UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORDSchool of Engineering, Design and TechnologyProgramme/course title:Automotive Engineering

Awarding and teaching institution: / University of Bradford
Final award: / MSc
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level M]
Programme title: / Automotive Engineering
Programme accredited by: / Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Duration: / 1 year full time
UCAS code: / N/A
Date produced: / 3 November 2006
Last updated : / June 2012


The characteristic feature of modern vehicles is the rapidly increasing use of control systems and microprocessors to integrate the operation of the mechanical, electrical and electronic systems. The objectives are to achieve an optimum combination of performance and fuel economy whilst meeting ever tighter emissions legislation; to achieve an acceptable ride and control of the vehicle; and to ensure safe operation over a wide range of braking and traction conditions.

The Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree programme in Automotive Engineering is designed to meet the needs of the 21st Century automotive industry for graduates with the necessary skills and understanding in vehicle sub-systems, control, mechatronics, and computer aided techniques needed to design and develop integrated vehicle systems.

The core modules provide you with advanced level knowledge in the principles, design and control of vehicle subsystems. The range of optional modules available allows you to develop a specialism in one of a number of thematic areas, (1) vehicle control and mechatronics, (2) manufacturing and (3) system quality and reliability or, alternatively, to develop knowledge from across a number of areas, enabling you to build up a portfolio of expertise across a number of these themes. The project modules will develop your research and project management skills whilst undertaking in-depth study of a particular topic. The major MSc dissertation project is usually linked with on-going research within the School of Engineering, Design and Technology. The School places emphasis on both teaching and research, believing them to be mutually dependent. We have particular research strengths in Automotive Engineering and have strong links with the global automotive industry,in particular Ford Motor Company, Jaguar Land Rover, Cumminsand their supplier base. Over the last 10 years we have collaborated with our industrial sponsors in the delivery of research-based degree programmes, enhancing our reputation for expertise in the area of advanced engineering based on Vehicle Mechatronics and Control, Computer Modelling and Simulation and Virtual Engineering and Testing.

The MSc will meet, in part, the exemplifying academic benchmark requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Accredited MSc graduates who also have a BEng (Hons) accredited for CEng, will be able to show that they have satisfied the educational base for CEng registration.

With reference to teaching and learning, the School aims to produce postgraduates who aspire to challenging careers in industry, commerce and the public sector or to developing their own enterprises. Postgraduates will be able to move directly into responsible roles in employment with a minimum of additional training. These aimsare achieved by

  • Providing a supportive, structured environment in which students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills;
  • Developing subject knowledge and understanding, developing discipline skills and developing personal transferable skills, to enable graduates to pursue programmes of further study, or to move directly into responsible employment.

Programme Aims

The programme is intended to:

  • to give technical depth across the discipline of Automotive Engineering and its applications,
  • to provide breadth to encourage innovators of mechanical systems,
  • to facilitate exposure to other engineering disciplines,
  • to develop and enhance research skills. Upon graduation you will have the capacity for meaningful interdisciplinary interaction, a leadership role, and professional growth, which may include Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng) status

Programme Learning Outcomes

When you have completed the programme you will be able to:

  • [LO1] Demonstrate the ability to apply advanced level knowledge and understanding of automotive engineering to optimise the application of existing technology and to produce innovative uses for emerging technology to develop products / processes
  • [LO2] Provide technical expertise in theoretical, computational, and practical methods to the analysis and solution of automotive engineering problems, particularly in vehicle engines, electronics and control and vehicle dynamics.
  • [LO3] Demonstrate leadership in meeting the technical and managerial requirements for effective project implementation.
  • [LO4] Apply the tools and disciplines required in interdisciplinary competitive design;
  • [LO5] Apply computational and simulation methods used to optimise designs and processes for reliability and robustness of automotive systems.
  • [LO6] Demonstrate an appreciation of business and management practices that are relevant to engineering and engineers
  • [LO7] Apply engineering principles and inter-personal skills to the critical analysis of multi-disciplinary problems in order to create innovative solutions to non-routine problems.
  • [LO8] Identify an area for further detailed investigation, design and experimental programme, utilise research skills to critically evaluate and interpret newly developed data.
  • [LO9] Plan, conduct and report a programme of original research.
  • [LO10] Integrate and evaluateinformation from a variety of sources.
  • [LO11] Take a holistic approach in solving problems and designing systems, applying professional judgements to balance risks, cost, benefits, safety, reliability and environmental impact.
  • [LO12] Work in groups in order to meet shared objectives.
  • [LO13] Use problem solving strategies to develop, monitor and update a plan for the solution of both technical and personnel contributions to meeting organisational need.
  • [LO14] Learn independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations with open mindedness and in the spirit of critical enquiry.
  • [LO15] Learn effectively for the purpose of continuing professional development and in a wider context throughout your career.


