NCAA Division II Conference Commissioners Association
Meeting Minutes
October 7-9, 2005
Marriott Hotel
Indianapolis, Indiana
Friday, October 7, 2005
Members in attendance:
Bob Hiegert, CCAA; Alan Patterson, CVAC; Bob Oliver, CACC; Tom Brown, GLIAC; Jim Naumovich, GLVC; Richard Hannan, GNC; Nate Salant, GSC; Tony Stigliano, HC; Ralph McFillen, MIAA; Ed Manetta, NYCAC; Roger Thomas; NCC; Dave Brunk, NE 10; Butch Raymond, NSIC; Woody Hahn, PWC; Marvin Vanover, PBC; Steve Murray, PSAC; JR Smith, RMAC; Doug Echols, SAC; Bill Lide, SIAC; Mike Marcil, SSC; Barry Blizzard, WVIAC
Members unable to attend:
Fred Jacoby, LSC
Guests in attendance:
Marcus Grant, representing the CIAA; Matt Circio, CACC
[Meeting convened at 1:00 p.m. (CT) with welcome and review of agenda by President Hiegert]
Presentations from NCAA Staff. Mike Racy and Terri Steeb led an informational session on the following topics presented by NCAA staff as noted:
- A review of the NCAA Division II Conference Grant Program application, reporting requirements and updates for 2006-07 was presented by Joyce Collins, Tamara Gingerich and Barb Rhodes
- Championships Committee decisions and future plans were presented by Sharon Cessna and Troy Arthur
- Randy Dick reviewed the web-based injury surveillance program now in place for all sports
- Rachel Newman reported on NCAA sportsmanship initiatives
- Brad Hostetter presented information on plans for the “Mini Rules Seminar” and NCAA compliance assistance
- Matthew Stach gave an explanation of the Leadership Academy Program
- Rich McGlynn and Jay Jones reviewed 2006 Division II legislative proposals
[Meeting recessed at 4:45 p.m.]
Saturday, October 8, 2005
[Round Table Meeting with NCAA Division II Faculty Athletics Representatives convened at 8:00 a.m. with a welcome by President Hiegert]
Breakfast Round Table Meeting with NCAA Division II Faculty Athletics Representatives. Division II Commissioners met with Division II Faculty Athletics Representatives in small groups to discuss issues of common interest and concern, and to share ideas. Diane Husic, Faculty Athletics Representative from MonroviaCollege and Chair of the NCAA Division II FAR Institute indicated that she will prepare a report summarizing issues raised and ideas shared during the meeting.
[Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.]
[Division II CCA meeting was convened at 10 a.m. by President Hiegert]
Members in attendance as noted above (Friday, October 7)
Members unable to attend as noted above (Friday, October 7)
Guests in attendance:
Nancy Mitchell, CCA Consultant; Mike Racy, Division II Vice-President; Fred Schoeler, Disney Sports; Colin See, Kelly Press (Kelly Sports Properties); Ron Fauss, Kelly Press (Kelly Sports Properties)
- Presentation and Update on the Division II Disney Tip-Off Classic. Fred Schoeler gave an overview and history of the Division II Disney Tip-Off Classic and Division II Scholar-Athlete Award, including proposed enhancements and goals for the future. Mike Marcil presented information on upcoming Tip-Off Classics, asking that Commissioners confirm their institutions’ interest in participating in the 2006 Disney Tip-Off Classic. Commissioner Marcil also presented information on proposed enhancements to the Tip-Off Classic and Scholar-Athlete Award. Mr. Schoeler indicated that he is working with Disneyland in Anaheim, CA to discuss the possibility of initiating a similar event on the West Coast. Jim Naumovich recommended that a formal letterregarding the possibility of television coverage for the Division II Disney Tip-Off Classic be sent from the Division II CCA to ESPNU. The recommendation was referred to the Corporate Partner and Television Committee.
The following discussion took place later in the meeting, but is included here for ease of reference:
President Hiegert reported that he met with Rich Morris with Disney (CA) to discuss the possibility of supporting two Division II Disney Tip-Off Classics (one in Florida and one in California).
A general discussion was held regarding the future of the Division II Disney Tip-Off Classic. Financial and sponsorship issues were referred to the Administrative Issues Committee, issues related to the Division II Scholar-Athlete Award were referred to the Legislative Issues Committee, and issues related to the format of the Tip-Off Classic were referred to the Championships Issues Committee.
- Minutes from the March 24-26, 2005 meeting were distributed and reviewed.
