ForceHsd 17may12
An-2---628 & 544North Korean Air ForceHsd 17may12
An-2---668 & 737North Korean Air ForceHsd 17may12
An-2---947 & 953North Korean Air ForceHsd 18may12
An-12B40 19 01EK-11986Air Highnessescanxsep11reported donated to Minsk Borovaya Aviation Museum
An-12BK9 34 62 05D2-MBUAngolan Air ForceAAQ14jun12c/n from russianplanes.net; ex UR-11316
An-12---CCCP-75892Soviet AF/AFL titlesFEG1969
An-24B6 73 028 01UR-49253Avialini Ukraini c/s, n/tIEV26jun99officially canx 15nov01, fate ?
An-24RV4 73 100 07RA-46528Khabarovsk AviaOHO 24may12basic Nordavia colour scheme
An-24RV3 73 084 10UR-46514AeroSvitLum21jun12preserved Lugansk, parts still missing
An-24B9 99 021 07UR-BXAVVOSSPZU12jun12wfu
An-26RT04 04not knownSoviet Air Forcenoreportsin a Russian document as served in Afghanistan
An-2649 01RA-26610no titles2012preserved close to the former Norilsk-Nadezhda airport
An-2668 07RF-46876Russian NavyAAQ08jun12with whale motif on fuselage; still wearing "59" blue
An-2684 07RF-46878Russian NavyAAQ24jun12also coded "30" blue; 'MA VMF Rossii' titles
An-26120 07RF-26259FSBJOK01jun12c/n from russianplanes.net
An-26---RF-93999Russian Air ForceTvermay12grey colour scheme
An-26---3X-GGNall-white c/s, n/tFJR 18may12
An-26---11259Chinese Air Forcemay12opb 4th Division/12th Regiment
M28-TD1AJ 010-031003Polish Navytrf12apr12f/n at Gdynia Babie Doly 13apr12; l/n OSR 21may12
M28AJE 003-05N305STStraight Flightrgd02may12
M28AJE 003-1709-0317USAF Special OperationsSTR20may12opb 318th SOS; ex N317JG
M28AJE 003-2009-0320USAF Special OperationsSTR20may12opb 318th SOS; l/n PIK 26may12; ex N824KD
An-72-100D365 720 30 425UP-AN721 KazAirJetGMLjun12test flying, smartly painted and clean; l/n IEV 20jun12
An-72S365 720 30 455RF-90338 Russian Air ForceIva30mar12still with 'RA-72910' on the wing
An-74TK200365 470 98 976"19" blue Turkmen Air ForceKrn22may12 r/o in sand/brown camo c/s with light blue undersides
An-72---RF-90453Russian Air ForceIva30mar12l/n Rostov na Donu Tsentralny 21may12
An-124977305 3 6 16017RF-50614 Russian Air Forcergd03aug10no sightings yet; l/n as RA-82010 19apr12
An-140-10012A015RA-41258Russian Air Forceh/o planned for jun12
Be-12N3 60 28 02RF-12012Russian NavyAAQ26jun12carries code "28" yellow as well
Il-1230 266CCCP-L1434Aeroflot/Georgiaw/o20aug49encountered severe thunderstorms near Belgorod
Il-12P30 267CCCP-L1435Aeroflot/West Siberiaw/o23jan53collided with Li-2 CCCP-L4582 due to ATC error
Il-128 30 26 04CCCP-L1462Aeroflot/Kazakhstanw/o20sep49after t/o Lyubertsy, the left engine lost oil and failed
Il-12T---5105Chinese Air Forcephotoin natural metal c/s
Il-14M---CCCP-91546Aeroflot/Polarphoto1968at Sovrudnik; version to be confirmed
Il-14T---VN-C516Háng Không Viêtnam01may12now preserved at the Hanoi Military History Museum
Il-38N8900 104 07 ?"15" yellowRussian NavyZuk17aug09one Il-38N tender and one 'new' Il-38N seen in 2008/09
Il-20M175 0116 05no codeRussian Air ForcePus02jun12c/n read off blanking covers near nose gear as '11605'
Il-76TD00234 37090EY-60931may12opb Silkline KWN-KWI this date; ex EK-76464
Il-76TD00634 71147UR-CIVZetAviaBRQ29apr12in basic ex-Aeroflot c/s with white tail, no titles
Il-76TD00834 83502?EY-627 ex South Airlines c/sDWC27apr12c/n not confirmed; l/n DWC 19jun12; ex EK-76599(2) ?
