1599 Virginia Street E. Charleston, WV.
Adults - Children – Families - and Friends
FOODservedfrom 6:00 - 6:45 PM
SHOWbeginsat 7:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ADULTS: $12.00 CHILDREN: $7.00
Includes Food and Show
Promising an evening of
Song, Dance, and Laughter
With the wonderful Talents of
West Virginia RenownedM.C.
COMEDIANS - And More !!!
More information on Web sites
www.bnaijacob.com or www.ladiesauxiliary-1908wv.com
No Reservations Needed
A very heartfelt belated but sincere thanks to all who helped us during the Meyer Reunion. It was a huge success thanks to fantastic teamwork. We have had so many notes and letters of appreciation and for that we are grateful. Betsy, you are one fantastic co chair. Thanks so much for the hours of work you put into compiling, correcting and finalizing a list of about 1300 names. A wonderful time was had by all! Lynn Meyer
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Ruth S. Barton Food Fund
Kroger Cares Fundraising Program
Support our Ladies Auxiliary in this worthy cause!
As of November 21, 2012, the Kroger Cares cards for "The Ruth S. Barton Food Fund” became available to purchase at $5.00 each. This amount is pre-loaded on each card.
The Kroger Cares cards look like and work like a gift card. Money can be added at any time and at any Kroger store with cash, check, or debit cards. There is no minimum. Kroger credits 5% of all money to the Ladies Auxiliary/Ruth S. Barton Fund. The cards are available and can be purchased at the synagogue office or by contacting Linda Toborowsky at .
Janet & Michael Victorson in honor of Dr. Cyndi Persily’s new position as President & CEO of Highland Hospital.
Zel Lewis in L’shana Tova Greetings to Millie Snyder, Steve & Lynn Meyer, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Latts, grandson of Harvey & Phyllis Sherman, in memory of Dr. George Pickett, Harold Marks, recovery of Jack Goldfarb
Mazel Tov on the start of an exciting new phase in the live of Mr. Millie Snyder and wishing her all the best by Michael & Janet Victorson
Karen & Bob Schwarz in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommor.
Dr. Muhib & Leila Tarakji in honor of the recovery of Barbie Sadolf and in honor of the engagement of Josh Sadolf & Lisa Tarakji.
Dinah & Fred Lovitch in thankfulness to Lynn Meyer and her super crew, who eased their lives so wonderfully on the passing of their brother-in-law, Dr. George Pickett.
October 27th~ Talent Show at Synagogue
November 8th ~ Oneg Shabbat to Honor our Veterans (we would like
to have pictures if you have some – you can bring to Synagogue)
November17th~ ChanukahGift & Art Show
December 4th~Chanukah Dinner
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Jeannette Kanner, Chairperson (304-343-8579)
Leaves $100. Stones $750.00
“In loving memory of our mother, Rose “Billie” Schwartz, we love and miss you every day!” Schwartz children and grandchildren
In honor of the 35th anniversary of Lynn & Steve Meyer with much love, Barbara & Marshall Goldman 9/23/2013
A special contribution was made by Rita & Nemo Nearman in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Merrill & Sandy Nearman & Family, recent move from Boca Raton, FL. to Park City, Utah. Merrill & Sandy ask that all B’nai Jacob skiers give them a call when they come to town
A Fund set up for refurbishing of our kitchen –
Minimum contribution $5.00
In memory of Captain Benjamin Kommor by Alvin & Gayle Preiser, Phil Rubin, recovery of Jack Goldfarb.
Mrs. Shirley Osen for the recovery of Jack Goldfarb
Roberta Levine & Richard Hess for the recovery of Debbie Victorson and Phyllis Sherman
B’nai Jacob Cemetery Fund
The Family of Stanley Rubin made a generous contribution in honor of the anniversary of their father’s birthday on August 26th
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For more information - Our Web site is:
B’nai Jacob Ladies’ Auxiliary is an Affiliate of Kosher Gift Baskets. They have a beautiful and wide variety of products
For all occasions, including beautiful holiday baskets.
