Domain / Task / Brief description / Index / # of subjects / Reference
Perception / Change blindness / For each trial, two pictures were presented alternately with a brief blank screen after each one. Subjects had to decide whether the two pictures are the same. Half of the trials were the same and the other half had minute differences. / Discrimination index as calculated in signal detection theory / 476 / Rensink, 1997
Auditory discrimination / For each trial, a piano tone was presented twice and subjects had to name the pitch / Percentage of correct trials / 465 / Zatorre,2003
Motor-Free Visual Perception Test (MVPT-3) / Subjects were shown a line drawing and then asked to choose the matching drawing from a set of four presented on the following plate. Five categories of visual perception were measured: spatial relationship, visual closure, visual discrimination, visual memory, and figure ground. / Total score / 460 / Colarusso, 2004
Mental rotation / A 3D picture was presented as target, subjects had to pick 2 out of 4 that matched the target by rotation / Number of correctly finished items / 478 / Peters, 1995
Memory / Wechsler Memory Scale –3rd Edition (WMS-III) / Two subscales: Picture recall (Subjects were showed pictures of 20 simple objects for 30 seconds and then asked to recall as many as possible) and picture recognition (Subjects were showed pictures of 8 simple objects for 30 seconds and then asked to pick them out from 28 pictures). / Number of items correctly recalled or recognized / 465 / Wechsler,1945
Working memory / In the 2-back working memory task, subjects judged whether the current item was the same (or related) to the one presented two trials earlier. Three sessions involved morphological, phonological, and semantic judgment. / Overall accuracy / 460 / Xue,2004
Cambridge Face Memory Test / Look at 6 faces for 20 seconds as learning, then in testing stage subjects have to
pick out the ones present from 3 faces, with the other 2 never presented before / Accuracy / 478 / Duchaine,2006
False memory / Subjects saw 50 picture slides depicting a story. After 30 minutes of filler tasks, subjects were asked to read narrations of the story, with 38 accurate and 12 inaccurate descriptions. After 10 minutes of filler tasks, subjects took the recognition test and then the source monitoring test. / Overall false memory and robust false memory test / 372 / Loftus, 2003
Executive function / Attention network test / Subjects saw several small arrows on the computer screen and had to judge the direction of the arrow in the middle (left or right). The 6 peripheral arrows can either in the same or inverse direction to the middle one. There were also cues to alert subjects or point to the position where arrows will be presented / Alert, orientation, conflict / 451 / Fan, 2002
Stroop test / Four Chinese color words were used: red, green, blue, and yellow. Each character was presented in the color either congruent or incongruent with its meaning. Subjects were asked to respond to the print color and ignore the meaning of the word. / Stroop effect, e.g., RT Difference between
incongruent and congruent conditions / 457 / Adopted from Stroop, 1935
Wisconsin card sorting task / Subjects had to select one from four cards that fits a rule. Rules included color, form, and amount of items on the cards, and rules changed during the experiment / Preserved error / 457 / Berg, 1948
Stop-signal test / Subjects had to press a key when a letter appears on the screen as soon as possible, except when a tone followed the letter. / SSRT, the average response time minus the time for inhibition signal / 411 / Aron, 2006
Reversal Learning / Two figures were presented simultaneously side-by-side, and one of them was designated as the target. Subjects had to learn which one was the “target” according to feedback, but the feedback was wrong some of the times and the rules changed after a few items. / Persistent error / 478 / Cools, 2002
IQ / Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices / Subjects were given 30 minutes to complete as many items as possible. In each test item, subjects were asked to select from several alternatives the missing segment that would complete a larger pattern. / Number of items correctly finished / 478 / Raven, 1956
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test / Six subscales: Verbal section included general knowledge, similarities, digit span; Performance section included picture completion, symbol digit coding, block design / Verbal IQ, Performance IQ / 465 / Wechsler, 1955
Gong, 1992 for Chinese version
Emotion / Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation scale / A scale that assesses subjects’ fear of negative evaluations by others / Total score / 478 / Leary, 1983
Beck Depression Inventory-second edition / Self-reports of depressive symptoms / Total score / 478 / Beck, 1996
Beck Anxiety Inventory / Self-reports of general anxiety / Total score / 478 / Beck, 1990
Dissociative Experiences Scale / A self-report questionnaire designed to identify patients with dissociative psychopathology and to provide a means of quantifying dissociative experiences. / Total score / 469 / Bernstein, 1986
Facial emotion recognition / Faces displaying emotions were presented and subjects had to name the emotion as happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust / Overall accuracy / 478 / Wang, 1999
Matsumoto, 1988
Emotion regulation questionnaire / Self-assessment of abilities to regulate emotions / Total score / 478 / Gross, 2003
