TMAC Board Meeting
Date: December 8, 2015 @ 6:50pm
Rein's Deli, Vernon CT
Present; Pam O’Day, Steve Basson, Diane Mathieu, Lynette Bresnahan, Karen Scotti, Pam Burek, Bob Young, Gretchen Wiedie, Martha Davis, Eileen O’Donnell, Nancy Triou. As incoming secretary we were joined by Laura Bauver.
President Pam O’Day called the meeting to order at 6:52.
Secretary’s Report; Minutes were approved by email. It was requested that a final copy be sent out to the board to be revoted on if there were final changes.
Treasurer’s Report; Steve presented an annual report which outlined profit and loss from Dec.7, 2014 until Dec 8, 2015. This included income and expenses from the various trials that we held, banquet, clothing, SNAP 4DX Clinic and seminar P&L. This also included expenses from events such as Summer picnic, Memorial donations, Library, equipment, run-thrus to name a few.
He went over Profit and Loss from Oct 18 through December 6.This covered Cluster income and expenses, donations to Heroes and Hounds, Vest a Dog and AKC PAC.
SNAP 4dx still has to be finalized. We are still expecting 5-7K of income from Cluster. 2 K has been prepaid to Star Hill for 2016.
Membership Report; Karen reported that Beth Ostrowski has applied for membership. She has paid. The BOD voted to accept via email. There have been around 35 early renewals so far.
Library & Petflix; Diane Mathieu reported several new additions to the library.
· What’s Your Angle? E-Book
Understanding Angulation and Structure for the Performance Dog. By: Helen Grinnell King E-Book
· Picking Your Performance Puppy. By: Helen Grinnell King
· Mastering Jumping Skills For Awesome Agility Dogs Vol.1 By: Linda Mecklenburg
· Shaping Success, bought an additional copy and Flatwork paperback damaged and replaced.
· There is nothing new from Petflix.
Legal Liaison; Bob Young had nothing to report from Legal. He did say that AKC news was giving kudos to clubs for various actions and donations that they are doing. TMAC needs to “sell ourselves” with all that we do. Gretchen agreed to head this.
WEB Site; Pam talked to Lorna. Chris has all of our updates. He needs to finish the pages that he has started before moving forward on other projects.
Logo Clothing update; Bob is willing to do another clothing order from LLBean. Nancy and Bob discussed getting a DST graphic file from LLBean so Nancy could send it to Lands End. We could then compare prices and products. This would be sent to Lands End Art Department. There would be a $45 fee for LE so set this up.
=>Nancy made a motion to spend $50 to get the DST file from LLBean. This would be sent to Bob who would then pass it on to Nancy. Steve seconded, Motions passed.
There was discussion whether to have a LLBean Raffle at the banquet like last year.
=>Steve made a motion to spend $250 on LLBean products for the banquet raffle. Bob seconded. Motion was approved.
Pam will speak to Louise Traska regarding an order of the less expensive clothing. This would be putting our logo on t shirts and sweats from Margaret Farone as we have done before using the silk screen method, not embroidery.
Mini Seminar; Pam Grey has agreed to hold a seminar prior to run-thrus on March 5. This will cover physical therapy and human conditioning. Pam Bruek suggested that we present Pam Grey with a $50 certificate from Paw Print trials or Tails-U-Win.
Snap 4DX financials; Money from the event will go to Canine Health Foundation ($600) and Chase Away Canine Cancer ($1300)
Bobbie Lyons Seminar update; There are openings. Because of extra help, there are 12 spots available per session.
Star Hill update; Steve has paid $1000 down payment on each of our trials two trials for 2016.
Wide World of Sports in Montville; Steve went to Montville to see the site. Findings; food concession is leased out. They have an elevator for the second floor viewing area. They do trash pickup. They provide tables and chairs. There is no speaker system. We would need to supply our own. There are 200 parking spaces plus room for RVs. The location is 5 minutes from RT 395 and ten minutes from RT 95.
The cost is $4000 for the weekend compared to Star Hill at $3000. Ideas to ponder.
Middletown facility; Bob went to the Middletown facility. A CPE trial had been held there. There is room for two rings. The rental cost is $5000 for the weekend. We would still need to rent equipment on top of the rental fee. The BOD felt this was overpriced.
Banquet update; Alisonn is all set with Jan 30 at Mill on the River. Gift for the banquet was tabled. Because we are doing the raffle, different ideas were discussed from not having a gift this year to having one per table. This will be discussed at a later time.
New TMAC Brochure; Pam O’Day is working with Lorna to update and correct information. Pam will check with Barry Rosen to see if we can use some of his photographs for which he will get credit.
Feb trial; Eileen has proposed adding Premier Class to the schedule. This was agreed to by the BOD via email. Running order was discussed with Saturday start with Standard Premier. Sunday would include JWW Premier.
Trailer Hitch repairs; Pam has agreed to get prices for the repairs.
TMAC Timers; Yankee Weimaraner Club has requested the use of TMAC’s timers to use at their trial in February.
=> Gretchen made a motion to allow this for no cost. Bob seconded. Motion passed.
Operation Delta Dog; Nancy brought up the idea of a possible donation designation.This was started by Carolyn Barney to train shelter dogs for Veterans with PTSD.
Other Business
A new member as of 12/01/2015, Richard Casey would like to see if he could offer TMAC members special offer from his company. Among other items, he sells very high end crates. The BOD did not see a downside at this time for allowing him to do this.
Chairs of 2016 trials.
May trial – Diane Mathieu will chair. Gina Polumbo will be asked to co-chair.
August trial – Martha Davis will chair with Pam Burek co-chairing
Fall trial – Bob Young will co-chair with Laura Bauver co-chairing
Future Meeting Dates; (3rd Tues)
Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 15, Apr 19, May 17, June 21, July 19
Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 18
Dec 6 (factoring in holidays)
Suggestion that we do 2 of three meetings during June, July and August (make call later).
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05.
Respectfully submitted
Lynette Bresnahan
TMAC Secretary.