Spring 2018
Time: Friday 12:00-13:40
Place: 106
Instructor: Cserép Attila
Office hours: Thursday 15:00-16:00 and Friday 15:50-16:50
Office: 1/3
Course aim and material
This course aims to develop students’ level of proficiency, especially their knowledge of English grammar. It is offered in the hope that students will have plenty of opportunities to practise various points of grammar related to the topics listed below. It is intended to serve as a follow-up seminar covering areas which are the same as or related to those mentioned in the corresponding lecture course. The topics to be covered are as follows: irregular verbs, tenses, auxiliaries, the passive, conditional, past subjunctive, non-finite forms (infinitive, gerund, participle).
Recommended books
only rules and examples
Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy. 2006. Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press. (CGE)
Swan, Michael. 2005 (3rd edition). Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad and Geoffrey Leech. 2002. Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Pearson Education.
Sinclair, John (ed.) 2004 (2nd edition). Collins Cobuild English Usage. London: HarperCollins.
for exercises
Mark Foley and Diane Hall. 2012. My Grammar Lab: Advanced. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Mark Foley and Diane Hall. 2003. Advanced Learners’ Grammar. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Side, Richard and Guy Wellman. 1999. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency. Longman.
Hugh Gethin. 1992. Grammar in Context. Nelson.
Requirements and procedures
Practice will be done with the help of handouts distributed in advance. There is no textbook. Your homework for each seminar is to read the handout and do the exercises on the handout. The handouts will be uploaded to Google Drive. You may miss up to three classes during the term. If you miss the mid-term or end-term, you will have to write a make-up test during the last week of teaching or during the first three weeks of the exam session.
Assessment will be in the form of a practical mid-term test and end-term test. The end-term test will cover material from the entire course, its grade will therefore be weighted differently from the mid-term grade. The mid-term grade will account for one third (33%), the end-term grade for two thirds (67%) of your overall course grade. If your course grade is a failing grade (elégtelen), the end-term cannot be re-written to improve it.
Week 1 / 16 Febr / Irregular verbsPresent continuous and present simple
Past continuous and past simple
Week 2 / 23 Febr / Irregular verbs
Past simple and present perfect
Present perfect continuous and present perfect
Week 3 / 2 March / Irregular verbs
Past perfect and past simple
Past perfect continuous, past perfect and past continuous
Present and past time: review
Week 4 / 9 March / Irregular verbs
Week 5 / 16 March / HOLIDAY
Week 6 / 23 March / MID-TERM TEST
Auxiliaries and lexical verbs: be, have, do
Week 7 / 30 March / HOLIDAY
Week 8 / 6 April / CONSULTATION WEEK
Week 9 / 13 April / Modals: may, might, can, could
Week 10 / 20 April / Modals: must, need, have to
Week 11 / 27 April / Modals: shall, will, should, ought to, had better, would, dare, used to
Week 12 / 4 May / Passive
Week 13 / 11 May / Conditional and subjunctive
Week 14 / 18 May / END-TERM TEST