Personality / Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised / 7 aspects of personality: Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, Persistence, Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, Self-Transcendence / 7 subscales scores / 478 / Cloninger, 1993
Highly Sensitive Person Scale / Sensitivity to stimuli in daily life / Total score / 478 / Aron, 1997
Internal Self Awareness (ISA) / Self awareness of one’s emotions, feelings, and thoughts / Total score / 478 / Scheier, 1985
EAS temperament survey (Tempo) / Activity items of EAS / Total score / 478 / Buss, 1984
The BIS/BAS Scales / Behavior inhibition/approach systems of personality / BIS and BAS score / 478 / Carver,1994
Work Preference Inventory / Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation / Intrinsic/
Extrinsic Motivation score / 478 / Amabile, 1994
Interpersonal / Aggression Questionnaire / Self-reports of physical aggression, verbal aggression , anger, hostility, and indirect aggression / Total score / 478 / Buss, 2000
Temper scale / Questions about temper toward other people (revised short form of the Aggression Questionnaire, see above) / Total score / 478
Social Support Rating Scale / Asks subjective and objective support and how these support helps / Total score / 469 / Xiao ,1994
Coping / The Brief COPEscale / Coping style when confront difficult or stressful events in daily life / 3 principal components: support, active, negative / 478 / Carver,1997
Problem behavior / The LeytonObsessional Inventory / The frequency of obsessional behaviors / Total score / 478 / Berg,1988
Alcohol use disorders identification test(AUDIT) / This scale asks ten questions about alcohol consumption, alcohol dependence, alcohol-related problems, and uses the total score to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. / Total score / 462 / Saunders, 1993
Mathematical cognition / Comparison of colored dots / Dot arrays including both blue and red dots were presented on the screen for 200 ms.Subjects were asked to judge which color had more dots and press a key to respond. / Average response time for correct answers / 416 / Halberda,2008
Numerosity comparison / Two sets of (5-12) dots were presented side by side. Subjects had to judge which set contained more dots. Dots differed both in amount and in size, and subjects had to ignore the size of individual dots. / Average response time for correct answers / 416 / Ginsburg, 1990
Numbercomparison / Subjects had to compare the magnitude of two single-digit numbers, while ignoring their differences in physical size / Average response time for correct answer / 416 / Zhou, 2007
Numerosity estimation / A cluster of (11-99) dots was presented for 1 second and subjects had to estimate the number of dots. Feedback of correct number was provided after each response. / Deviation from the actual numbers of dots / 416 / Krueger 1982
Number paired-associateslearning / An artificial numerical operation was defined. Subjects had to memorize their pairs and numbers and their associated product. / Percentage of memorized number pairs / 414 / Delazer et al., 2005
Parity judgment task / Subjects had to judge if a given number is odd or even / Average response time for correct answers / 416 / Dehaene, 1993
Calculation / Addition and subtraction of two two-digit numbers, multiplication of a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, division of a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. Subjects chose the correct answer from 4 candidates. / Number of items correctly completed in a give time [10 minutes] / 416 / Wei, 2011
Comparison of aurally presented numbers / Two numbers were presented aurally and subjects had to indicate which one was larger in magnitude. / Average response time for correct answers / 416 / Developed for this study
Number seriescompletion / Subjects have to find out the pattern of a series of numbers and deduce the next, and chose one from two candidates / Items finished correctly in a give time / 416 / Smith, 2001
Language abilities / Visual-auditory learning,from Woodcock Reading Mastery test Revised,Forms G. / This task consists of several sessions. In each session, subjects were asked to learn a few symbol-wordpairs. Afterwards, they were asked to read out some sentences written in symbols using corresponding words they just learned. / Number of correct responses / 359 / Woodcock, 1987
Fast naming, adopted from Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing / Subjects were asked to name colors(72 in total) and objects(72 in total) as quickly as they could. / RT for correct trials / 347 / Wagner,1999
Fast reading / Subjects were asked to read Chinese characters (104 in total)as quickly as they could. / Number of characters read in 40 seconds / 363 / Developed for this study
Chinese word recognition / Subjects were asked to read aloudvery low-frequency Chinese characters (50 in total). / Number of characters recognized / 363 / Developed for this study
English Word reading, from Test Of Word Reading Efficiency / Subjects were asked to read English words(208 in total) and pseudo-words (208 in total) as quickly as they could. / Number of words/non-words read in a given time / 362 / Torgesen,1999
Others / Iowa gambling task / In this risk-taking task, subjects had to learn to bet on winning decks of cards and avoid losing decks. / Total score / 454 / Bechara,1994
Reaction times / Donders subtractive reaction time experiment / Simple/choice/discrimination RT / 454 / Adapted from Donders’ experiment
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