Alvin ISD Livestock Show and Auction




Alvin ISD Livestock Show and Auction
Schedule of Events
Date / Time / Event
October 21, 2015 / 4pm / Entry Fee Deadline
October 24, 2015 / 6am-8am / Livestock Check in
9am / Start Livestock Show
2pm / Auction Set-up
5pm / Auction Dinner
6:30 pm / Auction

General Rules

  1. All exhibitors must be a resident in the Alvin I.S.D. school zone or attend an Alvin I.S.D. school and be in good standing with their school and chapter or club.
  1. All fees owed to the Alvin ISD Livestock Show and Auction must be paid in full prior to the show.
  1. All entry forms must be received prior to the specified deadline or the exhibitor will not be allowed to participate.
  1. All animals entered in the Alvin ISD Livestock Show must have been shown at the Brazoria County Fair and have followed validation requirements and rules of the Brazoria County Fair.
  1. Each exhibitor must own his/her animal at the beginning of and throughout the feeding period and must feed, care for, and exhibit his/her own animal. Any break in the ownership or enrollment in 4-H and FFA programs forfeits animal and or exhibit entry. Exhibitors may only exhibit the designated livestock project officially tagged in their name.
  1. Exhibitors must abide by all rules in accordance with Alvin I.S.D. policy regarding eligibility for participation.
  1. In case an exhibitor is unable to check in his/her project, the project may be checked in by another FFA/4-H student, teacher or parent. Projects may only be checked in during designated times. There will be no early or late check-ins.
  1. The Alvin agriscience teachers and their appointed show officials, reserve the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard and hereto otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incident to this educational event.
  1. The show management reserves the right to amend these rules and regulations as it, in its judgment may deem advisable. Management authority and responsibility are limited to those activities and events directly related to and being part of the Alvin ISD Livestock Show and Auction Schedule and Rules.
  1. The Alvin Independent School District, its employees, and appointed show officials will not be liable for any damage (s) resulting from fire, theft, accident, injury or any other adverse situation (s).
  1. The Agriscience teachers will strictly regulate any/all construction building or site modification and/or introduction or use of equipment. Prior Alvin ISD administrative approval is required. The agriscience teachers will make appropriate pen assignments for animals brought into the Agricultural Facility for the day of the Livestock Show and Auction. Animals housed at the Agricultural Facility may be reassigned temporarily during the show. Assignments will be determined by Agriscience teachers.
  1. All alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are barred from the show grounds as per state statutes and local Alvin ISD rules and regulations. Any person caught with an alcoholic beverage or tobacco product will be removed from the show grounds. If that person has an animal project to show, he/she will be barred from further competition and will be reported to proper authorities for disciplinary action.
  1. Inappropriate behavior, gestures or offensive language will not be tolerated. District code of conduct will be enforced.
  1. All facilities used by exhibitors at the FFA Project Barn before and during the auction, must be left clean and in a sound state of repair.
  1. Exhibitors must be present at the time of show and auction.
  1. The entry fee is $20.00per animal for all species.
  1. Entry forms must be submitted electronically by the deadline. Entry fees, W-9’s and Vendor forms must be submitted at check-in.
  1. Classes for the show will be determined by weight breaks for swine, goats and sheep.
  1. All judges’ decisions are final.
  1. Evidence of animal abuse will automatically result in the animal/exhibitor being disqualified and the exhibitor will be barred from participation in future Alvin ISD Livestock Show & Auctions.
  2. All entered livestock must remain within the fenced show facilities until officially released. If this rule is violated, the exhibitor forfeits the opportunity to show at the Alvin ISD Livestock Show and Auction the following school year.

