Instructions for Installing Additional Gunkeeper Workstations
Instructions on Installing Additional Gunkeeper Workstations
- Make a cursory inspection of the existing system to make sure that there are no obvious issues.
- Gather the Current Gunkeeper Setup Data
- General Information
- Locate gpConfig.Ini file for the details of this installation's configuration. The location of this file also identifies the "style" that the existing Gunkeeper is using: Pre-XP (INI file found in the same folder as the Executable) or Post-XP (INI file found in PROGRAM_DATA\Vivax\Gunkeeper folder). You may decide if you want to install the new workstation in the same style.
- Make a backup copy of gpConfig.Ini in a temporary folder where the new workstation has access. Be sure to rename the backup copy so it may be identified later as the backup of the original INI file.
- Informationfor ODBC Version
- From Section [Database Setting], Source Path=
Identify the Folder where Gun Permit.mdb is stored. This is also where all the necessary sub-folders and *.TPS (Licensing and support) files are located. This folder must be available from all the Gunkeeper Workstation. If it is currently located on a local disk drive, it has to be moved to a networked location where it is accessible from all the workstations. If this folder is moved, make sure to edit the INI file to change the value of Source Path= to the new location. (Do not forget the backslash at the end of the path as it is required for the proper functioning of Gunkeeper.)
Note:Instead of Source Path=, you may find Source Count=. This instructs Gunkeeper to display a data source selection window for the user to pick which database to use. If this is the case, a set of data paths specified by Pick #= is listed under the same INI section. This is the set of data paths shown for selection.
- Information for SQL Version
- From Section [Database Setting], Source Path=
Identify the Folder where Gunkeeper stores all the necessary sub-folders and *.TPS (Licensing and support) files are located. If it is currently located on a local disk drive, it has to be moved to a networked location where it is accessible from all the workstations. If this folder is moved, make sure to edit the INI file to change the value of Source Path= to the new location. (Do not forget the backslash at the end of the path as it is required for the proper functioning of Gunkeeper.) - From Section [Database Setting], Source Path=
Identify the MS SQL Server Logon information (for SQL) - SQL Server= defines the name of the SQL Server
- SQL Database= defines the name of the Gunkeeper Database
- SQL UseTrustedConnection= (0 or 1) 1 tells Gunkeeper to use Windows Authentication
- SQL HideConnectionWindow= (0 or1) 1 tells Gunkeeper not to show the SQL Server Connection Window and automatically connect to the SQL Server
- SQL User Id= stores the encrypted SQL User Login ID
- SQL Password= stores the encrypted SQL User Login Password
- SQL SaveUserIdPassword= (0 or 1) 1 tells Gunkeeper to save SQL User ID and Password
- If the Source Path= has been changed to new location, update the original gpConfig.Ini in the existing workstation with the new path. Start Gunkeeper to make sure that the change in file location did not break anything. If the existing Gunkeeper does not start correctly, check and make sure the new source path is entered correctly and is terminated with a backslash. If the source path is correct, then check for folder/drive access rights of the user for errors.
- Put a copy of the (updated) gpConfig.Ini in a temporary folder where the new workstation has access. This is the copy to be used in Step 8.
- Install Gunkeeper on the new Workstation. Run the Gunkeeper Installer and accept all the default settings. This process copies all the necessary files into the appropriate folders in the new workstation.
Note:Do not worry if the default settings are not correct for this installation. All the settings will be fixed by the following steps.
- Install any necessary software drivers for the devices used by Gunkeeper. (There may be printer issues if the card printer attached to the new workstation is not the same as the others. There is usually a way around this problem. Please check with me on this one.)
- Create a new record in the Station Table for this new workstation. For the ODBC version, open Gun Permit.mdb. Otherwise, open the Gunkeeper Database from the SQL Server.
- Open the Station Table.
- Locate the record with the greatest Station.ID value.
- Create a copy of the record found in the previous step. Edit the copy to change the Station.ID value to its original value plus one and remember this new value.
- Change the contents of Station.Name to reflect the newly installed workstation.
- Depending on the configuration Style determined by Step 2.a.i, copy and replace the newly installed gpConfig.Ini with the copy from Step 4. For the current installer, gpConfig.Ini should be copied into the same folder as the executable.
- Edit this copy and search for StationID= in Section [Station Setting]. Change the value of StationID= to the value of Station.IDremembered from Step 7.c. Save and exit the file.
- Start the newly installed Gunkeeper to finish the installation.
- If Gunkeeper starts up without any errors or warnings, this installation is basically complete. Otherwise, check to make sure the correct gpConfig.Ini is copied and is placed in the correct folder. Also, make sure the changes made to this copy of gpConfig.Ini are correct.
- Open the Station Preferences Window (Setup Menu -> Station Preferences…). Go through each Tab and make sure the settings match what is installed for this new workstation. The main items to review are those of the device settings.
- Finally, check for the proper operation of the following items:
- Open the Permit Table and modify an existing Permit Record. If the Permit Record Window opens, in all likelihood, the connection to the database is correct and operational.
- Open a new Permit Record for testing: taking a photo, scanning Fingerprints (if required), and capture a signature. This test Permit Record may be deleted once the final test is completed.
- Select an existing Permit Record for printer testing: print a permit license (card) and a permit report (paper).
- If Document Imaging Module is installed, test the scanning process.
- Enter the new Activation Code to increase the user license count.
- Delete any test records created during this step.
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