American Standards
ANSI/ANS 59.51-1997, Fuel-Oil Systems
for Emergency Diesel Generators.
ASME PTC 4-1998, Fired Steam
Provides standard test procedures, which can
yield results giving the highest level of
accuracy consistent with current engineering
knowledge and practice.
ANSI S2.48-1993 (R2006), Servo-Hydraulic
Test Equipment for Generating Vibration
– Methods of Describing Characteristics
Provides method for specifying the
characteristics of servo-hydraulic test
equipment for generating vibration and serves
as a guide to the selection of such equipment.
It applies to servo-hydraulic vibration
generators and power amplifiers, individually
and in combination. Provides means to assist a
prospective user to calculate and compare the
performance of equipment provided by 2 or
more manufacturers, even if the vibration
generator and the power amplifier are from
different manufacturers.
ASME PTC 29-2005, Speed Governing
Systems for Hydraulic Turbine
Generators Units
The objective of this Code is to provide uniform
test methods and procedures to determine the
performance and operational characteristics of
a hydraulic turbine speed governor. This Code
may be used to conduct factory acceptance
testing or to evaluate the current characteristics
of an installed speed governor. Not all of the
possible results that can be determined by
application of this Code need be part of every
test. Prior to testing, the parties to the test shall
agree whether the Code shall be used in whole
or in part to satisfy individual test objectives.
ASME PTC 4.4-1981 (R2002), Gas Turbine
Heat Recovery Steam Generators
The purpose of this Code is to establish
procedures for the conduct and report of tests
of heat recovery steam generators (HRSG)
employed in combined cycle installations.
Combined cycle, as used herein, shall be
interpreted as a gas turbine exhausting into an
HRSG, which may or may not be arranged for
supplemental firing. This Code provides
standard test procedures which will yield
results having the highest level of accuracy
consistent with current engineering knowledge
and practice.
ANSI Z83.11-2006, Gas Food Service
Equipment (same as CSA 1.8)
Details test and examination criteria for gas
food service equipment for use with natural,
manufactured and mixed gases, propane,
liquefied petroleum gases and LP gas-air
mixtures. The standard provides coverage for
ranges and unit broilers, baking and roasting
ovens, counter appliances, deep fat fryers and
kettles, steam cookers and steam generators.
ANSI/EASA AR100-2006, Recommended
Practice for the Repair of Rotating
Electrical Apparatus
Recordkeeping, tests, analysis, and general
guidelines for the repair of rotating electrical
apparatus, including generators and motors.
IEEE 11-2000, Rail and Road Vehicles,
Rotating Electric Machinery for
Applies to rotating electric machinery which
forms part of the propulsion and major auxiliary
equipment on internally and externally powered
electrically propelled rail and road vehicles and
similar large transport and haulage vehicles
and their trailers where specified in the
contract. Major auxiliary equipment includes
equipment such as blower and compressor
motors, motor-generator and motor-alternator
sets, auxiliary generators, and exciters, usually
larger than 3 kilowatts.
IEEE 112-2004, Test Procedures for
Polyphase Induction Machines
Covers instructions for conducting and
reporting the more generally applicable and
acceptable tests of polyphase induction motors
and generators.
IEEE 492-1999 (R2005), Guide for
Operation and Maintenance of
General recommendations for the operations,
loading, and maintenance of synchronous
hydro-generators and generator/motors are
IEEE 625-2001, Recommended Practices
to Improve Electrical Maintenance and
Safety in the Cement Industry
Applies to all electrical equipment such as
substations, power transformers, motor
controls, generators, distribution systems,
instruments, and storage batteries commonly
used in cement plants.
IEEE 67-2005, Guide for the Operation and
Maintenance of Turbine Generators
Covers general recommendations for the
operation, loading, and maintenance of
turbine-driven synchronous generators that
have cylindrical rotors.
IEEE C37.101-1993 (R2000), Guide for
Generator Ground Protection
Aids in the application of relays and relaying
schemes for protection against stator ground
faults on high-impedance grounded generators.
IEEE C37.18-1991 (R2003), Standard
Enclosed Field Discharge Circuit
Breakers for Rotating Electric Machinery
Applies to all low-voltage power-circuit
breakers that are intended for use in field
circuits of apparatus such as generators,
motors, synchronous condensers, or exciters
and embodying contacts for establishing field
discharge circuits.
