AMWA Board Meeting: January 27, 2006
I. Treasurer
- We made ~$1930 from the sweatshirt sale, and got $1000 back from admissions
- We still have some sweatshirts and t-shirts left, which we can sell at 2nd look
- Amana turned in the spring funding request, so we should hear back soon from MSA
- We have ~$3500 in our University Bank Account
II. Fundraising
- The next event is the Candy Grams sale, which will be the week before Valentine’s Day
III. Domestic Violence Chair
- Shelby is in contact with Susan Smith, who wants to start a program about DV
prevention/awareness in the hospital with the help of the med school.
IV. Speaker
- The eating disorders lunch talk went well. Dr. Kumar-Gill couldn’t come to this lunch,
but was very interested in doing a talk in the future – possible speaker for next year?
- The next event is Women’s Health and Fitness Day, on February 11.
- There will be one more lunch speaker before the M2s leave. If anyone has any ideas,
e-mail Emily.
V. Community Service
- The last event was the cookie baking and stocking stuffing with UAAMSA in Dec.
We stuffed 40 stockings and baked lots of cookies for the Ronald McDonald house.
- The next possible event is making mittens for homeless shelters. Kristen will look into
this further to see if the mitten supplies will be donated to us. If we do the event, it will
probably be sometime during the M2 clinical weeks (Feb. 5-17).
- Jenna suggested volunteering at the community kitchen at the Delonis clinic. She will
see if there are any openings.
VI. Social
- We had originally thought that sledding may be a good social event for the month of
January but it hasn’t snowed at all, so we need to come up with new ideas.
- One possibility is a Leopold’s Bar and Game Night
- We might just combine the social event for Feb. with book club and go see Vagina
Monologues and then go out afterwards.
VII. Book Club
- Jenna and Marsha are looking into getting tickets for the Vagina Monologues
- Marsha also has an alternate movie that could possibly work in case we can’t get tickets
to the Vagina Monologues
VIII. Mentorship
- Dr. Glick will be hosting an event soon. It will be a small get-together with mentors
and probably will be held before spring break.
IX. Charity Bash
- The charity this year will be SafeHouse.
- The committee is still trying to finalize a date – either 3/10 or 3/13. They hope to get
3/13 (Monday) but are still waiting to hear from the ice skating rink.
- Hiller’s has agreed to donate all the food for the event, and the skating rink is possibly
going to give free skate rentals.
- The committee is working on getting donations from the community, faculty, and