They ship throughout the U.S.A. (plus Hawaii) and to Israel.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ordering is easy and convenient:
Through our Web site:
Click: Kosher Gift Baskets' linkon our home page
Or: Phone in orderand use our Affiliate ID # 1388
Phone: 1-800-925-6853 Fax: 1-800-845-5720
The Ladies' Auxiliary receives 10% commission
on purchases madevia our site or with our ID #
On the Bequests and Gifts Page
A contribution was made to our Trust Fund and will be engraved on the pages of our Golden Book with the following inscriptions:
With love and gratitude for my B’nai Jacob Family
By Helen F. Lodge
Mrs. Bernise Weiner Saval – 2013
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Contributions $5.00 – Friday Night Book $20. – Sabbath Prayerbook $30.00 –
Pentateuch & Haftorah and Etz Chaim $50.00
Ruth Bloom in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommer (Friday Night Prayerbook)
Lynn & Steve Meyer in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommer (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Vic & Ellen Kay Bastron in loving memory of her father Lee Kay (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Mr. Malcolm Silverberg in memory of George Pickett (Friday Night Prayerobook)
Michael, Janet, David and Sara Victorson in memory of Harold Cohan. (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Michael & Janet Victorson in honor of the birthday of Helen Lodge (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Dr. Joseph Abrams in loving memory of his sister Lillian Kuraner (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Debra Levine in loving memory of Dr. George Pickett (Friday Night Prayerbook)
Susan & Stuart May in loving memory of Dr. George Pickett (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Dr. Art & Missy Rubin in memory of the grandfather of Wendy Rubin (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Dr. Muhib & Leila Tarakji in memory of grandfather of Wendy Rubin (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Shirley, Etta Lee, Dr. Henry and Jan Levenson in loving memory of husband and father Harold Levenson (Sabbath Prayerbook)
Sondra & Elliot Kulback, Sharan & Elliot Levy in loving memory of father Ben L. Smith (Friday Night Prayerbook)
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PULPIT FUND (Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund)
Minimum Contribution $5.00 – 304-364-4722
Mrs. Anita Ostrin Solomon in memory of the Ostrin and Borstein families.
Jack & Doris Goldfarb in memory of Dr. Phil Rubin, Captain Benjamin Kommor, Mary Hoffman, for the recovery of Debbie Victorson, Marcia Friedberg, Barbie Sadolf, in honor of Michelle Morton Ruppert for her accomplishments, the engagement of Stephen Fernandez & Megan Jett, Lyn Meyer on her Hadasssah Award, Bar Mitzha of Jack Briant, Bat Mitzah of Emma Glasser, birth of Sibbie Redmond, the engagement of Bardley Rubin & Leah Mulnick, in honor of the marriage of Dr. Aaron & Brooke Masters Bloom and in honor of the marriage of Sara Victorson & Adam Schneinbach, and in appreciation for everyone’s good wishes for Jack’s recovery.
Mrs. Margot Jogwick in thankfulness and appreciation.
Phyllis Sopher in memory of Dr. George Pickett.
Dr. Art & Missy Rubin in honor of the forthcoming marriage of Josh Sadolf & Lisa Tarakji.
Dr. Art & Missy Rubin & Family wishing their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Aggie Rubin, a good healthy New Year in 5774.
Dinah & Fred Lovitch, Beth Dougherty and Michael Lovitch, in loving memory of mother and grandmother, Miriam Winston.
B’nai Jacob Ladies’ Auxiliary Special Contribution
In appreciation for all the well wishes for Jack’s recovery. Happy New Year and wishing everyone all the joys of good friends, good health and a loving family. By Doris & Jack Goldfarb
Mrs. Margot Jogwick in loving memory of Dr. George Pickett.
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ROB’S FUND Ellyn Goldberg, Chairperson 304-344-9444
(Minimum contribution $5.00)
Marsha Albert & Family in memory of Sanford Lewis, to the Meyer Family in gratitude, in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommer
Zel Lewis in memory of Ben Kommor, recovery Jack Goldfarb
Rita & Nemo Nearman in memory of Ben Kommor.
Ed & Ellyn Goldberg in memory of Ben Kommor, Mildred Saltzman, Phil Rubin, in honor of the weddings of Aaron & Brooke Bloom and Ryan & Valarie Bloom, in honor of Margie Snyder’s recognition of Middle School Teacher of the Year for Putnam County, in appreciation to Lynn & Steve Meyer, continued strength of Helen Lodge, recovery of Jack Goldfarb and in honor of the birth of Eli Jaskolka, in memory of Vivian Bird, in honor of Barbie McDonald’s accomplishment, in honor of Ben Redmond receiving his Master’s Degree in Counseling, Shana Tova to Cantor & Mrs. Moshe Weiss and Rabbi & Marilyn Urecki & Family, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Rubenstein, in honor of Steve Rubin’s birthday,in appreciation to Ellen & Vic Bastron.
Kathie & Marty Kommor in honor of the engagement of Bradley Rubin & Leah Mutnick, Bat Mitzvah of Emma Glasser, in memory of Mildred Saltzman, wedding of Aaron & Brooke Bloom and Ryan & Valarie Bloom.
WV Behavioral Medicine Physicians in memory of Benjamin Kommor.
Rita and Nemo Nearman in honor of Margie Snyder's recognition of Middle School Teacher of the Year for Putnam County
Barbie & Rick Sadolf in memory of Phil Rubin, Ben Kommor, in honor of Ben Redmond receiving his Master’s Degree in Counseling.
