Home of the Warriors
Where Success is Our Goal
Tuba City High School
Student/Parent Handbook
We would like to welcome our students, and their parents/guardians to a positive, challenging, and rewarding 2014-2015 school year. Our continued focus is to make sure allour students are learning in a safe, positive, and supportive learning environment. Our motto for the school year will be Success is our Goal and TCHS will provide the necessary learning environment where this can occur.
We are extremely proud of our Chief Manuelito Scholars and Gates Millennium Scholars. The National CTE Rigorous Programs of Studyin conjunction with ADE and the U.S. Department of Education recognizes our Early Childhood/Pre-K Program as the model for the nation. TCHS produced numerous CTE Program Participant winners and overall champions of the Annual Native Skills Competition. Moreover, the CTE Program participated in the ADE Math-in-CTE as instructors and participants.
TCHS has achieved numerous state-wide and national recognition in athletics, including the State Volleyball team being a Semi-Finalist, Boys Cross Country State Champions, and the outstanding Marine Corps JROTC Program to name a few. TCHS works in conjunction with state and national universities offering summer enrichment opportunities in math, science, writing, and athletics.
Tuba City High School is committed to increasing academic achievement for all students. Part of this commitment entails providing reteach opportunities for our students who may not have learned a concept or standard the first time it was taught. Tuba City High School will hold mandatory reteach classes for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, English 9, and English 10.
Our goal is to ensure that all of our students are meeting the state graduation requirements and are thoroughly prepared for their futures.
The focus of the school’s efforts and the allocation of its resources will be to realize the school’s Cornerstones based on the similar concepts in place at Hillsdale High School:
- Personalization
- Continuous Relationships
- High Standards and Performance-based Assessment, Common Core Standards
- Authentic and Rigorous Curriculum
- Adaptive Pedagogy
- Multicultural & Anti-Racist Teaching
- Knowledgeable and Skilled Teachers
- Collaboration Planning and Professional Development
- Family and Community Connections
- Democratic Decision-making
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter from TCHS……………...…Page 2Product Sales...... Page 18
Hillsdale cornerstones & Positivity posters…Page 3 Wellness and Food Vending...... Page 18
Calendar………………………………….….Page 4Parent/Guardian Liability...... Page 18
School Redesign Information…………….….Page 5Prohibited Items...... Page 18
Table of Contents………………………..…..Page 6Alternative Classroom Environment (ACE)...... Page 18
Alma Matter………………………...... Page 7Right of Access of Records...... Page 18-19
Mascot…….………………….……….……..Page 7Right to Due Process...... Page 19
School Colors……………….…………….…Page 7Payment for Optional Materials...... Page 19
Mission/Mission Statement…...... ……..….Page 7Scooters, Skateboards, Bikes, Roller Blades...... Page 19
Goals………………………….……….…….Page 7Student Areas on Campus...... Page 19
TCHS Administration……………….………Page 7Search and Seizure...... Page 19
Regular Bell Schedule………….………..…..Page 8School Provided Storage Space...... Page 19-20
Half-Day Schedule………………...... Page 8Vehicles in District Property...... Page 20
Inclement Weather Schedule…………….….Page 8Telephone Messages...... Page 20
Purpose of TCHS Handbook………………..Page 8Universal Precautions – Communicable or
Standard of Conduct………………………...Page 8-9Infectious Disease...... Page 20
Academic Program………………………….Page 10Visitors Passes...... Page 20
Graduation Requirements…………………...Page 10 Withdrawn Students...... Page 20
AZ. Universities/College Requirements…….Page 10Article A – Student Rights...... Page 21-24
Additional Requirements……………………Page 10Zero Tolerance Policy...... Page 25
ACT Test…………………………...... Page 10Article B –Behavior...... Page 25
SAT Test…………………………...... Page 10General Behavioral Expectations...... Page 25
Early Graduation…………………………….Page 11Prohibited Behavior and Consequences...... Page 26-33
Make Up Credits…………………..………...Page 11Article C – Attendance Regulations...... Page 34-36
TCHS Valedictorian Criteria………………..Page 11Attendance and Tardy Policy...... Page 34
Weighing of Grades…………………..……..Page 11Absences...... Page 34
Recommended Interventions...... Page 12School Business...... Page 35
Required Interventions...... Page 12Excessive Absences...... Page 35
Reteach Policy...... Page 12Truancy...... Page 35
Athletics…………………………...... Page 12Navajo Nation Code...... Page 35
