TWO LINE Bio (32 words)
As an author coach and business strategist, Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message. Connect with Shelley and download her free training at
SHORT Bio (50 words)
As an author coach, business strategist, and Christian entrepreneur; Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message. She has coached thousands of authors through her books, training programs, online events, seminars, and more. Connect with Shelley and download her free training at
SHORT Bio (110 words)
Shelley Hitz has coached thousands of authors through her books, training programs, online events, seminars, and more. She has over a decade of experience speaking to groups of all sizes, from small workshops to keynote presentations in front of thousands. However, she is best known for injecting energy and enthusiasm into everything she does and inspiring those around her to take action.
Her clients are successfully publishing new books almost every day and some have become #1 Amazon best-selling authors in their category within days of publishing their books simply by following her proven system.
Learn Shelley’s 6-Step "ASCENT Method" she has used to write 35+ nonfiction books FAST.:
FULL Bio (278 words)
As an author strategist, and Christian entrepreneur;Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message. She believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, she encourages you to let your light SHINE!
Shelley was first paid for her writing in fifth grade after winning a nonfiction writing contest. Little did she know she would resign from her 12-year career as a Physical Therapist over 20 years later to write and coach authors full time. She is the owner of Author Audience Academy and with a passion to help authors succeed in writing, publishing, and marketing their books.
Thousands of authors have been coached through her books, training programs, online events, seminars, and more. She has over a decade of experience speaking to groups of all sizes; from small workshops to keynote presentations in front of thousands. And she teaches from personal experience, not theory. She has been writing and publishing books since 2008 and has personally authored over 35 books including print, eBook and audio book formats.
You might know her as...
- An award-winning and internationally best-selling author
- A professional speaker
- A podcast host or
- An author coach
- A business strategist
However, she is best known for injecting energy and enthusiasm into everything she does and inspiring those around her to take action.
Her clients are successfully publishing new books almost every day and some have become #1 Amazon best-selling authors within days of publishing their books simply by following her proven system.
> Ready to write your next book? Learn Shelley’s 6-Step "ASCENT Method" she has used to write 35+ nonfiction books FAST.:
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