Literature Circle Unit for
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen
DAY 1 / DAY 2 / DAY 3 / DAY 4 / Day 5Objective / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW create statements of fact and opinion. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW create statements of fact and opinion. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW create statements of fact and opinion. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW create statements of fact and opinion. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW create statements of fact and opinion.
PA-CCSS / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences.
Procedure / Section 1:
Intro/Chapter 1
*Strategy Focus:
1. Anticipatory Set: The story of our book is called Hoot. Based off the title and what the cover looks like, What do you think the story could be about? (flipchart)
2. Introduce book by playing SCOOT. Students will be placed into groups and rotate around the room and discuss 8 different questions. Once finished, come together as a class and discuss. Explain to students that all these questions tie in with the book Hoot.
3. Learn about the Burrowing Owl and the sounds they make via this website –
4. Discuss Open Response (flipchart)
5. Read About the Author (on flipchart) and discuss.
6. Explain to students the layout of the Unit (see flipchart)
7. Teacher ORALLY reads Chapter 1 and complete Lit Circle job.
8. Closure: What do you like best about the book so far? / Section 1:
Chapter 2
*Strategy Focus:
1. Anticipatory Set: PDN: Who are the main characters that we have met so far in the story?
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day: read chapter 2, complete lit. circle job, start All About Florida activity (Lit Unit pg. 13) and Fact and Opinion chart.
3.Discuss skill (fact and opinion) and graphic organizer to be worked on after reading.
4. Students will read chapter 2 and then independently complete Lit Circle Job.
5. When finished, students will work on an extension activity and skill: Start to work on the All About Florida activity (Lit Unit pg. 13) and Fact and Opinion chart.
6. Closure: Cite 1 fact and 1 opinion from Chapter 2. / Section 1:
Chapter 3
*Strategy Focus:
1. Anticipatory Set: Scramble/Scoot – 14: task card questions will be randomly placed around the room to review chapters 1 & 2. Students will have 7 minutes (total) to visit all the cards and write down their answers on a piece of paper.
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day: read chapter 3, complete lit. circle job, continue working on All About Florida activity (Lit Unit pg. 13) and Fact and Opinion chart.
3. Students will read chapter 3 and then independently complete Lit Circle Job.
4. When finished, students will work on an extension activity and skill: Start to work on the All About Florida activity (Lit Unit pg. 13) and Fact and Opinion chart.
5. Closure: Summarize chapter 3. / Section 1:
Chapter 4
*Strategy Focus:
1. Anticipatory Set: PDN: How did chapter 3 end?
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day: read chapter 4, complete lit. circle job, and work on extension activity.
3. Students will read chapter 4, remind students to monitor their reading, and then independently complete Lit Circle Job.
4. If students finish early, they can finish their extension activity and skill.
5. Students will meet with their Literature Circle groups and discuss all the jobs they have completed for chapters 1 – 4.
6. Whip Around: write one fact and opinion from chapter 4. / Section 1:
Chapter 5
*Strategy Focus:
1. Anticipatory Set: Scramble/Scoot – 11: task card questions will be randomly placed around the room to review chapters 3 & 4. Students will have 10 minutes (total) to visit all the cards and write down their answers on a piece of paper.
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day: read chapter 5, remind students to monitor their reading, review for quiz.
3. Teacher will read chapter 5 using Oral Cloze technique and students will text render writing on a post-it their favorite part and a real life connection.
4. When finished reading, everyone will get in a circle and share their text render with the class.
5. Students will play a four-team game to review chapters 1 -5 for their upcoming quiz (flipchart).
6. Exit Ticket: How does chapter 5 end? What do you think will happen in chapter 6?
Options / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9 / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Description Writing (pg. 14 Lit Unit) / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Description Writing (pg. 14 Lit Unit) / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Description Writing (pg. 14 Lit Unit) / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Description Writing (pg. 14 Lit Unit)
Evaluation / *Student successfully completes SCOOT activity to 80% accuracy (6/8).
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric). / *Completion of review question from previous chapter to 90% accuracy (#/2)
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students complete 1/3 of their fact and opinion graphic organizer and All About Raptors extension activity.
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2). / *Completion of Scramble activity from previous chapter to 80% accuracy (11/14)
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students complete 2/3 of their fact and opinion graphic organizer and All About Raptors extension activity. / *Completion of review question from previous chapter to 90% accuracy (#/2)
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the chapters when they meet with their lit. groups (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students complete their fact and opinion graphic organizer to 80% accuracy (9/12).
*Students complete All About Raptors extension activity to 80% accuracy (8/10). / *Completion of Scramble activity from previous chapter to 80% accuracy (8/11)
*Completion of text rendering activity to 80% accuracy (#/2).
