<RepeatBlock-By<Members>James Nicholson, Struan Stevenson, Neil Parish, Mairead McGuinness, Jonathan Evans, Jean-Pierre Audy</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PPE}on behalf of the PPE-DE Group</AuNomDe</RepeatBlock-By>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 9</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment9. Calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to review the introduction of an electronic identification system for sheep intended for 31December 2009, due to the difficulty in its implementation, high costs and unproven benefits; asks that each Member State be allowed the discretion of introducing this system on a voluntary basis; / 9. Calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to review the introduction of an electronic identification system for sheep intended for 31December 2009, due to the difficulty in its implementation, high costs, technical difficulties and unproven benefits; asks that each MemberState be allowed the discretion of introducing this system on a voluntary basis; strongly recommends that
implementation of the system be deferred
until 2012 at the earliest, so as to allow
more time for consultation with the
industry, to improve its technical
reliability and to prove its cost effectiveness;
Or. <Original>{EN}en</Original>
<PathFdR>AM\P6_AMA(2008)0196(001-002)_EN.doc</PathFdR> PE<NoPE>407.539</NoPE<Version>v01-00</Version>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>James Nicholson, Struan Stevenson, Neil Parish, Jonathan Evans</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PPE}on behalf of the PPE-DE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 26</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment26. Calls on the Commission and the Presidency of the Council to set up an implementation task force to oversee the practical reform of the sheep and goat sectors in the EU and to ensure that this implementation task force reports to the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee and the Council of Agriculture Ministers every six months, for the next two years, on the policy changes that it is enacting; notes that this implementation task force should be comprised of key officials from the European Commission and from the countries representing the four forthcoming Presidencies of the EU; / 26. Calls on the Commission and the Presidency of the Council to monitor closelythe sheep and goat sectors in the EU and to ensure regular reporting to Parliament on the policy changes that are enacted;
Or. <Original>{EN}en</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Rosa Miguélez Ramos and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 4</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment4. Calls on the Commission to introduce an additional payment for rare traditional and regional breeds of sheep and goat in order to maintain biodiversity in agriculture and to preserve sheep in sensitive areas; / 4. Calls on the Commission to introduce an additional payment forfarmers in mountain regions and other areas facing particular difficulties engaged in farming with rare traditional and regional breeds of sheep and goat in order to maintain biodiversity in agriculture and to preserve sheep in sensitive areas;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Rosa Miguélez Ramos and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 9</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment9. Calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to review the introduction of an electronic identification system for sheep intended for 31 December 2009, due to the difficulty in its implementation, high costs and unproven benefits; asks that each Member State be allowed the discretion of introducing this system on a voluntary basis; / 9. Calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to consider the possibility of introducing Community financing for the application throughout the European Union of the electronic identification system for sheep intended for 31 December 2009, because, even if this system will improve traceability, flock management and measures against fraud, it will create new administrative burdens and high costs for this sector, which is in crisis;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Rosa Miguélez Ramos and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 22 a (new)</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment22a. Warns that the occupations of the sheep farmer, shepherd, milker and shearer may disappear, and calls on the Commission to include in the strategy for the sector measures relating to communication with the public and exchanges of instructors between teaching centres, as well as mobility programmes between MemberStates for agricultural instructors and students;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 26</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment26. Calls on the Commission and the Presidency of the Council to set up an implementation task force to oversee the practical reform of the sheep and goat sectors in the EU and to ensure that this implementation task force reports to the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee and the Council of Agriculture Ministers every six months, for the next two years, on the policy changes that it is enacting; notes that this implementation task force should be comprised of key officials from the European Commission and from the countries representing the four forthcoming Presidencies of the EU; / 26. Calls on the Commission and the Presidency of the Council to set up an implementation task force to oversee the practical reform of the sheep and goat sectors in the EU and to ensure that this implementation task force reports to the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee and the Council of Agriculture Ministers every six months, for the next two years, on the policy changes that it is enacting; notes that this implementation task force should be comprised of key officials from the European Commission and from the countries representing the four forthcoming Presidencies of the EUand professional representatives of the sheep/lamb and goat sector;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Giovanna Corda and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 1</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment1. Acknowledges the urgent need for action to be taken by the Commission and the Council of Agriculture Ministers to ensure a profitable and sustainable future for sheepmeat and goatmeat production in the EU, to encourage the consumption of such products once more, and to retain and attract young sheep and goat farmers to the sector, and advocates the maintenance of these traditional, eco-friendly farming enterprises with their role in supplying the Community market and in providing a Community supply base of EU sheep and goat farming products; / 1. Acknowledges the urgent need for action to be taken by the Commission and the Council of Agriculture Ministers to ensure a profitable and sustainable future for sheepmeat and goatmeatand sheep and goat milk production in the EU, to encourage the consumption of such products once more, and to retain and attract young sheep and goat farmers to the sector, and advocates the maintenance of these traditional, eco-friendly farming enterprises with their role in supplying the Community market and in providing a Community supply base of EU sheep and goat farming products;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Giovanna Corda and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 8 a (new)</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment8a. Notes that sheep and goat milk production should be encouraged on the same footing as sheep and goat meat production, particularly in order to guarantee the survival of the whole milk- processing and cheese-production chains where the typical character and quality of their products are widely recognised;
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>
<RepeatBlock-By<Members>Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Bernadette Bourzai, Giovanna Corda and others</Members>
<AuNomDe>{PSE}on behalf of the PSE Group</AuNomDe>
<Rapporteur>Liam Aylward</Rapporteur>
<Titre>Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe</Titre>
<DocAmend>Motion for a resolution</DocAmend>
<Article>Paragraph 3, introduction</Article>
Motion for a resolution / Amendment3. Calls on the Commission and the Council of Agriculture Ministers to direct additional financial support as a matter of urgency to EU sheep and goat producers in order to develop a vibrant, self-sufficient, market-led and consumer-orientated sheep and goat sector in the EU; calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to examine the future of these sectors as part of the CAP ‘Health Check’ through the implementation of a variety of measures, giving each Member State the flexibility of choosing from the following possible options, while not overlooking the need to avoid distortion of competition on the internal market: / 3. Calls on the Commission and the Council of Agriculture Ministers to direct additional financial support as a matter of urgency to EU sheep and goat meat and milk producers in order to develop a vibrant, self-sufficient, market-led and consumer-orientated sheep and goat sector in the EU; calls on the Commission and Council of Agriculture Ministers to examine the future of these sectors as part of the CAP ‘Health Check’ through the implementation of a variety of measures, giving each Member State the flexibility of choosing from the following possible options, while not overlooking the need to avoid distortion of competition on the internal market:
Or. <Original>{FR}fr</Original>