Judy Redmond in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommer.
Al & Selma Kommor in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommor
Michael & Margie Kommor in memory of Captain Benjamin Kommor
Aggie Rubin in New Year Greetings to Rabbi & Marilyn Urecki & Family, Elliott & Jean Urecki, in memory of Phil Rubin and in honor of the marriage of Ryan & Valarie Bloom, in memory of Benjamin Kommor.
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ROB’S FUND (con’t)
Steve & Sharon Jubelirer in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Emma Glassser, in memory of Phil Rubin, Gerald Feinberg, Harold Cohen, mother of Mrs. Lynne Clark, Benjamin Kommor, in honor of the anniversary of Terri & Bill Rosenfeld, in honor of the Meyer family for the wonderful Jewish reunion.
Marsha Albert, David and Michael Pushkin in honor of the birthdays of Betty Schoenbaum and Richard Hess, in memory of George Pickett and in honor of Michael Pushkin for the WV Legislature
Dr. Michael & Beth Jaskolka and Maggie on the birth of a son and brother, Eli Jaskolka.
Mrs. Margie Snyder on her award as Middle School Teacher of the Year Award for Putnam County.
Harvey & Phyllis Sherman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ryan Latts, son of Linda & Adam Latts of Deerfield, Illionois.
Michael & Janet Victorson on the marriage of their daughter Sara to Adam Scheinbach. Sara is the granddaughter of Mrs. Debbie Victorson.
Dr. Glenn & Pam Goldfarb on the marriage of their daughter Sarah to Jesse Thomas. Sarah is the granddaughter of Jack & Doris Goldfarb and
Ceph Evans.
Henry & Ellen Kanner on the marriage of their daughter Rachel to Adam Volin. Rachel is the granddaughter of Mrs. Jeannette Kanner.
Gary & Ruth Sheff on the birth of a granddaughter, Nora Santana, daughter of Paul & Lindsey Santana and big sister Natalie Ruth.
Malcolm Silverberg on the birth of #32 great-grandchild, Yaacov Wineschneider, son of Avram & Jenny Wineschnider and grandson of Jeff & Leslie Silverberg.
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Dr. Justin Cohen and Family on the passing of his father Harold Cohan.
We regret to learn of the passing of Mrs. Bernice (Ralph) Weiner Saval of Florida.
Mrs. Beverly Marks & Family and Marsha & Norman Marks on the passing of husband, father, grandfather and brother Harold Marks of Israel.
Mrs. Terry Winston Pickett, Rachel Winston Pickett, Vince and Alan Pickett in loving memory of husband and father Dr. George Pickett.
Wendy & Rick Rubin & Family on the passing of her grandfather William “Bill” Abrams.
We regret to learn of the passing of Evelyn Goldfarb Horn, sister of Dr. Martin & Sandra Goldfarb of CA, mother of David & Susan Horn of Md, and Joel & Susan Horn of Seattle, WA, grandmother of Madeleine Udell and Matthew, Kathryn, Ruby and Max Horn.
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Books $15.00 – Cards $5.00 – call the Synagogue
A very special contribution was made in appreciation to Steve & Lynn Meyer and Rosemary & Cary Levenson for their kindness after the passing of their mother, Billie Schwartz, by the Schwartz Children and Grandchildren
Vic & Ellen Kay Bastron in loving memory of her mother Fran Kay (Book)
Robin & Bobby Peck in honor of the marriage of Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Bloom, engagement of Bradley Rubin & Leah Mutrick, 37th wedding anniversary of Ted & Shelley Kanner, wedding anniversaries of Rabbi & Marilyn Urecki and Jean & Elliot Urecki, for the recovery of Debbie Victorson, in memory of Gerald Feinberg, Benjamin Kommor, his uncle Manuel Braun, in honor of the graduations of Anna Rubenstein and Trish Weisberg, in memory of Dora Abramowitz, marriage of Ryan & Valarie Wood Bloom, in honor of Aaron Persily’s election as Student Body President of Charleston Catholic High Schoo, Margie Snyder being chosen as Middle School Teacher of the Year, engagement of Denise Wiegard & Mark Kremnitzer, marriage of Sara Victorson & Adam Scheinbach, in memory of Leon Borsstein, Israel Hark, Amy Sheff, Leon Sheff, Miriam Winston, in memory of Lottie Kanner, Harry Kanner, Bessie Peck, Steve Peck, Nathan Ostrin, Louis Hallam, Sam Zacks, Joseph & Eva Hearst, recoveyr of Philip Angel, in honor of the marriage of Rachel Kanner & Adam Volin, Sarah Goldfarb & Jesse Thomas, birth of Nora Santana, birthday of Gary Sheff.