American Trakehner Association
Stallion Service Auction
Breeding Contract

This contract made and entered into this the ______day of ______, 2015, by and between J. David Pearce, hereinafter called “Stallion Owner”, having the mailing address and other contact information hereinabove, and

Name of Mare Owner:

Residing at:



hereinafter called “Purchaser”, for the breeding of Purchaser’s Mare


Date of Birth:

Color and Description:

Registry: Number:




American Trakehner Association

Approved Stallion



1998 Trakehner stallion, 16.1h, chestnut with chrome

by Martini Pg*E, out of Henna

J. David Pearce, Owner

hereinafter referred to as “Stallion”, for the present breeding season (as defined below), subject to the terms and conditions which follow.

Present Breeding Season:

•  A live cover (meaning direct copulation) is neither included nor implied.

•  The 2015 season for fresh cooled semen shall be from 1 April 2015 through 31 September 2015 unless other arrangements are agreed upon in writing by both Purchaser and Stallion Owner.

•  Frozen semen will be shipped to Purchaser’s storage facility within 15 calendar days of payment of Stallion Service Auction fees.

•  Shipping is at Purchaser’s expense.

Terms and Conditions:

1.  The stallion service fee for this breeding shall be $0.00 (Online Stallion Service Auction).

2.  This contract is for (check only one of the following two options)

a.  _____ Fresh cooled shipped semen;


b.  _____ Frozen shipped semen.

3.  Only two (2) doses will be donated to Purchaser for the purposes of this Stallion Service Auction. (1 dose = 8 straws)

4.  There is NOT a Live Foal Guarantee.

5.  This contract is for semen to be used to inseminate (a) only the mare listed above and (b) only during this or the following year, unless other arrangements are agreed upon in writing in advance between Purchaser and Stallion Owner.

6.  Unused semen may not be used in additional mares without prior approval by Stallion Owner.

7.  Should Purchaser use the doses on two or more mares and there are two or more resulting foals, Purchaser will be required to pay Stallion Owner a reduced Stallion Service Fee of $900.00 per foal and sign an additional breeding contract to receive a breeding certificate for the additional foal(s).

8.  Shipping and Collection:

a.  Purchaser shall be responsible for all shipping and collection fees over and above the stallion service fee.

b.  Shipping must be arranged in advance.

c.  Collection fees vary by facility/vendor. These fee must be paid in full prior to collection and/or shipping.

d.  Shipping fees shall be FedEx rates at the time of shipping. Purchaser must supply their own FedEx account number or credit card to be billed.

e.  Purchaser is responsible for shipping the container back to the collection facility/vendor within the timeframe specified by the collection facility/vendor, and at Purchaser’s expense. A late fee established by the collection facility/vendor shall be due for failure to return the shipping container within the timeframe specified by the collection facility/vendor (unless prior arrangements are made).

f.  Container Deposit: If shipping containers or contents are lost or damaged significantly, Purchaser shall be responsible for repair or replacement costs thereof. It is required that containers be insured for a minimum of $1000.00, or a greater amount if recommended by collection facility/vendor and/or the shipping carrier.

g.  Semen orders must be placed in advance whenever possible. Notify no later than 12:01 a.m. of the day before you plan to inseminate. Failure to provide sufficient notice may make it impossible to collect and/or make shipping carrier deadlines.

i.  Shipping carriers do not run on Sundays.

ii.  For emergency shipments it may be possible to send via counter to counter delivery at an added expense to Purchaser.

h.  All orders for the shipment of frozen semen shall be filled as received.

9.  Purchaser’s care of the Purchaser’s Mare:

a.  Stallion services will be provided only to healthy mares in sound breeding condition as determined by the attending veterinarian. In the event a mare is barren, or loses the foal, or the foal does not survive the birth, the submission of a recent, intrauterine culture certificate (within 60 days) is required and the attending veterinarian must certify that the mare’s immunizations for equine rhinopneumonitis (equine herpes type I) have been kept current in order to qualify for return service.

b.  Purchaser shall notify Stallion Owner of insemination date, pregnancy status, and foaling date. It is recommended that the mare be checked for pregnancy at 20 days or less, earlier if known to put up twins.

c.  Purchaser shall keep the mare in good physical condition throughout the pregnancy; vaccinated for rhinopneumonitis at 5, 7, and 9 months of pregnancy, and de-wormed regularly.

d.  All mares must receive a pregnancy check within 12-20 days of the last insemination and Purchaser must notify Stallion Owner of pregnancy status.

e.  It is recommended that the Purchaser have a veterinarian perform a palpation test or ultrasound within 30-35 days of the last insemination, and palpation or ultrasound within 50-55 days of the last insemination.

10.  Stallion Owner is not responsible for any damages which Purchaser might sustain for lost, damaged, or delayed semen, and makes no representations or warranties with respect to any semen furnished hereunder except that it is indeed the semen of the stallion stated herein and that at the time of shipment the semen was suitable for artificial insemination breeding.

11.  Return of Service: There is NOT a Live Foal Guarantee with a Stallion Service Auction.

12.  This contract may not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of Stallion Owner.

13.  This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana, and shall be binding on the parties, their heirs, and assigns.

In Witness Whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and notary seals.

Purchaser Stallion Owner

Signature Signature

Date Date

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