Name:______Date due:______
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Directions: Go to: Click on the USHER Calendar and choose Slavery Web Quest. Click on the links (underlined words in blue) to find information to help you answer the following questions.
Directions: Click on each link below for information to help you answer the questions that follow.
Timeline – The Atlantic Slave Trade
- In what year were African slaves first reported in the New World?
- What happened with slavery in the years 1640 – 1680?
- What legislation was passed in Congress on March 22, 1794?
- What happened in 1807?
- What happened in 1820?
Triangular Trade
- What is the triangular trade?
- How did it get its name?
- Describe the first route. Where did it start? Where did it end? What products were carried?
- What items were traded for slaves and where did these products come from?
- Describe how slaves were treated by the traders.
K. The Middle Passage
What part of the triangular trade route was the Middle Passage? Describe the journey.
Development of Slavery
- How did the nature of slavery change between 1600 and 1700?
- Why was control over slaves so important for whites?
Put your cursor over the map to find:
- How many slaves were transported annually in 1680? By the 18th century?
- Which British colonies in America developed slavery most rapidly and extensively?
5. What factors may have led to this pattern?
Colonial Population and Slavery
- What percentage of the colonial population had slaves?
- How did southerners feel about slaves?
- Why did southerners have slaves?
- What industries existed in the North?
- What role did the slave trade play in these industries?
- What percent of all slaves in America lived in Virginia and Maryland?
- What occupations did slaves perform in the North and South?
11. What were slave codes?
The Myth of the Docile Slave and Slave Resistance
- What is meant by “the myth of the docile slave?”
- Did slaves accept slavery?
- List four ways in which slaves resisted.
Influence of Africa and African American Culture on Colonial Cultures and Today
- List two ways African culture has influenced the United States today.
16. List at least five ways African culture found its way into Colonial America.