American Samoa Community College

Samoan Studies Institute

SAM 151Lecture and Lab (Section 03): Freshman SamoanFall 2011

Instructor: Tamari Mulitalo-CheungClass Hours: 9.00.50, 10-10.50 Lab

Office: Samoan Studies Institute Classroom: Room 8

Office Phone: 699-9155 (Ext. 372)Office Hours: (MWF) 11.30-12.30 (TR) 9.00-9.50

Email:1:50pm in the Samoan Studies Institute building next to

Cell Phone:258-7974 the Fale Samoa (lower campus)

Course Textbook:

  1. Si Manu a Ali’i. 2002. By Aumua Mata’itusi Simanu. ISBN 0908597304. Published by: Pasifika Press/University of Hawai’i Press

Course Supplementary Materials & Online Resources:

  1. Le Tagaloa, Aiono Fanaafi (1996). O la ta Gagana. Lamepa Press
  2. Writing Styles)
  3. & Annotated Bibliography Guidelines)
  4. Comprehension Stories by TMC 2009)

Course Description:

This is an intensive course in formal Samoan speaking and writing. Students are required to write narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive compositions. The speaking aspect closely follows writing during the laboratory periods. Critical thinking, effective speaking and reading with a purpose will also be stressed.

Course SLOs:

This course will introduce students to a wide range of essay writing and the usage of respectful and contemporary Samoan language. Critical thinking skills and analytical and interpretive writing skills are fundamental in any academic, professional, or social environment. This course is transferable to a 4-year institution of higher learning.

Course Prerequisite:

Student must pass Samoan Studies Institute Placement Test OR complete SAM 111

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the word composition and explain the writing process. (Dept. LO 1; Institutional SLO Communication Skills)
  2. Define/explain the four types of composition studied, namely the narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository. (Dept. LO 1; Institutional SLO Communication Skills)
  3. Design an outline of a narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository composition. (Dept. LO 1; Institutional SLO Communication Skills)
  4. Define/discuss effective speaking with reference to the differences in the usage of the Samoan contemporary and formal language. (Dept. LO 1, 5; Institutional SLO Communication Skills)
  5. Participate, analyze, deliver a traditional oral presentation such as laulau le to’ona’i, folafola sua, and fa’aaloaloga. (Dept. LO 1, 4, 5; Institutional SLO Communication and Life Skills)

Student Learning Outcomes:

Communication Skills

Speaking and Writing

  1. Use oral/written skills to organize, deliver and evaluate information (Course LO 4, 5)


  1. Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information (Course LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


  1. Follow instructions, procedures and guidelines effectively (Course LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  2. Provide and express meaningful and productive feedback (Course LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Methods of Instructions:

Students will take notes on lectures by the instructor and participate in class discussions. Students will work individually, in pairs, in groups, and will take part in class presentations. Students will work on a research paper.

(Grading Scale):

100-95%= A94-90% = A-89-87% = B+

86-83%= B82-80% = B-79-77% = C+

76-73%= C72-70% = C-69-67% = D+

66-63%= D62-60% = D-Below 60% = F

Specific Requirements (Grading):

Lecture / Lab
1. Narrative Essay 10% (LO 1,2, SLO 1) /
  1. Midterm 20% (LO1,2,3,4 SLO 1,2,3)

2. Descriptive Essay 10% (LO 1,2, SLO 1) /
  1. Prepared individual Speech (Contemporary) 05%(Course LO 4, 5, SLO 1.1.1,

3. Persuasive Essay 10% (LO 1,2, SLO 1) /
  1. Final writing for Ne’i Solo le falute –any genre 05% (LO 1,2, SLO 1)

4. News Writing & reading (newspaper, radio, print & online) 10% (LO 1,2, SLO 1) /
  1. Practical Cultural (Samoan Day –grp) 30% (LO 1.4, SLO 1,2)

5. Expository 10% (LO 1,2, SLO 1) /
  1. Listening Activities (Rubric Provided) 20%
  2. Misc cultural and local scenarios in the vernacular for Listening Comp/Song Comp/Responses to starters(Course LO,4 SLO 1.3.1)

6. Research/Special Project Service Learning 20%
1)Bibliography/Interview Qs/Draft 1,2,3
2)Final write up for Ne’i Solo le falute(LO 1,2, 3,4 ) /
  1. Attendance 10%

7. Attendance 05% /
  1. Participation10%

8. Participation 05% (
9. Midterm 20%(LO1,2,3,4 SLO 1,2,3)
Total = 100% / Total = 100%

Attendance & Late Assignment Policy:

All students attending ASCC are expected to attend all of their scheduled classes. Students with excessive absences during the first two weeks of instruction will be administratively dropped. A student cannot exceed six (6) absences for Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes, four (4) absences for Tuesday, Thursday classes; and three (3) absences for summer sessions. Students with excessive absences, in accordance to this policy, will receive a lower or failing grade for the semester or session. A student can be excused from classes at the discretion or upon verification by the instructor, for the following reasons: medical reasons, family emergency, special curricular activities, military obligations, jury duty, and related official College sponsored activities. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with his/her instructor(s) for work to be made up for absences due to legitimate reasons. Students are required to submit in writing, justifications or provide appropriate documentation for absences to the Dean of Academic Affairs and when appropriate the Dean of Institution of Trades & Technology (ITT) for approval. Veteran students are to refer to the Student Services Veterans Educational Assistance sections for additional attendance requirements.