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2).
Literature Circle Unit for
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen
Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9Objective / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW utilize story elements to complete a story map.
TLW be assessed on reading / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW utilize story elements to complete a story map. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW utilize story elements to complete a story map. / TLW read assigned chapters and complete assigned literature circle job.
TLW utilize story elements to complete a story map.
PA-CCSS / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.E - explain how a series of chapters, scenes or stanzas fit together to provide overall structure of a particular story, drama or poem. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.E - explain how a series of chapters, scenes or stanzas fit together to provide overall structure of a particular story, drama or poem. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.E - explain how a series of chapters, scenes or stanzas fit together to provide overall structure of a particular story, drama or poem. / CC.1.3.5.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and
CC.1.3.5.E - explain how a series of chapters, scenes or stanzas fit together to provide overall structure of a particular story, drama or poem.
Procedure / Section 1 Quiz & Section 2: Chapter 6
*Strategy Focus: Predicting
1. Anticipatory Set: Orally review ch. 1-5. Make predictions for chapter 6.
2. State objective for the day take quiz on ch. 1 -5, read chapter 6, start next extension activity and skill
3. Discuss skill (story elements) and graphic organizer to be worked on after reading.
4. Administer Chapters 1 – 5 quiz.
5. Students will silently read chapter 6.
6. When finished, students will work on an extension activity and skill: The Power of Persistence (pg.19 Lit Unit) and Story Elements: Character graphic organizer.
7. Ticket Out the Door: Write 3 sentences summarizing chapter 6. / Section 2: Chapter 7
*Strategy Focus: Predicting
1. Scramble - Questions will be randomly placed around the room to review chapter 5 and 6. Students will have 10 minutes (total) to visit all the cards and write down their answers on a piece of paper.
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day, read chapter 7, complete lit. circle job, work on extension activity
3. Students will silently read chapter 7 and then independently complete Lit Circle Job
4. When finished, students will work on an extension activity and skill: The Power of Persistence (pg. 19 Lit Unit) and Story Elements: Setting graphic organizer.
5. Closure: Summarize chapter 7 and make predictions for chapter 8. / Section 2: Chapter 8
*Strategy Focus: Predicting
1. Anticipatory Set: PDN: How did chapter 7 end?
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day, read chapter 8, complete lit. circle job, work on extension activity.
3. Students will silently read chapter 8 and then independently complete Lit Circle Job
4. If students finish early, they can finish their extension activity and skill: Story Elements: Problem/Solution graphic organizer or complete a “Special Lit. Job”
5. Students will meet with their Literature Circle groups and discuss all the jobs they have completed for chapters 7 and 8.
Groups will make predictions.
6. Closure: Discuss what your favorite part of the story is so far. Teacher will randomly draw names to answer. / Section 2: Chapter 9
*Strategy Focus: Predicting
1. Scramble - Questions will be randomly placed around the room to review chapter 7 and 8. Students will have 7 minutes (total) to visit all the cards and write down their answers on a piece of paper.
2. Discuss answers and state objective for the day, read chapter 9, review for quiz.
3. Teacher will read chapter 9 using Oral Cloze technique and students will text render writing on a post-it their question and a real life connection.
4. When finished reading, everyone will get in a circle and share their text render with the class.
5. Students will play a four-team game to review chapters 6 - 9 for their upcoming quiz (flipchart).
6. Exit Ticket: How does chapter 9 end? What do you think will happen in chapter 10?
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Character Shield - see handout / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Character Shield - see handout / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Character Shield - see handout / OPTIONS:
*Vocabulary Extension activities from Literature Unit book pg. 9
*For students that finish early:
1. Additional Literature Circle jobs (not being used in your rotation)
2. Alpha List
*Mini discussion of chapter may occur daily
*Alternative extension activity: Character Shield - see handout
EVALUATION / *Students complete chapters 1 – 5 quiz to 80% accuracy (6/8)
*Students complete 1/3 of their Story Elements graphic organizer and The Power of Persistence extension activity.
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2). / *Completion of Scramble activity from previous chapter to 80% accuracy (7/9)
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students complete 2/3 of their Story Elements graphic organizer and The Power of Persistence extension activity. / *Completion of review question from previous chapter to 90% accuracy (#/2)
*Students will complete their Literature Circle job (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the chapters when they meet with their lit. groups (see teacher selected rubric).
*Students complete their story elements graphic organizer to 80% accuracy (#/5).
*Students complete their The Power of Persistence extension activity to 80% accuracy (#/5). / *Completion of Scramble activity from previous chapter to 80% accuracy (9/12)
*Completion of text rendering activity to 80% accuracy (#/2).
*Exit ticket completed to 100% accuracy (2/2).