Seasons / Main learning Challenge - Autumn term
All about Me / Main learning Challenge - Spring term
Superheroes / Main learning Challenge - Summer term
Arctic / Mini learning Challenge
Summer term
English – texts and genres / Simple captions/ sentence writing
Information – All about me writing (cross curricular link)
Narrative – Dear Zoo
Poetry – Dear Zoo
Non chronological reports – Dear Zoo
Recount – school visit? / Sentence writing focus
Letter writing – to/from a superhero/superhero character in a story (cross curricular link)
Narrative – Eliot Midnight Superhero
Other – tbc if needed? / Non Chronological Reports – Polar bears
Postcards – from the Arctic
Narrative – We’re going on a bear hunt
Letter writing – We’re going on a bear hunt / Narrative – Jack and the Beanstalk
SPaG / Capital letters and Full Stops
Capital letters for people and places (names)
Personal pronoun ‘I’
Writing a sentence (to be done through English work)
Sequencing sentences in narratives (to be done through English work) / Capital letters for days of the week (names)
Joining words and clauses using ‘and’
Using a question mark / Consolidation of previous SPaG work through English and cross curricular writing
Spelling / Phonics work daily
Suffix - ing / Phonics work daily
Prefix ‘un’
Suffixes – er, es, s / Consolidation work
High frequency words
Maths / Number: Place Value
Number: Addition and Subtraction
Geometry: Shape
Number: Place Value
Number: Addition and Subtraction / Time
Number: Place Value
Number: Multiplication and Division
Measures: Length and Height
Number: Fractions / Number: Place Value
Number: Four Operations
Measurement: Money
Measurement: Weight and Capacity
•Observe changes across the two seasons;
•Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.
•Gather & record data to help answer questions / ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS
•Identify and name a variety of common mammals and other animals.
•Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores;
•Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals.
•Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the human body is associated with each sense. / EVERYDAY MATERIALS
•Distinguish between an object and the materials from which it is made;
•Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock;
•Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials;
•Perform simple tests
•Observe closely & use observations/ideas to suggest answers to questions
•Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties. / PLANTS
•Identify and name a variety of common, wild and green plants.
•Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
Geography / Know where the United Kingdom is and what it is like
Understand the features of our local area and where we live/our school is / Name and locate the 5 oceans
Use and create maps / Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles
Understand geographical similarities and differences between an Arctic city and London
History / Pupils should begin to develop an awareness of the past and the ways in which it is similar to and different from the present
Changes within living memory - revealing aspects of change in national life / The lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to our nation’s achievements / Inuit way of life
Art / Painting (colour mixing) - Autumn/Winter colours to paint leaves / Drawing and painting – Self portraits
Clay – Portraits / Famous artist – Andy Warhol
Drawing – Pop Art words
Painting – Comic strips / Chalk – Aurora Borealis scenes
Printing – Inuit style / Famous artist – Vincent Van Gogh – Sunflowers – create own use chosen media
DT / Food Technology – basic introduction and safety work – zoo animal biscuits
Mechanisms – moving zoo images / Textiles – Superhero puppets / Structures – design, make, test and evaluate Inuit boats
Computing /
- Amazing images
- Puppet Masters
- Let’s make a card
- All about algorithms
- Cool Researchers
RE / Unit 1.4 – How do we celebrate special occasions? (on going throughout the year – Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Eid)
Unit 1.1 – Which books and stories are special?
Unit 1.2 – What does it mean to belong to a Church or a Mosque?
Unit 1.3 – Why do we care?
Music / Singing – topic linked songs and creating their own versions
Christmas production song practice / Percussion –sounds to accompany a superhero song
Islington scheme / Physical health and wellbeing (fun times)
Keeping safe and managing risk (feeling safe) / Staying Safe (topic linked)
Lifesavers – emergency services (topic linked)
Identity, society and equality (Me and others)
Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (What do we put into and on to bodies?) / Mental health and emotional wellbeing (Feelings)
Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing (My money)
PE / Dance
Gym / Gym
Games / Games
Outdoor Learning / Weather stations
Leaf collections
Seasonal walks around the school grounds / Outdoor provision/Construction/Sand and Water
Create a map of the immediate area around the school (geography link)
Maths–Shapes in the environment
Outdoor counting (beat the ball)
Number hunt
Large scale number formation
Making shapes with ribbons
Making the number…
Ordinal numbers – make a pattern, what comes 7thetc? (Twinkl outdoor challenge cards) / Outdoor provision/Construction/Sand and Water
Outdoor maps/superhero routes (Geography link)
Everyday materials hunt around school (Science link)
Maths–scoring games (+)
Handprints – length
Tallest pile of sticks – length
Make a grid – collect natural objects to make a row totaling…. / Maths–sand and water for mass and capacity
Times table treasure hunt
Make a grid – x and ÷
Consolidation of other activities / Planting and growing seeds/flowers
Identifying leaves, common wild flowers in the school grounds