Q1 / In which academic year did you graduate from FAMU?
2006...... / 
2005...... / 
2004...... / 
2003 ...... / 
2002...... / 
2001...... / 
Q2 / What college / school did you graduate from?
Q3 / Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
a. Employed full-time in a job related to my major...... / 
b. Employed part-time in a job related to my major...... / 
c. Employed full-time in a job unrelated to my major...... / 
d. Employed part-time in a job unrelated to my major...... / 
e. Employed as a graduate assistant...... / 
f. Unemployed and seeking employment...... / 
g. Unemployed and not seeking employment...... / 
Q4 / What is the annual salary of your current job?
a. Less than $30,000...... / 
b. $30,000 - $39,999...... / 
c. $40,000 - $49,999...... / 
d. $50,000 - $59,999...... / 
e. $60,000 and above...... / 
Q5 / What is the annual salary of your first full-time job?
a. Less than $30,000...... / 
b. $30,000 - $39,999...... / 
c. $40,000 - $49,999...... / 
d. $50,000 - $59,999...... / 
e. $60,000 and above...... / 
Q6 / How satisfied are you with your current job?
a. Very Satisfied...... / 
b. Somewhat Satisfied...... / 
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied...... / 
d. Very Dissatisfied...... / 
Q7 / How satisfied are you with your first job after graduation?
a. Very Satisfied...... / 
b. Somewhat Satisfied...... / 
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied...... / 
d. Very Dissatisfied...... / 
Q8 / How satisfied are you with the way FAMU prepared you for your current job?
a. Very Satisfied...... / 
b. Somewhat Satisfied...... / 
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied...... / 
d. Very Dissatisfied...... / 
Q9 / How satisfied are you with the way FAMU prepared you for your first job after graduation?
a. Very Satisfied...... / 
b. Somewhat Satisfied...... / 
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied...... / 
d. Very Dissatisfied...... / 
Q10 / How many different jobs have you had since you graduated from FAMU?
a. None...... / 
b. One...... / 
c. Two...... / 
d. Three or More...... / 
Q11 / Have you been promoted since graduating from FAMU?
a. Yes...... / 
b. No...... / 
Q12 / What methods did you use to find your first job after graduating from FAMU?
a. Personal contacts / networking...... / 
b. Newspaper Ad...... / 
c. FAMU Career Services...... / 
d. Coop / Internship Contacts...... / 
e. FAMU Faculty...... / 
f. Other FAMU contacts...... / 
g. Employment agency...... / 
h. Recruiter...... / 
i. Alumni Career Programs...... / 
j. Web Search...... / 
Q13 / Rate the methods used above to find your first job after graduating from FAMU
Very Helpful / Helpful / Not Helpful
a. Personal contacts / networking /  /  / 
b. Newspaper Ad /  /  / 
c. FAMU Career Services /  /  / 
d. Co-op / Internship contacts /  /  / 
e. FAMU Faculty /  /  / 
f. Other FAMU Contacts /  /  / 
g. Employment agency /  /  / 
h. Recruiter /  /  / 
i. Alumni Career Programs /  /  / 
j. Web Search /  /  / 
Q14 / How long did it take you to get your first job after graduating from FAMU?
a. I continued in a job I already had...... / 
b. I found a job before graduation...... / 
c. Less than 3 months...... / 
d. 3-6 months...... / 
e. 6-12 months...... / 
f. More than 12 months...... / 
Q15 / If you are required to take a licensing or certification examination related to your area of study at FAMU, please select one of the following options: (If not proceed to question 16).
a. I have taken and passed the examination...... / 
b. I have taken the examination but do not know the results...... / 
c. I have taken the examination but did not pass the examination...... / 
d. I have not taken the examination ...... / 
Q16 / Consider the items listed below since you graduated from FAMU. Please indicate whether you have completed the item, taken courses towards the item, or have not taken any courses towards the item.
Completed / Taken Courses BUT NOT COMMLETED / No Courses Taken
a. Second (2nd) Bachelor's Degree /  /  / 
b. Masters Degree /  /  / 
c. Professional Degree (Law, Medicine, etc) /  /  / 
d. Doctorate Degree /  /  / 
e. Other (Certification, Continued Education, etc.) /  /  / 
Q17 / What is the most important reason that you continued your education after graduating from FAMU
a. For continued career preparation...... / 
b. For preparation for a new career...... / 
c. To increase my earning power...... / 
d. For general self improvement...... / 
Q18 / How satisfied are you with the way FAMU prepared you for the additional college work?
a. Very Satisfied...... / 
b. Somewhat Satisfied...... / 
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied...... / 
d. Very Dissatisfied...... / 
Q19 / To what degree did FAMU prepare you for the following?
Very Well Prepared / Well Prepared / Not Well Prepared
a. Being open to new ideas /  /  / 
b. Developing knowledge and skills applicable to my career. /  /  / 
c. Writing effectively /  /  / 
d. Relating to others /  /  / 
e. Thinking critically /  /  / 
f. Being prepared for further education /  /  / 
g. Making informed judgments /  /  / 
h. Solving problems /  /  / 
i. Understanding my own abilities, interests, and values /  /  / 
j. Speaking effectively /  /  / 
k. Making connections between classes I have taken /  /  / 
l. Making connection between things I have learned in class and other life experiences /  /  / 
m. Understanding cultural, racial and gender differences and how they relate to me and my field of study... /  /  / 
n. Using Computers in your career /  /  / 


Q20 / Has your college education improved the quality of your life?
a. Definitely...... / 
b. Probably...... / 
c. Probably not...... / 
d. Definitely not...... / 
Q21 / If you could start college over again, would you choose to enroll at FAMU?
a. Definitely...... / 
b. Probably...... / 
c. Probably not...... / 
d. Definitely not...... / 
Q22 / If you could start college over again, would you choose the same major?
a. Definitely...... / 
b. Probably...... / 
c. Probably not...... / 
d. Definitely not...... / 
Q23 / Would you encourage others to enroll at FAMU?
a. Definitely...... / 
b. Probably...... / 
c. Probably not...... / 
d. Definitely not...... / 
Q24 / How satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of the department or college from which you earned your FAMU degree?
Very Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Satisfied
a. The overall quality of instruction.. /  /  / 
b. The overall quality of academic advising /  /  / 
c. Ease of access to instructors /  /  / 
d. Helpfulness in preparing for employment /  /  / 
e. Helpfulness in preparing for further education /  /  / 
f. Concern for me as an individual /  /  / 
Q25 / How are you most motivated to "stay connected" with FAMU? Check all that apply.
a. Giving donations...... / 
b. Mentoring current/past students...... / 
c. Appearing as guest speaker...... / 
d. Receiving newsletters...... / 
e. Contributing to newsletters...... / 
f. Campus visits...... / 
g. Alumni events...... / 
h. Receiving annual President's report...... / 
Q26 / What does FAMU do well?
Q27 / What does FAMU need to improve upon?
Q28 / What other information would you like to share with us?