Postgraduate Certificate

Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study period
ENG4050L / Interdisciplinary Competitive Design / C / 10 +10 / M / Semester 1 and 2
ENG4037M / Computer Application of Numerical Methods / C / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4055M / Virtual Vehicle Prototyping / C / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG3037M / Engine and Powertrain / C / 10 / 3 / Semester 1
ENG4080M / Engineering Vibration / O / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4029M / Design Optimisation / O / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4051D / Mobile Robotics & Wireless Sensors / O / 20 / M / Semester 1
ENG4049L / Control Systems Design / O / 10+10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4087M / Manufacturing Planning & Control / O / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4082M / Manufacturing Systems Simulation / O / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG4090M / Materials & Manufacturing Processes / O / 10 / M / Semester 1
ENG3021M / Vehicle Control Systems / O / 10 / 3 / Semester 1
ENG3076M / Materials Failure Analysis / O / Semester 1
ENG3048M / Six Sigma for Business Excellence / O / 10 / 3 / Semester 1

Postgraduate Diploma

Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study period
ENG4102M / Vehicle Drive-Train Analysis / C / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG4048M / Engine Mapping and Calibration / C / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG4000D / Advanced Project Skills / C / 20 / M / Semester 2
ENG4025M / Finite Element Methods / O / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG4072M / Risk Management / O / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG4064M / Sustainable Energy / O / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG4086M / Advanced Manufacturing Technology / O / 10 / M / Semester 2
ENG3004M / Vehicle Dynamics / O / 10 / 3 / Semester 2
ENG3049M / Reliability Engineering / O / 10 / 3 / Semester 2


Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study period
ENG4013Z / MSc Project / C / 60 / M / Semester3


Only 20 credits of Level 3 modules can be taken as part of the Masters programme

Students who have studied any module as part of an undergraduate programme at the University of Bradford may not take these again. Substitute modules must be selected in consultation with the Course Director.

The curriculum may change, subject to the University's course approval, monitoring and review procedures.

Teaching and Assessment Strategies

The teaching and learning strategy takes into consideration the learning outcomes, progression through the levels of study, the nature of the subject and the student intake, and the need for you to take greater responsibility for your own learning as you progress through the course. The strategies and methods implemented are:

  • The teaching and learning methods implemented to engage you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the course include formal lectures (including those from Visiting Lecturers), case studies, tutorial exercises, practical demonstrations, directed learning and individual and group work. Assessment is by means of written examination and by both analytical and experimental coursework.
  • The methods implemented in developing your intellectual skills include engaging with them during tutorial exercises, case studies, practical demonstration and supervised research or project work. The methods of assessment of intellectual skills are implicit in the written examinations, analytical and experimental coursework and more particularly in your MSc dissertation project.
  • The methods implemented in developing your practical skills include demonstrations and practical work linked to the taught modules. You will also design and operate equipment and use control and measuring instruments under supervision during the initial phase of your research project. The methods of assessment of practical skills include feedback on laboratory work linked with the taught modules. Also a large part of the mark of the MSc dissertation will be attributed to the Experimental Method and Equipment and the Presentation and Discussion of Results.
  • The methods implemented in developing the students’ transferable skills are implicit in the programme. The University of Bradford is well known for attracting students from a wide variety of background, experiences and countries. This, and the learning facilities available to all students, provides the conditions for students to develop and manage their learning. The University of Bradford modus operandi, Making Knowledge Work, is embedded in the philosophy of this course, particularly in the area of Engineering, Design and Technology, which is well equipped with practical and computational facilities. Multi-disciplinary Group project work assists in the development of team working skills – these are essential skills skill sought by many employers. The methods of assessment of transferable skills are built in the structure of the examinations, case studies, laboratory demonstrations and research or project work.

Assessment Regulations

This Programme conforms to the standard University Assessment Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes which are available at the following link: .

To be eligible for an accredited Masters Degree, with the title as shown above,

  • You must achieve at least 50% in 160 credits and 40% in the other 20 credits

To be eligible for a non-accredited Masters Degree, with the title: MSc Engineering

  • You must achieve at least 40% in 160 credits and 35% in the other 20 credits.

If you attain an overall weighted average of at least 60.0% at the initial attempt, including at least 60.0% at the initial attempt in any dissertation, you will be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master with Merit.

If you attain an overall weighted average of at least 70.0% at the initial attempt, including at least 70.0% at the initial attempt in your dissertation, you will be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master with Distinction.

To be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma,

  • You must achieve at least 40.0% in 100 Credits and at least 35.0% in the other 20 Credits.

