Dr Woodcock & Partners Patient Reference Group
Spring 2015
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important tool that supports patients in having their say about the service they receive
It asks patients if they would recommend the service they have used and offers a range of responses and provides a mechanism to highlight both good and poor patient experiences.
Make sure you ‘have your say’ when you next come into practice or you can visit our website on
ALL feedback will be treated confidentially.
From the 1st of June 2015 we will no longer be accepting repeat prescription requests over the telephone.
This brings us into line with the other practices in the area.
This new system will be safer for patients as some requests for medication over the phone are not clear and it can take considerable time and effort to clarify what is required.
Written requests avoid confusion and medication errors.
In addition our new system will reduce the number of calls to the surgery which will improve telephone access for those in need of emergency help, advice or who wish to make appointments.
Bringing the tear off slip into practice
Electronically - on line
Via your preferred local pharmacy
It isn’t just the GPs that see patients in our practice; it is made up of a team of health care professionals who support the doctors. When booking an appointment it is important that patients are seen by the right person to deal with their particular complaint.
Nurse Practitioner
Our nurse practitioner provides daily telephone triage consultations to assess which member of the practice team a patient needs to be seen by or indeed whether they can be dealt with over the telephone, without the need to come into surgery. She is able to clinically assess, examine and prescribe for a wide range of minor illnesses and undiagnosed conditions
Practice Nurse
Our practice nurses manages patients with chronic diseases and long term conditions, as well as undertaking routine health checks including BP, lifestyle advice and cervical smears
Health Care Support Worker
Our Health Care Support worker provides a daily phlebotomy (blood taking) service, does BP checks, runs her own Cardiovascular screening Clinic(screening patients to assess the risk developing health problems in the future) and administers injections such as the flu jab, pneumo jab and will soon be administering vitamin B12 injections.
Practice Pharmacist
Our practice pharmacist works at the practice two afternoons each week and reviews patient medication and reauthorises medicines that patients have on their repeat prescription. She may contact you by telephone or letter if she needs to discuss your medication with you or if any changes need to be made. If you have any queries regarding your medication you can request a telephone call with the pharmacist, but as she only works two afternoons you may have to wait to be called back, so please be patient with us.
News from the Patient Reference Group of Drs Woodcock, Britton, Kyffin and Bagewadi