Ambassador of Goodwill Award
Getting Started
We want to make your adventure with the new Ambassador of Goodwill Award exciting and rewarding. We want to make it possible for you (the DFEC, the DG, the Club President and the Traveling Rotarian) to take part in establishing this new award as simply and easily as possible. We have several years of experience in District 6380 which we have captured in various forms, articles, instructions and other relevant items. These are all included on and downloadable from our page in the District 6380 website which will be maintained and expanded as we go along.
At some point this information may be transferred to a Rotary International related website when they complete a major upgrade of the RI website. But until then this will be your best source of information on the Ambassador of Goodwill Award.
Let's introduce the Chair of the Ambassador of Goodwill Award Committee. He is Phil Alexander, past DFEC of District 6380 and member of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club. That’s him in item #2 AB in the startup package and he will be your tour guide.
We have put together over 30 items which are included on this website and downloadable. We have tried to anticipate your questions and needs and suggest you begin by visiting the Ambassador of Goodwill Award page in the district 6380 website and clicking on the AGA page and downloading the Startup Package or by visiting the Ann Arbor Rotary Club’s Ambassador of Goodwill Award page with Starter Kit link at:
Our first objective is to familiarize you with this new award and make you an expert. These ten items cover the basics. The twelve Start Up Procedure Items will come into play after you have approval from your District to proceed. These items will help you set up and administer the new award. The Promotional Items will be helpful in making your efforts known throughout the District. Finally, we have included some items of an administrative nature which give you the History and Progress updates on our efforts to bring this new award into being. We hope you find them all helpful.
AGA Website Documents
1. A AGA Getting Started.doc
Start Up Package
1. AA AGA Start Up Package Overview.doc
2. AB AGA Committee Chair, Phil Alexander, and AGA logo, Photo
3. AC RI Pres. Wilkerson receiving AGA from PDRI Setty, Photo
4. AD RI President Wilkerson photo caption
5. AE AGA Rationale
7. AG AGA Proforma Startup Budget
8. AH AGA District 6380 Application
9. AI AGA Sample Certificate
10. AJ AGA 2005-2006 Review Dist 6380 Newsletter, June 2006, pg5.pdf
Procedures Items
1. BA AGA Procedures Items.doc
2. BB AGA Auto Certificate.pdf
3. BC Instructions for AGA Auto Certificate.doc
4. BD AGA Certificate Blank.jpg
5. BE AGA Certificate Template.doc
6. BF AGA Certificate Number Overlays.jpg (omitted)
7. BG AGA 6380 Recipients & Citations (07-08).doc
8. BH AGA 6380 Recipients & Citations (06-07).doc
9. BI AGA Application (generic) 10-4-07.doc
10. BJ AGA Display 2006 Dist Conf.jpg
11. BK AGA 6380 Announcement 1-27-09.doc
12. BL AGA Pin Quote for Order.doc
Promotional Items
1. CA AGA Promotional Items Overview.doc
2. CB District Gov's approve AGA display.jpg
3. CC AA Rotarians receive first AGAs.jpg
4. CD AGA Logo (a).jpg
5. CE AGA Logo and Caption, Photo
6. CF AGA Photo & Cap Phil Dist Conf.doc
7. CG AGA Awardees 2005-2009.doc
History and Progress Items
1. DA AGA History and Progress Items Overview.doc
2. DB AGA History, (8 pgs).doc
3. DC AGA Progress Report (2005-2006).doc
4. DD AGA First Year Notes.doc
5. DE District 6380 Rotarians receive AGA 05-06.doc
6. DF AGA Certificate Citations (05-06)
7. DG District 6380 Newsletter 9-07, see pg 5.doc
Please note: Also included are a folder of coded photos, a related captions document, and the final report of the Friendship Exchange Visit to the Ann Arbor Rotary Club to their Centennial Twin Clubs, Pune Central (India)
Rev 10/2/09