Athletic Grade Requirements……...... Page 12-13Absence Verification...... Page 35
Removal from Activities…………….….…..Page 13Make-up Work...... Page 35
Books……………………………...………...Page 13Checkout...... Page 36
Bus Assignments…………………..………...Page 13Tardy Policy...... Page 36
Campus Security…………………..………...Page 13Article D – Suspension and Appeal...... Page 36-38
Cafeteria & Rules………………….………...Page 13 Suspension...... Page 36
Child Abuse Reporting…………....………...Page 13-14Authority to Suspend...... Page 36
Closed Campus…………………...... Page 14Short-Term Suspension Procedures...... Page 36
Communication Process...... Page 14Alternative to Suspension Program...... Page 37
Computer Network Resources……………....Page 14Long Term Suspension Procedures...... Page 37-38
Acceptable Use Guidelines………..………...Page 14Suspension and Expulsion of Students
Privileges...... Page 14with Disabilities...... Page 38
Services...... Page 14Suspension and Appeal Procedure...... Page 38
Child Custody……………………,………....Page 14Records and Reports...... Page 38
Dress Code………………………...………...Page 15At Risk Counselor Services...... Page 38
Dress that Advocates Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco...... Page 15Appendix A...... Page 38
Footwear and Safety Dress...... Page 15Drug and Alcohol Use by Students...... Page 38
Gang-Related Apparel/Grooming...... Page 15Prohibited Conduct...... Page 38
Driving and Parking Privileges……………...Page 15-16Consequences...... Page 38
Electronic Devices…………………………..Page 16Definitions...... Page 38-40
Honor Code/Statement……………………....Page 16Arizona State Truancy Law...... Page 41Recommended Statement for Student Exams....Page 16 Navajo Nation Truancy Law...... Page 41
Identification Badges (ID)...... Page 16Student/Parent Signature Page...... Page 42
Immunizations...... Page 16Student/Parent/Teacher/Administration
Law Enforcement Officers...... Page 16Compact 2014-2015...... Page 43 Medications…………………………....…...Page 17 Warrior Fight Song...... Page 44
We’ve learned to love this dear old spot, Tuba High
The school where friendship means a lot, Tuba High
Lessons taught are worth their learning, here where
Friendship torch is burning
All love this school is earning, Tuba High
We’ll ne’er forget our Alma Mater, Tuba High
Our true respect we thus allot her, Tuba High
To reach our goal we do our best
In work and play we meet the test
We’ll tell the world this school is blessed,
Here at Tuba High
Kelly Green and White
“To provide a quality education in a safe and encouraging environment for all of our students”
Goal 1: All schools will increase student achievement, to exceed State Standards, and become
Goal 2: Parental Partnerships will be strengthened at each school.
TCHS with a proud tradition of excellence recognizes our vital role in the community, the value of diversity, and our commitment to educating students to be knowledgeable adults, responsible citizens, and active leaders in a competitive changing world.
Principal: Mary F. Begaye
Assistant Principal:
Athletic Director: James, Roe, Jr.
Dean of Students:Ross Williams
Front Office Phone #: (928) 283-1050
Website for TCUSD # 15:
TCHS Staff E-Mail: Please contact your child’s teacher(s)
Regular Bell Schedule SY 2014-2015
Breakfast7:10 AM - 7:41 AM (31 minutes)
Warning Bell7:41 AM
1stPeriod Advisory 7:45 AM - 8:16 AM (31 minutes)
2ndPeriod 8:20 AM - 9:41 AM (81 minutes)
3rd Period9:45 AM – 11:06 AM (81 minutes)
4thPeriod11:10 AM - 12:31 PM (81 minutes)
Lunch12:31 PM – 1:15 PM (44 minutes)
5th Period1:19 PM – 2:40 PM (81 minutes)
Half- Day Schedule (Early Dismissal)
Breakfast7:10 AM – 7:41 AM (31 minutes)
1st Period Advisory 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM (30 minutes)
2nd Period8:19 AM – 9:14 AM (55 minutes)
3rd Period9:18 AM – 10:13 AM (55 minutes)
4th Period10:17 AM - 11:12 AM (55 minutes)
Lunch11:12 AM – 11:56 AM (44 minutes)
5th Period12:00 PM – 12:55 PM (55 minutes)
Bus Dismissal1:00 PM
Inclement Weather Schedule (2 Hr. Delay)
1st Period Advisory9:45 AM – 10:15 AM (30 minutes)
2nd Period10:19 AM – 11:09 AM (50 minutes)
3rd Period11:14 AM - 12:04 PM (50 minutes)
4th Period12:08 PM - 12:58 PM (50 minutes)
Lunch12:58 PM – 1:42 PM (44 minutes)
5thPeriod1:46 PM - 2:36 PM(50 minutes)
Welcome to Tuba City High School (TCHS). The role of TCHS is to provide each student with a quality education to become a productive citizen. As a student, it is your responsibility to become familiar with information in this handbook. This handbook is a guide to assist the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) in addressing some concerns or answering questions that may arise. The handbook is not all inclusive; it points out areas where general guidelines can be drawn.
