The Stowmarket Summer Darts League AGM

13thMarch 2017

Held at the Cedars Park Aviary


Teams in attendance/represented:- Stowmarket Royal William (A) & (B), Stowupland Retreat, Stowmarket Little Wellington, Thurston Fox & Hounds (A) and (B), Stowmarket Crown, Stowmarket Kings Arms, Wetherden Maypole (A)(B),Combs Ford Magpie, Stowmarket Stag Tavern, Codenham Country Club, Stowmarket Oak, Cedars Park Aviary (A) & (B), Stowmarket Walnut Tree, Battisford Punch Bowl, Stowmarket Meadlands Social Club, Finningham White Horse, Stowmarket Pickerel, Stowmarket Maltings, Stowmarket Queens Head and Needham Market Three Tuns.

Although Coddenham Country Club and the Stag Tavern turned up, they didn’t stay, so had no vote at the meeting.

Apologies from:- Committee members, Jane Stammers, Wayne Fiddaman and Tom Page.

The Secretary welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the Agenda.

The minutes of the 2016 AGM were read. Proposed as correct by Mick Atkins (Stowupland Retreat) and Seconded by Kevin Roberts (Stowmarket Little Wellington).

Attendance and Apologies were noted, as above.

Secretary’s Report:-

Thanks to everyone for attending tonight

Thanks again to the committee for their continued help and support.

Thanks also to Paul Berryman for sponsoring the league again.

And ML Property consultants for continuing to pay for the website advert. (there is still space for one more advert at £100 for 12 months).

Big thankyou also to Paul Zarkos, who continues to sponsor the Zarkeys Plate.

24 teams competed in the league in 2016, our 8th year, with a team playing out of the Tuns joining very late to take the last space.

There were a few rule changes last year, the main ones being:-

Captains could nominate a vice captain to play, and count, when they are not there.

The pairs was changed to best of 3 legs of 501.

The Under 18 cup became the Under 21 cup due to lack of numbers.

High scores and 180’s count is every game/competition.

Finals night went really well, our thanks to Phil Rudland for the use of the rugby club and to Elaine for doing the excellent food.

This coming season will be our 9th, I hope that all the teams and players have an enjoyable season.

Many Thanks

Treasurers Report:-

Our Treasurer Adam Peck went through the figures, there were no matters arising from the accounts.

Election of the Committee:-

Our Chairman, Tom Page, has indicated he wishes to step down this year. Tom wasn’t in attendance, but he was thanked by the secretary for all his help and support these past two years.

All the other committee members were happy to continue, there were no other nominations.

The secretary, Chris Chilton (Cedars Park Aviary A), proposed Mick Atkins to be the new chairman, this was seconded by Shane Rudling (representing the Fox & Hounds B team)

This was then voted on and carried.

Steve Drewery (Stowmarket Little Wellington) proposed that the rest of the committee should be re-elected en-bloc and this was seconded by Rob Johnson (Stowmarket Royal William (B)). And agreed by members.

The committee for 2017is therefore as follows:-

Chairman – Mick Atkins

Secretary – Chris Chilton

Vice Chairman – Jane Stammers

Treasurer – Adam Peck

League Representative – Wayne Fiddaman

The 2016 Rules

The secretary asked the meeting if anyone wanted the rules read, and no one did. The rules were therefore not read.

This Seasons Teams

This season we will have 24 teams, 8 teams in each of the three divisions.

There were 4 teams that have not entered the league this year. Needham Market Swan, Stowmarket Walnut tree (B), Combs Ford Magpie (B) & Old Newton Sports & Social Club.

The 4 new teams entering are the Stowmarket Maltings, Stowmarket Queens Head, Wetherden Maypole (B) and the Needham Market Three Tuns.

The only other change was that the team that played out of the Three Tuns last season has moved to the Stowmarket Pickerel.

Ashley Sagnella then asked why this had been allowed. As he felt the Tuns team that was leaving his venue were setting up a new team at the Pickerel, and should start off in division three.

The secretary suggested that the players were still the same, and that they had earned their place in division 2. The secretary also suggested it would be better for the league, and the teams in division three, if this team were allowed to move and play in division 2 out of the Pickerel.

This was debated for 15 minutes until it was put to a vote.

The Pickerel received 14 votes to play in division two this season whilst the newly formed Tuns team received 7 votes to play in division two this season.

Therefore, the team that has moved from the Tuns to the Pickerel will play in division two this season.

Rule Change Proposals

a)Nearest the Bull winner throws 1st in legs 1 and 3 –

Proposed by Jem Lamb (Thurston Fox & Hounds A) and seconded by Robin Hawkins (Stowmarket Kings Arms)

Carried 22 votes to 0

b)Pairs to remain as the best of three legs of 501

Carried by 16 votes to 6

c)Pairs competition to change, 2 pairs from each team to play off at 4 venues, on the same night as the singles. The final from each venue will be played at finals night forming the pairs quarter finals.

Carried 21 votes to 1

d)Change of Points System to just 2 points for a win

Carried by 19 votes to 3

e)180’s and High Check outs to only count in league games

Carried by 22 votes to 0

All the above rule change proposals will therefore be implemented this season.

Other Proposals

Scott Cantwell (Battisford Punch Bowl) – Proposed that the pairs should be played before the singles?

This was not seconded.

Steve Drewery (Stowmarket Little Wellington) – Proposed having two separate leagues, one for singles the other for pairs.

This was not seconded

The secretary confirmed that the Under 21 Cup would be played week commencing 19th June (date to be confirmed, the secretary will consult with the players to get the best date for when players can make it). Any player that was under the age of 21 on the 19thApril 2017 can enter. (They must have played at least 1 summer league game in 2017 to enter). Captains should notify the Secretary ASAP of any players that want to enter this tournament. The venue will be the Stowupland Retreat.

The secretary also confirmed that the Ladies Singles would be played on the 26th June at the Stowmarket Walnut Tree.

The Knockout Cup and Zarkeys Plate draws were then made.

The venues were also drawn for the singles, pairs and cup/plate semi finals:-

Division One Singles venue–Stowmarket Oak

Division Two Singles venue -Stowmarket Maltings

Division ThreeSingles venue–Combs Ford Magpie

Pairs Venues –

Stowmarket Meadlands Club

Needham Market Three Tuns

Stowmarket Royal William

Stowmarket Queens Head

The K/O Cup Semi Finals will be played at the Thurston Fox & Hounds and the Stowmarket Crown on the 23rdAugust.

The Zarkeys Plate Semi Finals will be played at the Cedars Park Aviary and Coddenham Country Club on the 23rdAugust.

(Which game is played at which venue will be drawn nearer the time).

The Stowmarket Pickerel venue is 1st reserve should any of the above venues decline.

AOB, None 

All teams were given a copy of the accounts from 2016 and an envelope with 10 result cards for the coming season. (£5 fine for any team asking for another 10 result cards).

The Secretary then thanked everyone for attending

The meeting closed at 21.20hrs