Goldilocks and the three bears

Characters: Narrator, Mummy bear, Daddy bear, Baby bear, Goldilocks, Mummy

Scène 1: dans la maison des ours

Narrator : Once upon a time, there were three bears:Mummy bear, Daddy bear, and Baby bear.They lived in a house in the woods.

Mummy: Hello, I am Mummy bear.

Daddy: Hello, I am Daddy bear.

Baby: Hello I am Baby bear.

Autour de la table

Baby : I am hungry! (se frotte le ventre)

Daddy: I'm hungry too. (se frotte le ventre)

Mummy: I’ve made porridge, but it’s too hot. Let’s go for a walk in the woods!

Daddy: Good idea, I'll get some wood for the fire.

Baby: Good idea, I'll get some flowers for mummy.

Mummy: I'll get some honey for the porridge.

(Les 3 ours partent.)

Scène 2: devant la maison de Goldilocks

N : Goldilocks lived in a house on the other side of the woods.

G : Hello, I'm a little girl, I'm eight, and my name is Goldilocks.

Mother: I'm her mother.

G : Today, I'll get some flowers for mummy!

Mother: Don't go too far!

G: I won't, goodbye mummy!

N: But Goldilocks went very far and came to the bears’ house.

Scène 3: dans la maison des ours

G: (en frappant à la porte) : Is anyone at home? Silence.

Is anyone at home?

N : There were three bowls of porridge on the table. Goldilocks begins to taste them…

G : (Elle goûte dans le grand bol) Too hot!

G: (Elle goûte dans le moyen) Too cold!

G: (Elle goûte dans le petit ) Delicious!

N : Goldilocks was tired, so she sat down on Daddy bear’s chair… (Elle s'étire)

G: (en s'asseyant dans le grand fauteuil) Too hard!

G: (en s'asseyant sur la chaise) Too soft!

G:(s'asseoit sur la petite chaise et la casse) Oh dear!

Narrator : She went upstairs to the bedroom. There were three beds.

Scène 4: dans la maison des ours, à l'étage

G: (en s'allongeant dans le grand lit) Too hard!

G: (en s'allongeant dans le moyen) Too soft!

G:(en s'allongeant dans le petit lit) Perfect!

Scène 5: dans la maison des ours

Narrator: She fell asleep. Just then the three bears came home.

Daddy: (en reniflant son bol ) Somebody's been eating my porridge!

Mummy: (en reniflant son bol ) Somebody's been eating my porridge!

Baby : (en pleurnichant) Somebody 's been eating my porridgeand eaten it all up! MY PORRIDGE!!!

(Les 3 ours inspectent les chaises.)

Daddy bear: Somebody's been sitting in my chair!

Mummy bear: Somebody's been sitting in my chair!

Baby bear: (en pleurnichant ) Somebody's been sitting in my chair and has broken it! MY CHAIR!!!

Les 3 ours montent dans la chambre.

Daddy: Somebody's been lying in my bed!

Mummy : Somebody's been lying in my bed!

Baby: (en reniflant) Somebody's been lying in my bed and she is STILL THERE!

Goldilocks se réveille, voit les ours, saute hors du lit et court jusqu'à chez elle.

Mother: Where were you Goldilocks?

Goldilocks: In the woods...

N : And she never met the bears again.

Tyler Atwood et Christine Trellu

Enregistré par Tyler Atwood, Allie Wilkinson et Alexandra Ressing