Important Dates:

Sept 1-7...... Add / Drop Period

Sept 6-7 ...... Late Admissions & Late Registration

Sept 8-16 ...... Administrative Drop Period

Sept 8-23...... Drop Only Period

September 26-Nov 4...... Withdrawal Period to Receive a “W”

October 31 – November 10...... Withdrawal Period to Receive a “W/F” or “W/NP”

Time Schedule (subject to change):

Schedule / Lecture Assignments / Lab Assignments
Week 1
  1. PLACEMENT TEST (if necessary)
  2. Introductions/Respectful greetings
  3. Aumua Simanu
  4. Syllabus Overview
  5. Samoan Fa’asinomaga
  6. Le Tagaloa 1996
  7. powerpoint of Faasinomaga
/ 1. Placement Test
2. Faatulima/Respectful greetings /
  1. Fa’asinomaga Presentations
  2. August 20-25 Add or Drop Period
August 26-September 11 Administrative
Drop and Drop Only Period
Week 2
  1. Connecting the Dots: Review of SAM 111 Composition, 151, 251 AA Samoan Studies
  2. Overview of Origin of the oral & written language
  3. The writing process in a glance
  4. Review of Sam 151 class Sailimatagi
/ 1. Review in Crossword puzzle/Language quiz in groups
2. Paragraphs into essays /
  1. Listening Activity 1 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  2. Group discussion and activities
  3. Literature Circle on Sailimatagi

Week 3
  1. Narrative Essay Writing
  2. Writing workshop
  3. Peer editing on wall/stick on comments
  4. Rdgs: Afemata, Fai mai fo’i e oona ai le niu, O Vale i nofoaga e le o iai agelu, Ne’i Solo le falute Vol1.
  1. Narrative Essay Writing Reading for peer feedback
  2. Essay due Fri (10%)
  1. Group discussion and activities
  2. Listening Activity 2. (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
Narrative Essay Writing Reading for peer feedback Administrative
Drop and Drop Only Period
Week 4
  1. Descriptive Essay
  1. Descriptive Essay 10% due Fri
  1. Group practice for Samoan Day selection
  2. Listening Activity 3 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  3. September 14-October 23 Withdrawal Period to Receive a “W”

Week 5
  1. Persuasive Writing :Debate Notes/Discussion
  2. View SAM 111 debate –video
  3. Group debates –groups of 3
/ 1. critique video using debate rubric
2. critique peers using rubric
Debate write up due on debate day (10%) /
  1. Compare & Contrast Essay – Group Presentations
  2. Group debates
  3. Listening Activity 4 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  1. Group practice for Samoan Day selection

Week 6
  1. HOLIDAY: President’s Day
  2. Expository Essay/Peer feedback
  3. Research Bibliography/Outline/Draft
/ Expository essay due Fri (10%) /
  1. Expository Essay/Peer feedback
  2. Research Paper Discussion
  3. Group practice for Samoan Day selection

Week 7
October 6 & 8
  1. Review for Midterm
  1. Research Bibliography/Outline/Draft
/ Due in Bibliography/Outline/Draft /
  1. Group discussion and activities
  2. Listening Activity 5 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  3. Submission of edited writing for Ne’i Solo le Falute
  1. Group practice for Samoan Day selection

Week 8
October 13 & 15
  1. HOLIDAY: Columbus Day
  2. Midterm
  3. Seminar research -ppt
/ Midterm 20% /
  1. Group discussion and activities
  2. Research Paper Discussion
  3. Group practice for Samoan Day
  4. Midterm 20%

Week 9
October 20 & 22
  1. Oral & Cultural presentations (Aumua Simanu)
  2. Group presentations
  3. Peer Review Workshop –Research paper
/ Ne’i Solo le Falute due
SSI Lab for input /
  1. September 14-October 23 Withdrawal Period to Receive a “W”
  2. Listening Activity 6 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  3. Group practice for Samoan Day

Week 10, 11, 12
October 27 & 29
  1. Oral & Cultural presentations (Aumua Simanu)
  2. Group presentations Simanu 2002
  3. Research due to instructor for Grading #1
  4. Research returned to students for correction and FINAL submission
/ Ne’i Solo le Falute due
SSI Lab for input
Copies for participants /
  1. Listening Activity 7,8,9 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs)
  2. Peer Review of Research Paper 1st Draft
  3. Group discussion and activities
  4. October 26-November 13 Withdrawal Period
  5. to Receive a “W/NP” or “W/F”
5. Group practice for Samoan Day
Week 13
November 17 & 19
  1. Reading Comprehension: “Fai fo’i e ‘o’ona niu” by Tamari M. Cheung2009
/ FINAL RESEARCH PAPER due in to instructor /
  1. Listening Activity 10 (identifying scenario from recorded dialogue & answering qs) 30%
  2. Group discussion and activities

Week 14
November 24
  1. HOLIDAY: Thanksgiving Day
  2. Research paper final
/ Student final presentation
Week 15
December 1 & 3
  1. Course Evaluation
  2. Finals
/ Student final presentations /
  1. Final Cultural Presentations
Rubrics :
Debate, essays, individual, group, participation, group

“O tama a tagata e fafaga i upu ma tala, ae o tama a manu e fafaga i fuga o la’au”