Il-76MF10634 21724 ?360Jordanian Int.Air Cargophoto08dec11ex JY-JIC ? (JY-JID carries 361)
Il-76TD-9021234 22752RA-76511(2)Volga-Dneprh/o16may12at Ulyanovsk-Vostochny; f/n HAM 21jun12
Il-76MF20.34 23808JY-JIDJordanian Int.Air CargoZuk22jun12wearing military serial '361' below JY-JID
Il-114-100.0.38 00209UK-91109Uzbekistand/d planned for jun12
Ka-2674 047 17HA-MCDCessna Szolg. Bt.30may12seen Szedeg wrecked and completely stripped
Ka-26---EW-331CMsilver/blue07jun12in the Pinst Region; no titles but some badge on the tail
Ka-32A11BC---RF-32805MChS RossiiZuk15jun12
L-410UVP81 07 21UR-SKDSkydancew/o10jun12on a paradropping flight from Kiev-Borodyanka
L-410UVP82 08 04RF-01010Sokol-NNAvn FactoryNig22jan12c/n from Planes.CZ; ex RA-3156K
L-410UVP85 14 21HR-AXCCM AirlinesRTB28apr12c/n now known
L-410UVP-E388 21 34RA-94601DZ YegoryevskGry10jun12still in Air Force c/s with red star
L-410UVP-E2092 27 265Y-VVEall-white c/s, n/tjan12and jun12 at Kichwa Tembo with collapsed nose gear
L-410UVP-E2028 12OK-SLZAircraft Industriesrgd16may12
L-410UVP-E2028 13OK-ODJ (2)KrasAviaUHE12jun12delivered this day; additional 'Kransnoyarski krai' titles
L-410UVP-E2028 14OK-ODSKrasAviargd11jun12f/n UHE jun12; additional 'Kransnoyarski krai' titles
Li-2184 304 04CCCP-L4582Aeroflot/Northernw/o23jan53collided with Il-12 CCCP-L1435 due to ATC error
Li-2---CCCP-L4322Aeroflotphotoin natural metal or grey c/s with 'lightning-bolt' cheatline
Li-2---CCCP-N608Polyarnaya Aviatsiyanoreportsflew ice reconnaissance missions 05jul/11sep53
Li-2---310North Korean Air ForceHsd 17may12
Mi-1---19390DOSAAFJrw04aug11carried also code "01" white; preserved on a pole
Mi-254 4918 086UR-14278(1)TSOU/Ukraine Air Forcergd27apr93canx 13aug08
Mi-254 7702 062UR-20747Kremenchug Flying Sch.rgd03may93canx 17jun08
Mi-254 8720 064UR-20955Skif-AviaKchmay11canx 21mar12
Mi-254 8731 064UR-23359Kremenchug Flying Sch.rgd03may93canx 17jun08
Mi-25410608 048RA-2814Knot knownh/o17sep04to Selkhozaviatsiya Yeis; ex RA-15672(2)
Mi-2---RF-01074ROSTOphoto unknowntaken at Yaroslavl-Karachikha
Mi-2---EW-336AODOSAAF BelarusiMsb 13may12in olive drab/green/brown camo c/s, no titles
Mi-2---UP-MI223Kazakhstan PoliceDMD22jun12large 'Police" titles in English
Mi-4A11 96CCCP-19162Aeroflot/Yakutiyaw/o19sep64in bad weather near Uchur, wreck found only 03oct74
Mi-6A72 61 08VUR-21146Kremenchug Flying Sch.rgd03may93and already canx 15may03
Mi-6A07 12UR-21063Kremenchug Flying Sch.rgd03may93and already canx 15may03
Mi-8T03 53UR-22949not knownrgd27apr93canx 15jan03
Mi-8T48 85RA-25947UTairphoto 15oct07in all-white c/s; preserved at Beloyarski
Mi-8T80 15RA-22630YamalEngels 01jun12in full c/s
Mi-8T9 72 18 12UR-22514(2)not knownrgd27apr93canx 13aug08; see c/n 0321
Mi-8MSB9 73 29 11UR-MSBMotor-Sichfeb12underwent trials on the Crimea; l/n OZH 24mar12
Mi-8TV9 78 55 43RF-23193FSBKhb15aug11opb 8 oao Khabarovsk-Tsentralny; l/n there 18may12
Mi-8MTV9 4759RF-90409Russian Air ForceVla30may12carried also code "01" red
Mi-8MTV-29 4987"307" whiteRussian Air ForceEngels 16jun12in grey c/s with 'VVS Rossii' titles and Russian stars
Mi-8MTV-29 5136RF-93509Russian Air ForceEngels 20jun12also carried code "10" yellow
Mi-8MTV-19 6698RF-23160FSBVVO 23may12opb 8 oao at Khabarovsk-Tsentralny; c/n known now
Mi-8MTV-19 6738RF-31133MChS RossiiVLE31mar12with weather radar; opb 235 osae at Cheremshanka
Mi-17159489607857 ?not knownChinese Army ?noreportsunder overhaul with UUARZ in 2011 as '7857'
Mi-17159489607858 ?not knownChinese Army ?noreportsunder overhaul with UUARZ in 2011 as '7858'
Mi-17159489607860 ?not knownChinese Army ?noreportsunder overhaul with UUARZ in 2011 as '7860'
Mi-17159489607801 ?not knownChinese Army ?noreportsunder overhaul with UUARZ in 2011 as '7801'
