Alumni Continuing Medical Education Program

The CME will start again from March 2014 to October 2014

on every 3rd Thursday of the month. Please register with the Alumni

Office – tel: 62234680, fax: 62248374, admin@medicalalumni

Title: The Food Tax and Its Implications for Public Health Ethics
Speaker: A/Prof Lee See Muah
Date: 20th March 2014 ( 3rd Thursday)
Time: 12 noon to 2pm
Venue: Alumni Theatrette
Fee: Alumni member @ $5, Guest @ $14
Registration: ; Tel: 62234680; Fax: 62248374
Dr Lee See Muah is currently senior consultant at the Alexandra Hospital in the department of Medicine. He is a Specialist Occupational Physician and has a special interest in diabetes, especially in the preventive aspects of diabetes and its impact on work.
Dr Lee obtained his post graduate diploma in Diabetes from the Cardiff University. He also graduated with LLB (Hons) from the University of London and is currently reading the Masters in Law with the University of Edinburgh.
Title: Oxidants and Antioxidants
Speaker: Dr William Chew
Date: 24th April 2014 ( 4th Thursday)
Time: 12 noon to 2pm
Venue: Alumni Theatrette
Fee: Alumni member @ $5, Guest @ $14
Registration: ; Tel: 62234680; Fax: 62248374
The Hon Secretary Member’s name:______
Alumni Association Address:______
2, College Road ______
Singapore 169850 HP:______
Please register me for the CME for 20/3/2014 and/ or 24/4/2014
I attached my payment $______

The Alumni Management Committee has invited

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Finance

to the Alumni Medical Centre

for a Dialogue session with our members

on Tuesday, March 18th 2014 at 7.00pm.

“How is the new budget going to improve

the Singapore healthcare delivery?”

Members who wish to attend the above Dinner & Dialogue Session have to register with the Alumni Office. This event is sponsored by Prof Arthur Lim. As seats are limited in the Arthur Lim Auditorium, it will be allocated on a first come first served basis. (Members are invited to fax in their questions to the Alumni Office before March 11th 2014, however, the Management Committee reserved the rights not to field any question which they deemed inappropriate.) Dress Code: office attire.

Brief Programme:

7.00pm Arrival of Alumni Members

7.15pm Arrival of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

7.20pm Welcome by Chairman Alumni Association SB

7.30pm Dinner

8.00pm Dialogue session

10pm Good night

Registration Slip

, Fax: 62248374

The Hon Secretary Member’s Name______

Alumni Association SB Address:______

2 College Road Email:______

Singapore 169850 HP:______Off Tel:______

I wish to register for the Dinner & Dialogue Session on March 18th 2014 (Tuesday) at 7.00pm, Alumni Medical Centre.


The Alumni Management Committee has invited

A/Prof Benjamin Ong

Director of Medical Services

Ministry of Health

to lunch with our members

on Monday, May 12th 2014

from 12 noon to 2.30pm

at Arthur Lim Auditorium

Members who wish to attend the lunch meeting have to register by 6th May 2014. Allocation of seat is on a first come first served basis. The maximum capacity is 60. This event is sponsored by Mr Koe Khoon Poh. Dress code: Office attire.

Brief Programme

12.00noon Arrival of Alumni members

12.15pm Arrival of A/Prof Ben Ong

12.25pm Welcome by Dr Chong Keen Wai

12.28pm Lunch

1.30pm Q & A

2.15pm Photo session

2.30pm End

Registration Slip

Fax: 62248374; email:

The Hon Secretary Member’s Name:______

Alumni Association Address:______

2 College Road Email:______

Singapore 169850 Off Tel:______HP:______

Please register me for the Lunch with A/Prof Ben Ong on Wednesday, May 12th 2014 from 12 noon

to 2.30pm at Alumni Association, 2 College Road Singapore 169850.