To be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate,

  • You must achieve at least 40.0% in 40 Credits and at least 35.0% in the other 20 Credits.

Postgraduate students are entitled to do supplementary assessment as follows,

For the accredited award, you are permitted one supplementary attempt in any of the taught modules failed or below 50%, at the next available opportunity, but not in the MSc Project. You may therefore re-sit a module that has a mark in the 40% to 50% range for the purpose of remaining on the accredited award.

For the non-accredited award, you are permitted one supplementary attempt in any of the taught modules failed (<40%), including the MSc Project.

However, in both cases above, the re-sit mark will be capped at 35% for the purpose of calculating the award average for the potential awards with Merits or Distinctions.

Admission Requirements

The University welcomes applications from all potential students regardless of their previous academic experience; offers are made following detailed consideration of each individual application. Most important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. Entrance requirements for each programme will vary but consideration of your application will be based on a combination of your formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience.

If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Please talk to us if you do not fit the standard pattern of entry qualifications.

The University of Bradford has always welcomed applications from disabled students, and these will be considered on the same academic grounds as are applied to all applicants. If you have some form of disability you may wish to contact the programme leader before you apply.

Learning Resources

The JB Priestley Library on the city campus and our specialist libraries in the School of Health Studies and the School of Management provide a wide range of printed and electronic resources to support your studies. We offer quiet study space if you want to work on your own, and group study areas for the times when you need to discuss work with fellow students. Subject librarians for each School provide training sessions and individual guidance in finding the information you need for your assignment, and will help you organise your references properly.

Student PC clusters can be found in all our libraries and elsewhere on the campus. Many of these are open 24/7. You can also use the University's wireless network to access the internet from your own laptop. Most of our online journals are available on the internet (both on and off campus), and you can also access your University email account, personal information and course-related materials this way.

Staff are on hand during the daytime to help you if you get stuck, and there is a 24/7 IT helpline available.

Learning resources located within the School of Engineering, Design and technology utilised by Mechanical and Automotive engineering students include:

  • A central workshop that supports the School’s teaching, research and commercial activity. The workshop normally manufactures small to medium size items of equipment for teaching and research. It is well equipped with modern CNC machine tools. Students also have access to a well-equipped student workshop.
  • A Mechanics of Materials Laboratory containing facilities to conduct experiments in bending, torsion, shear and multi-axial loading.
  • An automotive laboratory equipped with appropriate tools and hoists. The facilities available to students include a Rototest chassis dynamometer (£125k). Students have access to various test vehicles (both IC and Electric) which are used for teaching and project work. The co-located HYPER C laboratory houses 5 engine dynamometers, including a 500kW facility capable of testing commercial vehicle Diesel engines and an electric motor dynamometer. These dynamometers are equipped with “state-of-the-art” sensor technology for data collection and are complemented by exhaust gas and exhaust particulate analysers.
  • The Polymer IRC laboratories provide advanced experimental facilities for both Undergraduate and Masters level project work. Equipment comprises various injection machines equipped with “state-of-the-art” in-line process monitoring apparatus, micro-moulding machines, Extrusion and film production machines. Materials testing equipment and specialist modelling and simulation software.
  • A combined Fluid mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory containing various undergraduate experiment rigs and a serviced pumped area for large-scale hydraulic investigations.
  • The school has five computing laboratories (229 personal computers). Here you will have access to specialist design and analysis software used in teaching as well as general office software (i.e. Word, Access, PowerPoint and Excel), email, Blackboard (The University’s Virtual Learning Environment used by the School’s Academic Staff to provide access to materials which support your learning – e.g. Notes, Videos) and browser facilities.WiFI access is widely available across campus.

Student Support and Guidance

Course Team

Support for you personally and in your course of study, will be provided both by the University and the Course Team. You will be allocated a personal tutor who is someone with whom you will be able to talk about any academic or personal concerns. The School will ensure that there is someone available with whom you feel comfortable to help and support you. You will be provided with a comprehensive series of handbooks that you can consult on a range of learning issues and your course tutors will be available to consult on subject specific queries.

Students’ Union

We value the feedback provided by students and collaborate with the Students’ Union, through a system of course representatives and formal staff student liaison committees, so that any issues you wish to raise are addressed rapidly.

The Students’ Union and the University of Bradford work in partnership to provide confidential counselling and welfare services where you can get help with any aspect of your personal or academic life. Student Financial and Information Services (part of the Hub) will provide you with information about a diverse range of issues such as council tax, personal safety and tourist information. International Students can access a range of additional advice and support services through the Student’s Union.

Careers and Employability

The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career Development Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the web site

Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of programmes there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.