The guidelines that govern actions of students in the high school are the policies set forth by the Governing Board and compiled in the policy manual, a copy of which is available in the Principal’s office. If conflicts between the Governing Board Policies and this handbook occur, Governing Board Policies shall govern.
Students shall comply with the District policies, regulations and procedures, pursue the required courses of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers and administration. The Board, pursuant to statutory duties, authorized the administration to develop administrative regulations and procedures governing student conduct.
The purpose of the Tuba City High School Handbook is to establish a standard of conduct for TCHS, which will provide the best possible educational climate for the students, faculty, staff, and general public, encourage participation in the educational process by the general public, assure the safety of the students and staff, protect school district property and honor and protect the rights of all individuals within the school community.
All persons upon the property of TCHS are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the vision, goals, and beliefs of the Tuba City Unified School District #15 (TCUSD.) Students are required by state law to comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers, the administrators, and the Governing Board. (A.R.S. §15-841& A.R.S. 15-341)
This requirement includes (1) complying with all duly adopted Governing Board policies and administrative regulations, (2) complying with the lawful directions of District officials and/or identifying one to such officials when lawfully requested to do so. In addition, students are required to obey all federal, state, and tribal laws, and must comply with the lawful directions of any law enforcement officers acting in performance of his or her duties.
Student rights and behavioral expectations apply whenever a student is on school property, including school buses, in the vicinity of the school, at school activities, at school-sponsored activities being held at another location, and on the way to and from school. (A.R.S. 15-341)
School staff members are expected to:
- Teach standards of behavior through exemplary role modeling, positive behavior, and fairness.
- Involve students in age-appropriate decisions.
- Help students learn to the best of their abilities.
- Listen to and encourage students’ ideas.
- Teach the student how to properly express himself/herself.
- Help the student learn to work cooperatively with others.
- Involve parents in decision making for students.
- Assume responsibility for maintaining open communication with parents.
- Keep parents or guardians informed about special concerns that impact the students.
- Seek advice of school administrators and other professionals to ensure students’ needs are met.
Parents or Guardians are expected to:
- Work cooperatively are expected:
- Communicate with teachers regularly regarding their student.
- Ensure that the school has correct telephone numbers, contacts, and addresses for their home, work, and emergencies.
- Ensure students arrive to school on time every day and remain for the entire school day.
- Notify the school when the student will be absent.
- Provide time and a quiet space for the student to complete homework.
- Ensure that the student dresses properly, according to the student dress code.
- Ensure the student has all necessary materials for school.
- Provide the name(s) of persons whom the student may be released to when dismissed from school.
- Follow school rules when on campus.
- Ensure student grades and attendance are accurately reported and regularly available to parents.
- Establish clear rules for acceptable behavior that include corrective action that is firm, fair, and enforced consistently.
- Demonstrate an organized, collaborative, and ongoing effort to develop and maintain a safe school that supports successful academic achievement and social development of all students.
- Demonstrate respect for the dignity of every parent, student, and fellow employee.
Students are expected to:
- Come to school prepared for learning.
- Follow all school rules.
- Arrive at class and other school activities on time.
- Complete all class work and homework.
- Do their own class work and give answers when called upon.
- Ask the staff for help when needed and tell adults when there are problems.
- Use appropriate language on campus and during school sponsored activities.
- Talk to parents about school activities.
- Respect and be polite to other students and the school staff.
- Respect the rights and property of others and the school by not smudging, scratching, tearing, or breaking items.
- Wear clothing that meets the student dress code.
- Attend school and all classes unless there is an absence approve by his/her parent(s) / guardian(s).
- Carry a school pass when leaving the classroom or other areas without school staff.
