Name:______Date due:______

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Directions: Go to: Click on the USHER Calendar and choose Slavery Web Quest. Click on the links (underlined words in blue) to find information to help you answer the following questions.

Directions: Click on each link below for information to help you answer the questions that follow.

Timeline – The Atlantic Slave Trade

  1. In what year were African slaves first reported in the New World?
  1. What happened with slavery in the years 1640 – 1680?
  1. What legislation was passed in Congress on March 22, 1794?
  1. What happened in 1807?
  1. What happened in 1820?

Triangular Trade

  1. What is the triangular trade?
  1. How did it get its name?
  1. Describe the first route. Where did it start? Where did it end? What products were carried?
  1. What items were traded for slaves and where did these products come from?
  1. Describe how slaves were treated by the traders.

K. The Middle Passage

What part of the triangular trade route was the Middle Passage? Describe the journey.

Development of Slavery

  1. How did the nature of slavery change between 1600 and 1700?
  1. Why was control over slaves so important for whites?

Put your cursor over the map to find:

  1. How many slaves were transported annually in 1680? By the 18th century?
  1. Which British colonies in America developed slavery most rapidly and extensively?

5. What factors may have led to this pattern?

Colonial Population and Slavery

  1. What percentage of the colonial population had slaves?
  1. How did southerners feel about slaves?
  1. Why did southerners have slaves?
  1. What industries existed in the North?
  1. What role did the slave trade play in these industries?
  1. What percent of all slaves in America lived in Virginia and Maryland?
  1. What occupations did slaves perform in the North and South?

11. What were slave codes?

The Myth of the Docile Slave and Slave Resistance

  1. What is meant by “the myth of the docile slave?”
  1. Did slaves accept slavery?
  1. List four ways in which slaves resisted.

Influence of Africa and African American Culture on Colonial Cultures and Today

  1. List two ways African culture has influenced the United States today.

16. List at least five ways African culture found its way into Colonial America.