Mi-8MNP-2AMTS00643104507 ?not known not knownnoreportsmodified by MVZ Milya in 2011/12, in docs as '4507'
Mi-8MNP-2AMTS00643104508 ?not known not knownnoreportsmodified by MVZ Milya in 2011/12, in docs as '4508'
Mi-8PPV---no codeRussian Air ForcePus02jun12no markings apart from Red Stars
Mi-24V3532423015601"14" red Russian Air Forcephoto19oct08preserved in the Yekaterinburg garrison
Mi-24P3532422826114RF-93635 Russian Air ForcePus02jun12also coded "42" red; opb AvGr 549 AvB at Pribylovo
Mi-24P---RF-93141Russian Air Forcephoto 14jun12also carried code "20" red; opb 393 AvB at Koryonovsk
Mi-26T34001212465EW-260TFMChS BelarusiBua23jun12see the photo caption of camo c/s Mi-26 "27" white
Mi-35M---"207" whiteAzerbaijani Air ForceRoc07jun12in dark green c/s without markings apart from serial
Mi-35M---"208" whiteAzerbaijani Air ForceRoc07jun12in dark green c/s without markings apart from serial
Mi-35P---NAF528Nigerian Air ForceKAD 16may12flying
Mi-35P---NAF529Nigerian Air ForceKAD 15may12operational
Mi-35P---NAF532Nigerian Air ForceKAD 15may12active again after store period
Mi-26TS071 217EW-330TFHeraklioBBU 16may12in grey c/s with orange and blue trim; ex RA-06295
W-3AS31 02 05EC-LMOHispanica de Aviacionrgd31may11was temporary registered; finally registered 19sep11
W-3AS31 03 06EC-LQAHispanica de Aviacionrgd24feb12was temporary registered; finally registered 14may12
W-3AS31 03 20EC-LMCHispanica de Aviacionrgd04may11was temporary registered; finally registered 16sep11
W-3AS31 03 21EC-LMDHispanica de Aviacionrgd04may12was temporary registered; finally registered 19sep11
SM-92T---"257" blackFSBPushkin apr12got some special equipment on the side of the fuselage
SSJ100-95B95 021EK-95016 ?Armavianoreportsnamed 'Frunzik Mkrtchyan' after an Armenian actor
Tu-134A-362179RA-65756RusLineGOJ12jun12in process of being broken up
Tu-134A-363750RA-65903RusLineGOJ25jun12seen scrapped, just tail remained
Tu-134A-366120RA-65915YamalTJM 14may12still complete, scrapped by 22may12
Tu-154B77A191P-553Air Koryo17nov10retired according to Air Koryo's Facebook and b/u
Tu-154B-280A432RA-85432Ural AirlinesSVX 21may12in the process of being broken up
Tu-154M87A757RA-85628Sibir05jun12towed to future Novosibirsk Aviation Museum
Tu-204-1001450742564017RA-64017 Red WingsVKO18jun12in light grey c/s with orange belly and tail
Yak-14464 01 01not knownSoviet Air Forcemfdjan48tested by NII VVS, towed by Il-12 c/n 30172
Yak-18T8 20 14 16D-EFKZreserv.2012ex CCCP-44261
Yak-18T22202034069D-EUDHreserv.2012c/n was destr. in 1993, repaired or dodgy paperwork ?
Yak-18T22202040425D-EHVNA.Neuhauserreserv.2012ex RA-2933K which is German based
Yak-409 91 04 03CCCP-87689Aeroflot/Tajikistan-LQXw/o12jun80full story now in on line database
Yak-409 01 03 10CCCP-87738Aeroflot/Ukraine-DNKw/o30mar77full story now in on line database
Yak-409 14 03 20UR-87642Antanik-AviaODSmay12broken up at Odessa
Yak-409 21 18 20RA-87655Tsentr-YugEGO 21may12white c/s with titles and blue V-A logo on tail
Yak-409 32 06 28CCCP-87291Aeroflot/Armenia-LWNw/o19apr83full story now in on line database
Yak-409 34 20 31RP-C2805InterIsland AirlinesMNL 15mar12wfu
Yak-409 41 15 32CCCP-87384Aeroflot/Uzbekistantrf24oct90canx nov90 as sold to Afghanistan
Yak-409 43 11 36CCCP-87454Aeroflot/Northern-VGDw/o16nov79full story now in on line database
Yak-409 53 08 42UP-Y4015Irtysh-AirALA02jun12with extra TOO Gamma titles
Yak-40---D2-FFQall-white c/s, n/tLAD 03may08l/n LAD 28mar09, not D2-FFO (is a Beech 350)
Yak-42D452042 39 14 323RA-42373 UTairrgdmay12
Y7-100---11350Chinese Air Forcemay12opb 4th Division/12th Regiment
MA60---MT-301Cambodian Air Forceh/o18may12serial painted as just '301'; f/n KMG 31may12