Attachment A

Hutchins School Parent’s Association
Date: 20 June 2012 / Venue: Conference Room
Present: Cheryl Johnston (CJ) Martyn Hagan (MH), Megan Killion-Richardson (MKR),George Humphrey (GH), (SMP), Cathie Burnett-Cosgrove (CBC), Warwick Dean (WD), Marcus Haward (MH), Belinda Denehey (BD), Judy Smith (JS), Carol Plunkett (CP), Herbert Mall (HM), Phil Krushlea (PK), Andrew Mitchell (AM).
1. / Apologies
John Devine, Sabian Mison-Popow, Jo Carnaby
2. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
2.1 / Minutes of16 May2012 meeting were approved.
2.2 / Minutes of previous meeting Moved: George Humphrey
Minutes of previous meeting Seconded: Martyn Hagan
3. / Correspondence In/Out
3.1 / Receipt from Jenny Inglis (Mother’s Day Stall).
Note of thanks from Members.
4. / Business Arising
4.1 / Noted by Members.
5. / Treasurer’s Report
5.1 / Report tabled at meeting.
HM advised that income for this year = $8600 and no expenses have been recorded since the previous meeting. HM noted $1420 received from Mother’s Day Stall.
5.2 / Treasurer’s Report Moved: Cheryl Johnston
Treasurer’s Report Seconded: Martyn Hagan
6. / Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 / Magenta and Black Anniversary Dinner
CBC noted that letters have gone out to JS/ELC Class Parents to request assistance organising tables. Flyers will be sent out JS/ELC and Senior School next week. CBC advised she will be away for work purposes until 25 July 2012 and that any queries regarding the Dinner can be sent to JS in the interim.
CBC suggested at cut-off date for RSVP’s 2.5 weeks prior to the event. WD suggested the Association target Old Boys and Foundation to encourage attendance.
6.2 / Fair 2012
CP noted that she requires three additional convenors and is looking for volunteers. BD agreed to follow up volunteers for the Chicken Nuggets, CJ toe Sushi and MKR volunteered to convene the Pasta stall.
WD noted that the Tas Police Pipes and Drums will be contacted to attend (JD will be following this up).
6.3 / Race Day 2012
MH confirmed that six tables are confirmed (ie: sponsors secured). CBC volunteered to contact Andrew Jones to discuss sponsoring a table. The event will be held on Sunday, 28 October, to coincide with the Spring Racing Carnival. WD suggested that the Association target staff, as this event was well supported by staff last year. WD suggested that an invitation is extended to Collegiate to attend. MKR agreed to do this.
6.4 / Forums 2012
MH noted that two forums have been booked for this year.
6.5 / Boot Sale 2012
General discussion by Members in respect to a clear expectation of what the event is for. As per previous meetings, Members agreed that a second-hand stall at the Fair should be considered.
7. / President’s Report
7.1 / Nil Report.
8. / Funding Bids 2012
8.1 / MH advised that following discussions with WD in respect to the ELC Play Equipment, there is a need to “re-open” allocations and review funding bids. WD advised that the Old Boys are unable to assist with funding the equipment, as it is their policy that funds raised are to be spent on scholarships and bursaries. In light of the short-fall this creates, WD recommended the Association revisit allocations to increase funds available.
WD highlighted the following points in support of the ELC Play Equipment bid:
  1. A Maintenance Report suggests that the current equipment is dilapidated and constructed in preserved wood. When worn, this presents a problem in that the equipment is requires constant maintenance (ie: nails and bolts are loose). Further, the existing soft fall moves which requires continuous “topping up”.
  2. New standards (ie: Legislation and Standards) will be implemented in 2013. The existing equipment will not meet these standards.
  3. The new equipment must be in place prior to any permanent soft fall solution being in place.
WD reiterated that this request was a priority and not a “nice to have”. The Association is being asked to fund the equipment and not the soft fall replacement. A general discussion in respect to the criteria used for Funding Bids continued, with Members agreeing this needed to be established before the next round.
Further discussion ensued in respect to the amount of funds available, with Members agreeing to fund the ELC Play Equipment and the Funding Bids previously approved.
Moved: Cathie Burnett-Cosgrove
Seconded: Carol Plunkett.
GH suggested that funds could be raised through a series of events (ie: ELC Play Equipment Fund) which would encourage parent involvement. Members agreed that a launch to mark the purchase was worthy of further consideration.
WD passed on thanks on behalf of the School.
JS passed on thanks on behalf of the ELC.
There was a general discussion in respect to general marketing undertaken by the Association and a need to raise our profile. WD reinforced the use of Communique and regular communication via this mechanism with the school community. MKR and CBC agreed to take ownership of the marketing of the Association by providing an update for Communique, Magenta and Black etc and to discuss signage and photographs of purchases with JD.
9. / Other Business
9.1 / School Report
WD noted that Margaret Mason-Cox has been asked to place a plaque, with photo and bio on all named buildings. In addition to this, a History Wall will be placed outside the library and in the Topin Room (via in-wall tv’s with slide show of events etc).
WD advised that Hutchins was “bucking the trend” re: enrolments, with 12 new enrolments this term. Overall, numbers were down, but he is confident of the future.
Planning Day
WD advised that the Board and Executive met recently to commence a new cycle of Strategic Planning. WD outlined the new vision to the Board and Exec, which focusses on Hutchins becoming a “Global Leader” in Boys education.
Business Arising from this Meeting
Id / Action / Status
Nil / Nil / Nil
Next Meeting
Wednesday, 18 July 2012 at 7:30pm in the Conference Room

Meeting Closed: 8:55pm

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