Gosnell, Stroman, Waycaster
May 5-9Reading
Big Idea: Authors develop characters based on the character’s struggles and/or events that take place within the story. / Writing/Language
Big Idea: Writers write for a variety of purposes and audiences using a variety of forms / Social Studies
Big Idea: Cultural developments and the Civil Rights Movement changed the face of the United States in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Monday /
Essential Question: How can we use
context clues to determine multiple
word meanings?
Objectives: TSWBAT: Use context
clues to determine multiple meaning
Procedures: (Whole Group)
1. PASS Review –Use Study
Island, “Multiple Meaning
Words” under language to
Assessment: Written responses
Homework: 100 Book
2 Steps / Standards: RL. 5.1, RL.5.2, W. 5.4
Essential Question: How can we write an opinion essay to compare and contrast the growth of characters and how they respond to challenges?
Objective: TSWBAT: Write an opinion essay to compare and contrast the growth of characters and how they respond to challenges.
1. Discuss that readers read to understand why things happen and the deeper meaning behind a character, setting or event.
2. As they read, students will focus on how the characters changes throughout the text whether positively or negatively.
3. Students will use evidence from the text to compare and contrast characters.
Assessment: Written essay / Standard: 5-5.3
Essential Question: What do we remember about the US from 1980’s-Present?
Objective: TSWBAT will review the 1980’s to the Present.
1. PASS Review Changes in the US on Study Island
2. Finish any notes on 1980’s to Present.
Assessment: Student Responses
Homework: 100 Book
2 Steps / PASS ELA Test / Standard: ALL
Essential Question: What do we remember about US History?
Objective: TSWBAT will review US History for PASS.
1. PASS Review – Any Sections from Study Island not completed.
2. Begin reviewing Social Studies Flannigan
Assessment: Student Response
Homework: None
Wednesday / PASS Math Test
Homework: 100 Book
2 Steps / PASS Math Test / Standard: ALL
Essential Question: What do we remember about US History?
Objective: TSWBAT will review US History for PASS.
1. PASS Review – Any Sections from Study Island not completed.
2. Continue reviewing Social Studies FlanniganTest.
Assessment: Student Response
Thursday / PASS History/Science Test / PASS History/Science Test / Standard: 5-6.2
Essential Question: Can I locate the seven
continents and the oceans of the world?
Objective: Identify the seven continents and
the oceans.
1. Many students had trouble identifying the seven continents as we worked on this indicator. Students are to identify placed in the world where the US is involved.
2. Students will cut out continents, glue them
on art paper. Label the continents and the
Assessment: Completion of activity
Friday / Standards: RL.5.5, RL5.6
Essential Question: How can we analyze point of view and author’s purpose in a poem?
Objectives: TSWBAT: Analyze point of view and author’s purpose in a poem
Procedures: (Whole Group)
1. Read the poem, “Invitation to Lost Things.”
2. Who is the speaker talking to in this poem? What is she asking them to do?
3. Why would someone talk to objects that are not human? (author’s purpose)
4. What tone does the speaker use toward these things?
5. What does the tone show you about the importance of small things?
6. How are the first three stanzaz different from the next three?
Assessment: Student responses to
Homework: 100 Book
2 Steps / Standards: RI. 5.9, SL5.4, W.5.8
Essential Question: How can we gather relevant information from print and digital sources to create a study guide for the history standard 1980’s to the present?
Objective: TSWBAT: Write a study guide for the history standard 1980’s to the present.
1. Students will be given an indicator from the current standard on the 1980’s to the present.
2. In groups, students will form a lesson how to reteach this indicator to the class.
3. Students will create their own study guide, find articles/pictures for students and create a cumulative test to give to the class.
4. Each group will present their lesson the class.
Assessment: Study guide / Standard: 5-6.4
Essential Question: How can we gather relevant information from print and digital sources to create a study guide for the history standard 1980’s to the present?
Objective: TSWBAT: Write a study guide for the history standard 1980’s to the present.
1. Students will be given an indicator from the current standard on the 1980’s to the present.
2. In groups, students will form a lesson how to reteach this indicator to the class.
3. Students will create their own study guide, find articles/pictures for students and create a cumulative test to give to the class.
4. Each group will present their lesson the class.
Assessment: Study guide