SAHA Board Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2015
Present: Stenberg, McCoshen, Lambert, Curtis, Piggott, Christianson, Marthaler, Nygaard, Pettingill, Franta, Crimmins
Absent: Raygor, Peterson, Berthiaume, Leif
Meetingcalled to order at 6:03pm.
Approval of Minutes:Motion to approve Januarymeeting minutes by Piggott. Second by Lambert. Unanimous approval.
Approval of Financials:Motion by McCoshen, second by Franta to approve the January financial report. Unanimous approval.
Officers Reports:
Executive Director/Rink Management: Thanks to all for a great season and let’s all remain positive through the end. The DAHA Board is considering allowing the Marshall School to form a Bantam A(A) team. Executive Director Stenberg is opposed to a Marshall team being formed to play the DAHA league. Much discussion ensued. Motion by McCoshen to issue a board resolution opposing such a team. Second by Curtis? Unanimous approval. Summer ice rentals are off to a strong start. Hermantown is pulling their ice at the end of the season for maintenance so we have picked up some rentals from that. Including rental by the Rapid Fire Hockey. We encourage everyone to welcome them back as we would like to retain some of their business going forward.
Treasurer: Finance Committee looking at different vehicles to invest the balance of the CD cashed for the Olympia(s) purchase and rebuild. Committee will report back next meeting. Harrington Fund owes SAHA $5868.75, discussion. Motion by Piggott, second by McCoshen to write off the amount owed to SAHA. Unanimous approval. Budget requests needed by May.
Committee Reports:
Finance/Insurance: We are insured.
Tournaments: Revenue is up $18,500. Early tournaments struggle filling and getting preparded. Committee will have a debrief session following the season.
Rinks & Facilities: Ohio State Women’s team (D1) inquired about using the Pond Hockey rinks at Barkers Island. They skated on the last year when they were in town to play UMD and wanted to arrange their morning skate in advance. Dave Johnson has plowed off and prepared two (2) rinks. Will have a meet and greet with our girls teams. Good publicity for SAHA.
Bylaws & Policies: Draft distributed for review and questions. Will be brought forward for a vote at the March meeting with final approval at the Annual Meeting in April.
Development: Girls “Learn to Skate” sessions scheduled.
Fundraising/Publicity: Super Raffle netted $6000.00. 133 tickets were sold.
- Pond Hockey: Preliminary number has us around $12,500 net revenue. Committee is having their debrief meeting tomorrow. Distributed a thank you letter from the “Wet Bandits” team to everyone for all the hard work that went in to the tournament and especially the recognizing the “ice crew” of Dave Johnson, Chris Stenberg, Dick Berthiaume and Brian Hubbard.
- Gilbertson: Moving forward with the planning. Saturday Night Party will likely be moved to VIP due to the closing of Roper’s. Looking for all SAHA teams to donate a basket/item worth $100 to be in the raffle.
Concessions: Income up 37% with expenses down putting the margin up close to 40%.
Motion by Lambert to adjourn, second by Curtis. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.