Auction Rules

  1. Students will only be allowed to auction one livestock animal.
  1. The following will be the sale order of Champion and Reserve Champion animals:

Grand Champion Steer, Grand Champion Swine, Grand Champion Lamb, Grand Champion Goat, Reserve Champion Steer, Reserve Champion Swine, Reserve Champion Lamb, Reserve Champion Goat

  1. Remaining auction lots will be determined by placing order and the sale committee.
  1. All animals must sell, whether it is in the auction or for floor price. This is a terminal show.
  1. Once an animal is sold to a buyer it is then the buyer’s property. Students are not allowed to make personal contact with buyers after the sale in regards to purchasing or having the animal donated back to them. No animals may be donated back to the exhibitors. Any student who violates this policy will forfeit all profits.
  1. No pen decorations or signs will be allowed.
  1. Animals may not be decorated for the auction.
  1. Before checks for sold animals are distributed to the exhibitors, exhibitors must have completed a Thank you card and submitted it to the appropriate Alvin I.S.D. show personnel.

The following prices are the ceiling prices (maximum) that an exhibitor may receive. These prices are not guaranteed.

  • Steers
  • Grand Champion


  • Reserve Champion


  • All Others


  • Swine
  • Grand Champion


  • Reserve Champion


  • All Others


  • Lambs
  • Grand Champion


  • Reserve Champion


  • All Others


  • Goats
  • Grand Champion


  • Reserve Champion


  • All Others


*Bidders may bid above the ceiling prices

The youth livestock exhibitor shall receive the price from the bidder brought at public auction not to exceed the maximum price listed above. If the price brought from the bidder at the public auction exceeds the maximum price listed, then the balance of such bid shall be used toraise any student to the ceiling price that did not previously receive it and once all students have received the ceiling price, additional funds will be distributed equally among all participating exhibitors.The maximum price is not guaranteed.

Divisions of the Show

There will be four Divisions of the show. Divisions will be classified and divided as follows:

Division I -Steers

Division II -Swine

Division III -Lambs

Division IV - Goats

Division I – Steers

This division is subject to the general rules and the following division rules.

  1. The steers will be divided into equal or nearly equal-sized classes according to number of entries and weight.
  1. No change of the major color pattern of the animal by painting or dying will be allowed. Any exhibitor using grooming material that allows color to come off will disqualify the steer from competition.
  1. Steers must be healthy at show time or they will not be permitted to show.
  1. Minimum weight must be 900 pounds.
  1. All steers must be controlled by the exhibitor in the show ring or they will be removed from the show ring. Dismissal will be determined by the judge and Alvin ISD Agriscience teachers.
  1. This is a blow-and-go show. No fitting will be allowed.

Division II – Swine

This division is subject to the general rules and the following division rules.

  1. The division will be divided into an equal or nearly equal number of

swine per class according to weight.

  1. Swine entries may be barrows or gilts.
  1. No oil, paints, or powder will be permitted.
  1. Swine must be healthy at show time or they will not be permitted to show.
  1. Minimum weight must be 215lbs.

Division III – Lambs

This division is subject to the general rules and the following division rules.

  1. Lamb entries may be either whether or ewe lambs.
  1. All lambs must be slick shorn.
  1. Lambs will be divided into an equal or nearly equal number of lambs per class according to weight, if needed.
  1. No painting or changing color will be allowed.
  1. Halters or collars on lambs will not be allowed in the show arena.
  1. Unhealthy lambs will not be permitted to show.
  1. Minimum weight must be 80 lbs.

Division IV – Market Goats

This division is subject to the general rules and the following division rules.

  1. Market Goats will be divided into an equal or nearly equal number of per class according to weight.
  1. Goats may be handled with a collar or chain, no halters.
  1. All goats must be dehorned or tipped.
  1. All goats must be slick shorn above the knee and hock joints.
  1. Minimum weight must be 60 lbs.
  1. Unhealthy goats will not be permitted to show.

Division XI – Showmanship

This division is subject to the general rules and the following division rules.

  1. A showmanship contest will be held for the following divisions:
  • Steer, Lamb, Goat, Swine
  1. A showmanship contest will immediately follow each division.
  1. All exhibitors are eligible for showmanship.
  1. There is no showmanship contest entry fee.

The Alvin ISD Independent School District, its employees and appointed Show Officials will not be liable for any damage(s) resulting from fire, theft, accident, injury or any other adverse situation.