It was VOTED
“That the minutes of the March 24-26, 2006 meeting be approved as written”
- Additions to Meeting Agenda. It was requested that the following items be added to the agenda:
- National Lettter of Intent concerns and issues specific to Division II, including the application of National Letter of Intent to Division II mid-year two-year college transfers (Note: This issue was referred to the Division II CCA Legislative Issues Committee. President Hiegert noted that a conference call is scheduled for October 12 with Torrie Johnson (National Letter of Intent) to discuss concerns related to the application of the National Letter of Intent to issues specific to Division II.)
- Officiating Issues. President Hiegert suggested that this be addressed during round table discussions Sunday, October 9 (time permitting)
- Worldtek Database. Bob Oliver gave a brief overview of a database developed by Worldtek related to sports camps. He indicated that it presents a potential opportunity for revenue for conference offices, and noted that a representative of Worldtek would be contacting Division II Commissioners to follow up with them regarding their interest in the program.
- CCA Committee Reports
- President’s Report (Bob Hiegert): President Hiegert noted the resignation of Jim Johnson as CCA Consultant and announced to the group that Nancy Mitchell, former NCAA Division II Chief of Staff, began October 1 as Outside Counsel for Meeting Planning and General Program Administration. President Hiegert reported that Nancy will be responsible for meeting planning, as well as serving as the Division II CCA liaision with the NCAA national office. Nancy also will serve as the liaison with Kelly Press/Kelly Sports Properties and because she is based out of Kansas City, will be in a position to have regular meetings/telephone conferences with Colin See and Ron Fauss..
- Administrative Issues Committee(Alan Patterson): Commissioner Patterson noted that there had been a request to review the distribution of Division II Enhancement Funds relative to conference size and that the goal was to ensure that everyone knew what was being considered as it moved forward. It was reported that President Hiegert and Commissioner Naumovich appeared before the Division II Budget and Finance Committee in August regarding the CCA’s $50,000 NCAA Conference grant, and provided additional details regarding the CCA request subsequent to the meeting.
- Legislative Issues Committee (Barry Blizzard):It was reported that the possibility of asking for expansion of the Championships Committee to include representation from each conference was tabled.
- Championships Issues Committee (Jim Naumovich): It was reported that notes from a conference call on regionalization were shared with the Championships Committee.
- Corporate Partner/Television Committee (Bob Hiegert): It was reported that Kelly Press now has a division entitled “Kelly Sports Properties” to better reflect the work being done. President Hiegert also reported that Colin See and Ron Fauss are hoping to have a corporate partner signed on by the January Convention.
- NCAA Committee Updates:
- Management Council and Budget and Finance Committee (Tom Brown):
- Commissioner Brown reported that the Budget and Finance Committee is interested in knowing the impact of Division II Conference Grant Funds on Division II conferences and the conference member institutions.
- Commissioner Brown also noted that a new formula for distribution of the Division II Conference Grant Funds had been developed by Mike Racy and Terri Steeb ($85,000 base + a premium based on conference membership). Two-thirds of the total allocated funds must be used to fund “required” grant programs and one-third must be used to fund “permissive” grant programs.
- A discussion was held regarding the 2004-05 surplus Division II funds that were distributed to Habitat for Humanity ($1 million) and to Division II institutions in Washington to assist with football travel ($200,000). Mike Racy noted that the Executive Committee did have the authority to distribute the funds in this manner. President Hiegert noted that Division II Commissioners should raise any concerns about the process through their representatives on the Division II Presidents Council. The group recommended that a procedure for accessing the surplus funds be developed and published so that all Division II institutions and conferences would have the same information and opportunity to access the funds. This issue was referred to the Administrative Issues Committee for further consideration.
- NCAA Championships Committee(Jim Naumovich): Commissioner Naumovich reported on discussions regarding awarding regional trophies at the site of the Regional Championships.
- NCAA Legislation Committee (Nate Salant): Commissioner Salant noted the following:
- Division II institutions should be aware that the 6-credit rule will be in effect next term
- Financial aid equivalencies should be calculated and reported as it written in the legislation until the legislation is amended.
- This is Comissioner Salant’s final year on the committee. It was recommended that a Division II conference commissioner be nominated to serve on the committee.
- NCAA Membership Committee (Dave Brunk):
- Commissioner Brunk gave a report on the June meeting of the Division II Membership Committee, noting that six institutions were placed in active Division II membership status, and that ten institutions were approved for their exploratory year (beginning in September ‘05).
- It was reported that Division II institutions should be aware of the modified Institutional Self-Study Guide (ISSG) schedule.
