Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program (AFGP)
Technical Application Template
Note: All applications to the AFGP will be submitted online. The following template is provided as illustrative of the information that will be gathered. The final template and information to be gathered may differ from this sample.
(All red text highlighted in yellow is “help text” to assist the applicant in filling the form. Please delete all of the help text after filling the application form.)
Cover Page
Provide information in boxes here
AFGP Priority AreaDate of application
Title of proposed grant project
Duration (number of months)
Lead or primary applicant
Official name of applicant organization
Type of lead organization (NGO/CBO/Private Sector/ Other – specify)
Law/regulation under which it is registered with Government of Pakistan
Date of such registration
Current registration status
Status of permission to work in the target district/province/region (e.g., NOC, etc.)
Authority/Department/Ministry that granted permission to work
Postal address
Website of the applicant organization, if any
District where your organization is based
Current geographical coverage
Geographical location of proposed activity
Partner organizations for the project, if any
Name(s) of partner organization(s), if any / Insert additional rows if more than one partner organization is involved.
Contact for the prime Applicant having legal authority to sign grant agreement
Title or position
Postal/ office address
Landline phone number(s)
Mobile telephone number(s)
E-mail address
Fax number(s)
Technical contact person to answer any questions related to the grant application (if different from the above-mentioned contact person)
Title or position
Postal/ office address
Landline phone number(s)
Mobile telephone number(s)
E-mail address
Fax number(s)
Name of primary banker with account number, title and branch address and name of Account Signatories / Please provide bank information here.
Authorized signatures
Print name, title and date
By submitting this document the applicant confirms and certifies that the information provided in this application and the annexes/ attachments is correct and true to his/her knowledge and belief. Any further information requested by the AFGP and its agents/subcontractors at any stage during the process of award will also be provided as true and correct. Provision of any incorrect or falsified information may result in rejection of the application at any stage during the pre-award process or after the grant agreement is signed.
The AFGP reserves the right to reject applications submitted by different applicants that are virtually similar or appear to be drafted by the same person with mere changes to make these look different.
In case of multiple applications submitted by the applicant for the same grant project, the application submitted at the end (latest) will be considered final.
By submitting this application, the applicant also confirms and certifies that s/he has carefully read and understood the requirements contained in the RFA document, any amendments to the RFA document issued by the AFGP, any clarifications provided to the applicant specifically and general guidance available on the AFGP webpages.
Table of Contents
Page Number / Attached (Y/N)Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Technical Approach
Management Plan
Institutional Capacity
Work Plan (Activity Implementation Plan)
Past Performance
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan
Certificate of Registration
CVs of key personnel
Organizational chart
Other supporting documentation
(Please do not include any of the help text in your grant application.)
Executive Summary
Help text: When writing the Executive Summary, it is recommended that applicants follow the provided outline along-with the requirements in the RFA section III.B: Identify your organization; Include your mission statement; Emphasize the key points of your grant proposal (i.e. objectives); Clearly explain the need for your project (i.e. background); Mention the cost of the project and the amount you are requesting; State the time period for the project (number of months); State the results (impact) that are expected from your project (linked with the objectives); Brief summary of applicant’s experience in implementing activities similar to those proposed in this application.
Technical Approach
Help text: Please read RFA section III.B carefully, as well as the review criteria in section IV. A suggested approach is to list objectives, the related activities and their results. The technical approach should contain the following sections:
- Background and Conceptual Clarity: This section should demonstrate a sound conceptual and technical understanding of the relevant aspects of the AFGP Priority Area to be addressed, including a background of the problems or challenges to be addressed and a logical analysis of how the proposed project will address those problems or challenges.
- Local Context: This section should provide a situational local level analysis/context with particular reference to your proposed AFGP Priority Area in the target geographical location.
- Project Objectives: This section should define the specific objectives or goals of the proposed project. These objectives should be directly relevant to an AFGP Priority area.
- Activities and Methodology: This section should outline proposed project activities, with detailed step-by-step methodology and realistic timelines. [Applicants also must create a Work Plan (or Activity Implementation Plan) that should be attached as an Annex. See below for more guidance.] Preference will be given to applications in which activities reflect:
- innovation / fresh approach;
- clear, step-by-step planning for implementation of activities;
- participation of stakeholders;
- sensitivity to issues of marginalized groups (if applicable);
- engagement of women and gender integration into all aspects of the project;
- plans for sharing information with the public about the project and its results; and
- environmental impact and mitigation measures (if applicable).
- Key Results: This section should clearly outline the key results of proposed project activities.
- Explanation of how the proposed project does not duplicate the work of other donors or organizations, or duplicate past work of the applicant organization, but builds on and/or connects with any relevant previous or current initiatives.
- Post-Project Sustainability and Exit Strategy: This section should explain how the applicant plans to ensure that the project interventions and benefits will be sustained after the completion of project. The applicant must describe what measures will be taken after the project is completed in order to sustain project interventions and/or impact.
Management Plan
Help text: Based on the requirements in the RFA section III.B, the applicant should propose a clear management plan to ensure effective implementation of the AFGP. The management plan should define and justify the composition and organizational structure of the project team, and the responsibilities for specific activities are allocated to different individuals/departments, covering all aspects of the project from start to finish. It should also specify and describe the services to be provided by any partner institution or organization.
Institutional Capacity
Help text: Based on the requirements in the RFA section III.B, applicants must demonstrate technical and managerial expertise that enable effective project implementation and include the following: Brief description of organizational history/expertise; Institutional capacity to conduct the types of activities proposed; Capacity in terms of personnel and infrastructure (including offices, core team, equipment, outreach, management systems).
(Please do not include any of the help text in your grant application.)
Work Plan (or Activity Implementation Plan)
Please fill out the Work Plan template provided with this RFA.
Help text: The Work Plan (or Activity Implementation Plan) is a table or spreadsheet that should match the narrative description provided in the Technical Approach (see Activities and Methodologies above). It should provide the step-by-step activities and timeline for the full duration of the grant project. For example: In Month 1, what activities will you undertake? in Month 2, what activities will be the focus of your efforts? Etc.
Past Performance
Please fill out the Past Performance template provided with this RFA.
Help text: Based on the requirements in the RFA section III.B, Past performance and institutional capacity should cover the following areas: Past achievements reflecting successful implementation of projects related to the relevant AFGP Priority Area and/or proposed project location, especially if they are directly relevant to the project being proposed to the AFGP. Experience of collaborating with other institutions relevant to the proposed project, including government, media, coalitions, etc.; Previously received financial support from a donor organization and success in achieving the goals for the funded activities. Applicants should also attach a summary of projects completed by the organization during the past five years.
Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan
Please fill out the MEL Plan template provided with this RFA.
Help text: Based on the requirements in the RFA section III.B, applicants shall submit a Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan. The MEL Plan must explain how the applicant proposes to monitor the project performance and measure indicators and impact. The MEL Plan should include anticipated results, measurable indicators of progress, data sources, frequency of data collection, collection methods, data verification, and responsible parties for data collection, and source of baseline information. The applicant must discuss the ways in which the collection, analysis and reporting of performance data will be managed under the project. All data collected must be disaggregated by gender and other relevant factors. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all costs, if any, related to the implementation of the MEL Plan are included in the cost application.