- Refrain from bullying and harassment of any kind.
Arizona Junior Colleges and Technical Schools require a High School diploma or a Graduation Equivalency Degree (GED). Contact the individual colleges and schools for any additional information.
Students entering Tuba City High School Educational Program MUST earn credits according to the following plan of required courses and electives to receive a diploma!
Graduation Requirementsare 28 CREDITS/Listedbelow BY SCHOOL YEAR:
CLASS of: / *2015 / *2016 / *2017 / *2018Language Arts / 5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0
Mathematics / 4.0 / 4.0 / 4.0 / 4.0
Science / 3.0 / 3.0 / 3.0 / 3.0
PE or JROTC / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Health / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
World History / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
U.S. History / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
U.S./Arizona Government/Economics / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Native American Studies / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Fine Arts / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Career Technical Education (CTE) / 2.0 / 2.0 / 2.0 / 2.0
Required Credits / 21.0 / 21.0 / 21.0 / 21.0
Electives / 7.0 / 7.0 / 7.0 / 7.0
TOTAL CREDITS / 28.0 / 28.0 / 28.0 / 28.0
(*) Graduates must meet the Graduation Requirements of Tuba City High School and pass the Arizona
Instrument of Measurement Standards (AIMS) / Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College Careers (PARCC) / and/or AZ. Common Core Assessments in order to receive a high school diploma and participate in graduation exercises.
Arizona Junior Colleges and Technical Schools require a High School Diploma or a Graduation Equivalency Degree (GED). Contact the individual colleges and schools for any additional information.
CTE - Level II/III
*Transferring senior students will be required to take two credits of Level III vocational classes.
4 Units English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12
4 Units Math: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Functions, Trigonometry, Calculus.
3 Units Lab Sciences: Integrated Science, Biology, Biology II, Earth Science, Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology
4 Units Social Studies: U.S. History and US/AZ/Government/Economics, World History, and Native American Studies.
2 Units Foreign/Indigenous Language: Navajo, Hopi, Spanish (must be same language for both units).
1 Unit Fine Arts: Drawing I, Drawing II, Painting I, Painting II
Ranking: You must rank in the upper 25% of your high school graduating class or have an overall highschool grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. OR
ACT score: Achieve a minimum composite score of 21 (in-state applicant) or 23 (out-of-state applicant).
SAT score: Achieve a minimum composite score of 1010 (in-state applicant) or 1040 (out-of-stateapplicant).
Students desiring early graduation must submit a written request to the high school Principal during the first half of the semester of desired completion. The Principal may accept requests after this date in special circumstances. The request must contain the reasons for the request and the written approval of the student's parent or guardian. All graduation requirements must be met by the early graduation date. The Principal will evaluate each request, will ensure that the parents or guardian are informed of anyrestrictions or limitations to be placed on the student in the event the request is approved, includingrestrictions on curricular activities, and will make appropriate recommendations to the Superintendent. Diplomas will be awarded only at the completion of the spring semester. However, final transcripts will beprovided as soon as the high school requirement has been met.
TCHS may accept credits from an accredited correspondence or summer school program. Prior toenrollment in a course, please check with the Counseling Department in charge of registration if you wishto pursue makeup credits through one of these means to see if the credit is acceptable.
I.Process. A committee of the current counselors, two academic core teachers, and one designeeAdministrator
willmeet and review the prospective students’ seventh (7th) semester transcript andunofficially announce the candidate(s)by the end of March.
II.Criteria. The Valedictorian selection will be based on:
- A student who has attended TCHS all 7 consecutive semesters.
- Weighted cumulative Grade Point Average.
- One pass/fail class will be permitted and will be assigned a credit and a letter grade of “A” or “F”; and will not be calculated into the GPA.
- No release time granted throughout the 7 semesters.
- All Graduation requirements fulfilled.
III.Refer to Counselors Handbook for further explanation.
In selected subject areas, different points will be assigned to grades in order to reflect the rigorous level of work and performance of the student. The following table indicates point equivalents, which will be used in determining the honor roll.
Honors/Advanced Placement (AP)Regular and Basic Courses
B / 4 / B / 3
C / 3 / C / 2
D / 1 / D / 1
F / 0 / F / 0
Language Arts: AP English Language, AP English Literature
Math: Honors Functions, Calculus A and B, Honors Trigonometry
Science: Honors Biology, Anatomy, Honors Math/Physics