- Commissioner Brunk reported that a joint meeting was held in July with the Division I Membership Committee, and that there are recommendations for increasing the Division I membership requirements, but that the earliest those increased requirements would go into effect would be April 2006.
- NCAA Nominating Committee (Barry Blizzard): Commissioner Blizzard reported that the Nominating Committee continues to seek good nominees for Division II committee service.
- NCAA Division II Men’s Basketball Committee(Butch Raymond): Commissioner Raymond reported on an increase in payment for officials for Regionals. He also noted there is a 50th Anniversary celebration being held in conjunction with the Men’s Basketball Championship in Springfield, Massachusetts in March.
- Football Task Force (Roger Thomas): Commissioner Thomas reported on a recent meeting of the Football Task Force, noting that a survey would be distributed to Division I-AA and Division II football coaches. He asked that Division II commissioners let their institutions know that the survey is on the way and encourage them to complete it.
- Review of Requested Agenda Items Submitted. Agenda items submitted in advance of the meeting were referred to the appropriate CCA Division II Committees for review and consideration (as noted in the agenda).
- Future Meeting Dates: The group noted the schedule for upcoming meetings as follows:
- January 6, 2006 (Indianapolis, Indiana; NCAA Convention Meeting)
- March 22-24 (Hot Springs, Arkansas; held in conjunction with the Division II Women’s Basketball Championship). The group discussed the fact that there also is a 50th Anniversary celebration being held in conjunction with the Men’s Basketball Championship in Springfield, Massachusetts, and that the March 22-24 meeting dates would make it difficult for Commissioners to attend the Men’s Championship. The possibility of moving the Spring meeting to June in conjunction with the NACDA Convention was discussed; however, it was noted that the meeting schedule is set forth in the CCA Constitution.
It was moved and seconded “that the Chair appoint a task force to review the Division II CCA Constitution as it applies to the meeting schedule and make appropriate recommendations.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
[The meeting recessed at 3:30 p.m. to allow CCA committees to meet to review issues referred to those committees.]
Sunday, October 9, 2005
Members not in attendance: Bob Oliver, CACC; Bill Lide, SIAC, Tony Stigliano, HC; Ed Manetta, NYCAC; Dave Brunk, NE-10; Marvin Vanover, PBC
[The meeting was convened at 8:25 a.m. by President Hiegert]
- Administrative Committee Report: Commissioner Patterson reviewed and reported on the following:
- Reviewed the end of year report
- Reviewed 2005-06 budget allocations ($20,000: Consultant position; $15,000: Awards; $15,000: Corporate Partner Program)
It was moved and seconded to “suggest through a letter to the Budget and Finance Committee that surplus initiatives funds be placed in the subsequent year’s initiatives budget as an opportunity for all members to make application when the amount is known”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
- Championships Committee Report: Commissioner Naumovich reported the committee’s recommendation that CCA certificates be awarded to NCAA regional all tournament teams
It was moved and seconded “that a letter be sent to the NCAA Championships and/or Budget and Finance Committee requesting that a stipend of $500 be available for football conferences having supervisor, commissioner, or commissioner’s designee representation at NCAA rules meetings and that eligibility for post-season officials’ assignment require attendance at this meeting”.
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
It was moved and seconded “to request through a letter to the NCAA Budget and Finance Committee that for a two-year period, each regional representative to the Division II Disney Tip-Off Classic be entitled to up to $5,000 in reimbursement for actual travel costs to the site. Any excess funds created by participants located in closer proximity to the site would be distributed equally among those teams whose costs exceed $5,000 (up to the actual total cost of travel incurred by each participant).”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
- Legislative Committee Report: The following was reported:
- Request that Commissioner Salant present to Commissioner Slive (Southeastern Conference) Division II specific concerns related to the National Letter of Intent.
- There was extensive discussion of reporting of secondary violations and concerns that members be knowledgeable about their priority. It was agreed that the committee’s observations should be sent to Division II commissioners on the Management Council.
- Commissioner Murray was asked to contact the Sports Information Directors’ group and bring to the January 2006 meeting a proposal for Division II CCA Academic Awards.
- Attendance at Division II CCA meetings.
It was moved and seconded “that Executive Committee consider a means of encouraging CCA member to attend all of the meeting sessions.
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
It was moved and seconded “that annual dues be increased to $300 to fund meeting registration fees. A $100 registration fee will be assessed for each of the three annual meetings (Fall, Winter, Spring). If the Commissioner attends the full schedule of meetings and is present at adjournment, the $100 registration fee will be credited to the specific Commissioner’s account.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
12. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.