IEEE C50.12-2005, Standard for
Salient-Pole 50 and 60 Hz Synchronous
Generators and Generator/Motors for
Hydraulic Turbine Applications Rated 5
MVA and Above
Contains requirements for all types of 50 and
60 Hz salient-pole synchronous generators and
generator/motors rated 5000 kVA and above to
be used for hydraulic turbine or hydraulic
pump/turbine applications.
IEEE C50.13-2005, Standard for
Cylindrical-Rotor 50 and 60 Hz,
Synchronous Generators Rated 10 MVA
and Above
Contains requirements for all types of 50 and
60 Hz cylinderical rotor synchronous
generators rated 10 MVA and above.
IEEE C62.21-2003, Guide for the
Application of Surge Voltage Protective
Equipment on AC Rotating Machinery
1000 Volts and Greater
Part 1 covers the insulation surge withstand
strength of motors and generators with
windings having form-wound multi-turn coils
and the application of surge protection to
form-wound multi-turn coils. Part 2 covers
application of surge protection to generators
with form-wound multi-turn coils, plus insulation
surge withstand strength and surge protection
of single-turn coil generators and motors.
ANSI/NECA 406-2003, Recommended
Practice for Installing Residential
Generator Sets
This standard describes installation procedures
for the following:
(a) Generator sets permanently installed at
one-family dwellings to provide backup power.
These are usually rated 120/240 volts,
single-phase, three-wire. However, some large
homes have three-phase electrical systems
and use backup generators rated 120/208
volts, three-phase, four-wire.
(b) Generator sets fueled by gasoline, natural
gas, or liquefied petroleum (LP) gas.
NEMA MG 1-2003, Revision 1, Motors and
This standard is used by all North American
motor manufacturers in the construction and
performance of electric motors and generators.
It is also used by consulting and design
engineers in specifying motors for applications.
Parts of generators
IEEE 125-1996, Recommended Practice for
Preparation of Equipment Specifications
for Speed-Governing of Hydraulic
Turbines Intended to Drive Electric
Applies to mechanical-hydraulic or
electric-hydraulic type governors for all type of
hydraulic turbines.
IEEE 1310-2004, Recommended Practice
for Thermal Cycle Testing of
Form-Wound Stator Bars and Coils for
Large Generators
A test method to determine the relative ability
of high-voltage, form-wound stator bars and
coils of large rotating machines to resist
deterioration due to rapid heating and cooling
resulting from machine load cycling is
IEEE 810-1994 (R2001), Standard for
Hydraulic Turbine and Generator
Integrally Forged Shaft Couplings and
Shaft Tolerances
Applies to the dimensions of integrally forged
shaft couplings and to the shaft runout
tolerances. Shafts and couplings included in
this standard are used for both horizontal and
vertical connections between generators and
turbines in hydroelectric installations.
IEEE C57.116-1990 (R2005), Guide for
Transformers Directly Connected to
Describes selection and application
considerations for the unit transformer and unit
auxiliaries transformer.
UL 2200-2004, Standard for Safety for
Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies
The following items are being considered for
public comment:
1. Addition of requirements covering
2. Definitions of bus bar and heat sink.
3. The deletion of a test covering oxide
inhibiting compounds.
4. The deletion of a requirement covering
5. The addition of a test temperature for the
synthetic-rubber part immersion test.
6. Editorial corrections
International Standards for Generators
ISO Standards
ISO 10816-2:2001
Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration
by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 2:
Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of
50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min,
1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min
ISO 7919-2:2001
Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration
by measurements on rotating shafts - Part 2:
Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of
50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min,
1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min
ISO 5841-2:2000
Implants for surgery - Cardiac pacemakers - Part 2:
Reporting of clinical performance of populations of pulse
generators or leads
ISO 8528-3:2005
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven
alternating current generating sets - Part 3: Alternating
current generators for generating sets
IEC 60335-2-42 Ed. 5.0 b:2005 "Household and similar electrical appliances -
Safety - Part 2-42: Particular requirements for
commercial electric forced convection ovens,
steam cookers and steam-convection ovens"
"Deals with the safety of electrically operated commercial
forced convection ovens, steam cookers, steam-convection
ovens and, exclusive of any other use, steam generators, not
intended for household use. The rated voltage being not more
than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between
one phase and neutral and 480 V for other appliances.
