► Ardsley SchoolDistrictWebsite / ArdsleyPTA
▪Thewebsite for theArdsleySchool District is Please register on theSchoolDistrict’s home page foremail“Blasts”( withdistrict-wide newsandalerts.
▪TheArdsleyPTA is avolunteer organization that serves the families in our districtthroughsponsorship of social events, scholarshipsandas acommunityliaisonto the schools. All familiesshouldregister for the PTA blast that is used by thePTA andthe schoolsto deliver school andgrade specificinformation.Tosign up, please visit our website at andselectthelink for“PTABlasts” then “Sign Up for thePTABlast”.
▪The Ardsley Education Foundation is a 501 (C) (3) education organization dedicated to funding items that will improve our facilities and out-of-the-box ideas and programs that enrich our children’s school experience. For further information, visit .
- Theonline districtcalendarcanbe accessedat Calendar/month.Please access this link to accessthemost up to dateinformation.
►GovernmentWebsites/Community News/ Activity Guides
▪TheDistrict is located inthree municipalities: the IncorporatedVillage of Ardsley( aportion of theIncorporatedVillage ofDobbsFerry( and aportion of the unincorporatedarea of theTown ofGreenburgh( Ardsleyand DobbsFerryare oftenreferred to as beingpart oftheRivertowns(which includes HastingsandIrvington).
▪Newsabout the School District (includingextensive coverage ofHigh School athletics) and theVillagesof ArdsleyandDobbs Ferryis reported in theweeklyRivertownsEnterprisenewspaper( The ScarsdaleInquirernewspaper( ofevents andactivities, movie schedulesandinformation about religiousservices.
▪Two valuable online sources of informationabout both the School District and the local communitycan be foundat aweeklyguide ofthings todo locallyand throughout Westchester County).ThedailyJournal News( and national news as wellas a weeklypullout guide ofthingsto do.
►ParksRecreation/Libraries / Arts
▪Thewebsites of theVillagesof Ardsleyand Dobbs Ferryand the Town ofGreenburghhavecomprehensive information on parksand recreation programs andallmunicipalservices.
▪Thelinks to theirpublic libraries are
▪TheCountyofWestchester ( has 50 parksandrecreationalareaswhereyoucan hike, swim, bicycle,fish,skate, picnic and ride a rollercoaster(
▪Localarts organizations include the Rivertowns Arts Council( the HudsonRiverMuseum ( aplanetarium) and TheAHS Criterion (
►CommunityPolice Officer: ArdsleyPoliceOfficer AnthonyVaccaserves as the School District’sSchoolResource Officerandfocuses on student safetyincludinginspecting child safetyseatinstallations. Hecan be reachedat 914- 693-1700x104.
Sports / Trails / NatureCenters / Scouts /Pets
▪MiracleLeague ofWestchester: physicallychallengedyearroundinnearbyRidge Road Parkin Hartsdale
▪Aquatics:clickonlinkentitled“RecPoolProgram”on District homepage forinformation onrecreationalswimmingand instructionatindoorArdsleyMiddleSchoolpool
▪Kayaking:YonkersPaddling,Rowingand Canoe:
▪ArdsleyGirlScouts(K-12):914.747.3080ext 734;
▪ArdsleyCub/BoyScouts: CarolanneFlorkowski,,914-693-0978
►Train StationTransportation/ Parking / TaxiService
▪Westchester CountyBee-line Bus # 39 Ardsleyresidents with commuterbus serviceto theHartsdale trainstation( The#66Bus runs from theDobbs Ferrytrainstation viaAshford Avenue inArdsleyto the Scarsdaletrainstation.
▪For trainstation parkinginformation (includinginformation on permits and meteredparking)contact: Hartsdale(914-723-1026); Dobbs Ferry(914-693-5500); and Scarsdale (914-772-1109/771-330
▪Taxi Service:Hartsdale:Westside Taxi: 914-761-2777; DobbsFerry:Knapp McCarthy:914-631-8294;Scarsdale:CentralTaxi: 914-723-0016
Please feel freeto reachout to us ifyouhave anyquestions or needfurtherinformation.Again,welcome to our communityandbest wishesforasuccessful schoolyear.