American Meteorological SocietyWright Memorial Chapter

october 2007 / Volume 3, Number 2
In this newsletter:
  • Minutes from19October2007 Meeting
  • Calendar of Upcoming Events
  • From the National AMS
  • Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunity
  • Forecast Contest
  • Picture of the Month
Dr. McHargtalks about the work done at SPARC
Dr. McHarg drew comparisons between the forecasting for space and terrestrial weather. Space weather forecasting is at the level of terrestrial weather forecasting 30 years ago.
Dr. McHarg discussed the FalconSat, small satellite, program run at the Air Force Academy. Every cadet enrolled in the program will build and test one of three satellites produced during their time at the Academy.
If you are interested in joining the National AMS, check out the applications for National Membership at:
Membership in the National AMS is not required for membership in the Wright Memorial Chapter
Shutterbugs – Submit your latest and greatest weather shots to our newsletter! Send them via e-mail to:
AMS – Wright Memorial Chapter
Steve Fiorino

Vice President:
Allison Schauer

Paul Gehred

Karen Kowalewsky

John Turnbull

Newsletter Editor
Mary Bedrick

We’re on the Web!

Minutes from 19October 2007 Meeting

Submitted by
AMS Wright Memorial Chapter meeting of 19 October2007
Meeting of Chapter with Dr. Steve Fiorino, President.
Elinor’s Amber Rose,Dayton,OH.

Presentation by Dr. M. Geoff McHarg


Dr. Geoff McHarg is a Professor of Physics in the Physics Department and Director, Space Physics and AtmosphericResearchCenter at the U.S. Air Force Academy. He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks (1993), an MS in Engineering Physics from the Air Force Institute of Technology (1983), and a B.S. in Physics from Missouri Southern State College in Joplin (1980). He is a retired USAir Force Lt Col. In September 2006, Dr McHarg was the recipient of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center Group Achievement Award for the Stardust Hyper-velocity Entry Observing Campaign. Dr. McHarg’s research interests include the dynamics of auroral precipitation, high speed spectroscopy and photometry of sprites, and payload design for small satellites.

From the meeting:

Dr. Geoff McHarg, Professor of Physics in the Physics Department andDirector, Space Physics and Atmospheric Research Center (SPARC) at the U.S. AirForce Academy, presented a very interesting lecture on sprites and activities at the SPARC. The Space Physics and Atmospheric Research Center (SPARC) is one of twelve research centers at the Air Force Academy, with the mission of allto provide cadets at the AirForceAcademy an opportunity to take part in real research of interest to the Air Force, in this case, space weather. Dr. McHarg opened his presentation with a high-speed video of the evolution of a cloud to ground lighting strike (from step leader to return flash), demonstrating the high-speed filming capabilities at the Academy, which is important for studying space weather phenomena.

The presentation then continued with the description of the SPARC and the payload development for the Academy small satellite program carried out in the SPARC. The presentation went on to describe some of the research regarding sprites, vertical electrical discharges that occur high above of large thunderstorms (mesoscale convective complexes).

Forecast Contest

John Turnbull our webmaster, mentioned the upcoming forecast contest for the month of November. See the end of the newsletter for details.

Club Financials

The current balance in the treasury is $451.61.
Dues for the Wright-Memorial chapter are $10 annually. Dues paying members are given the right to run and vote in chapter elections and participate in other chapter decisions. Dues were collected from members.

Calendar of Upcoming Events


20-24 January 2008 – 88th AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA


16-17 February 2008 – TechFest 2008 – SinclairPonitzCenter, DaytonOH.


April 2008 – 12th Annual Severe Weather Symposium, The OhioStateUniversity.

From the National AMS

2008/2009 AMS/Industry Minority Scholarships

Our local chapter has volunteered to review applications for the 2008-09 AMS/Industry Minority Scholarships. We have received the paperwork associated with the program. One thing the National AMS has requested is that local chapters get the word out on the program. We have contacted the Ed Outreach office at Wright-Patterson AFB, and they have offered to distribute the following to their list of high school teachers and local community colleges.
If our members located outside of the MiamiValley can think of additional ways to distribute the message, please do so. We appreciate all the help we can get.
Dear Educator:
The American Meteorological Society is pleased to announce the 2008/2009 AMS/Industry Minority Scholarships. Now entering its sixteenth year, the scholarship is intended to help support college education for minority students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, especially Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, and Native Hawaiian students, who intend to pursue careers in the atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. The two year scholarships, funded by industry and through donations made by members to the AMS 21ST Century Campaign, are for $3000 per year (second year funding depends on successful completion of the first academic year). Minority students who will be entering their freshman year of college in the fall of 2008 are eligible to apply.
Since the inception of the program, we have awarded the scholarships to over 106 outstanding students. The AMS web site provides a link to the information and application. The following link is provided for your convenience. The document is in PDF format. Feel free to print and make several copies for distribution.
The application form lists the local chapters that will be receiving the scholarship applications this year. Please note that the completed application should be sent to the listed chapter nearest them and to send a photocopy of the application materials to AMS Headquarters. The Wright Memorial AMS Chapter in Dayton, OH is among the local chapters that will be reviewing the applications.
Information on all AMS fellowships and scholarships, including the Minority Scholarship, is available on the Internet at:
Allison Schauer
Vice President, Wright Memorial Chapter of the American Meteorological Society

Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunity

Attention ALL Undergraduates! Are you interested in winning a $500 cash award, like the idea of meeting 400 operationally-focused forecasters, scientists and researchers participating in the 33rd National Weather Association Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, for FREE, and having the privilege to make a presentation on your work? The National Weather Association (NWA) is looking for those undergraduates who have written an original paper on meteorological satellite applications and wants to award YOU the prestigious 2008 Meteorological Satellite Applications Award Grant.
If you are interested in finding out more about this outstanding opportunity, check out the announcement for the 2008 Meteorological Satellite Award Grant at
The deadline for award nominations is June 15, 2008.
For more award information, go to contact Ken Carey, Chair of the NWA Remote Sensing Committee, via .

Forecast Contest

October Forecast Contest

November is known as a transition month between fall and winter where extreme weather is a very common occurrence.
Your job is to correctly predict the high temperature, maximum wind speed (knots) and number of days with thunderstorms for the month of November at Wright-Patterson, AFB.
Send you predictions to John Turnbbull (799 Spinning Rd.DaytonOH45431) or via email to y 31October 2007.

Picture of the Month

Photograph by Dr. Mike Abel. Geese flying near cumulus cloudBeavercreek, OH