Appliances within the scope of this standard are typically used
in restaurants, canteens, hospitals and commercial enterprises
such as bakeries, butcheries, etc. The electrical part of
appliances making use of other forms of energy is also within
the scope of this standard."
IEC Standards
IEC 60349-1 Ed. 1.1 b:2002 Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for
rail and road vehicles - Part 1: Machines other
than electronic convertor-fed alternating current
"Enables the performance of a machine to be confirmed by
tests and to provide a basis for assessment of its suitability for
a specified duty and for a comparison with other machines.
Applies to traction motors, engine driven main generators,
main motor-generator sets, auxiliary motors, auxiliary
generators, auxiliary motor-generator sets and auxiliary rotary
IEC 60624 Ed. 1.0 b:1978 Expression of the performance of pulse generators "Primarily intended for the manufacturer. Not applicable to
generators with pulsed sinusoidal outputs, television pattern
generators, complex function generators, and generators for
insulation resistance testing. Lays down a standard list of
performance characteristics to be used for describing the
performance of pulse generators. Defines which
characteristics should be specified and standard test
IEC 61010-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2001 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1:
General requirements"
"Specifies general safety requirements for electrical equipment
intended for professional, industrial process, and educational
use. It applies to 4 main groups of equipment: (a) Electrical
test and measurement equipment such as signal generators,
measurement standards, power supplies, transducers,
transmitters, etc. (b) Electrical control equipment to control
specific values by manual setting, programming or by input
variables. (c) Electrical laboratory equipment to measure,
indicate, monitor or analyse substances, including in vitro
diagnostic (IVD) equipment. (d) Accessories for use with the
above (for example, sample handling equipment). It has the
status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC
Guide 104. "
IEC 61922 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 High-frequency induction heating installations -
Test methods for the determination of power
output of the generator
"Applicable to industrial radio- or high-frequency induction
heating installations used for the purpose of thermal
applications (e.g. for surface hardening, welding, soldering,
melting, forging, zone refining of semiconductors, etc.).
Relates to high-frequency induction heating installations in the
frequency range up to 300 MHz for power levels of 500 W and
above, comprising high-frequency generators and inductors
together with necessary mechanical devices for charge
handling (e.g. hardening machines). The main purpose is to
provide the test methods for the determination of output power
of industrial high-frequency induction heating power sources."
IEC 61936-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1:
Common rules
"Provides, in a convenient form, common rules for the design
and the erection of electrical power installations in systems
with nominal voltages above 1 kV a.c. and nominal frequency
up to and including 60 Hz, so as to provide safety and proper
functioning for the use intended. This standard applies to all
high voltage installations except as stated otherwise in some
cases specified in other parts of IEC 61936. This standard
does not apply to the design and erection of any of the
following: - overhead and underground lines between separate
installations; - electric railways (but not the substation feeding
a railway system); - mining equipment and installations ; -
fluorescent lamp installations; - installations on ships and
off-shore installations; - electrostatic equipment; - test sites; -
medical equipment, e.g. medical X-ray equipment. This
standard does not apply to the design of factory-built,
type-tested switchgear for which separate IEC standards exist.
This standard does not apply to the requirements for carrying
out live working on electrical installations. For the purpose of
interpreting this standard, an electrical power installation is
considered to be one of the following. a) Substation A closed
electrical operating area in a transmission or distribution
network. When switchgear and/or transformers are located
outside a closed electrical operating area, this is also taken to
be an installation. b) One (or more) power station(s) located on
a single site The installation includes generators and
transformers with all associated switchgear and all electrical
IEC 61986 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 Rotating electrical machines - Equivalent loading
and super-position techniques - Indirect testing to
determine temperature rise
"Applies to machines covered by IEC 60034-1 when they
cannot be loaded to a specific condition (rated or otherwise)
for whatever reason. It is applicable to both motors and
generators but the methods are not suitable for machines of
and below 1 kW. Provides descriptions of various indirect load
tests, the purpose of which is to determine the temperature
rise of rotating electrical machines, including a.c. induction
machines, a.c. synchronous machines and d.c. machines. The
test methods in some cases provide, in addition, a means of
measuring or estimating other parameters such as losses and
vibration, but the methods are not designed specifically to
provide such data. "
International Standards for parts of generators
ISO 6070:1981
Auxiliary tables for vibration generators - Methods of
describing equipment characteristics
ISO 8528-3:2005
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven
alternating current generating sets - Part 3: Alternating