Altona North and Brooklyn Neighbourhood Profile
About the area
The Altona North and Brooklynneighbourhood is bounded by the Princes Highway to the north,Kororoit Creek to the west and south. The eastern edge is formed by a series of connecting roads includingChurchill Street, Blenheim Road, Hansen and New Streets, the West Gate Freeway and Cemetery Road.
The area incorporates a mix of land uses, predominantly residential and industrial.Major residential development dates from the 1950s, with much of the housing constructed during the 1960s and 1970s.
There are five primary schools in the area, together with two secondary colleges.Public transport consists of bus services, with the closest railway stations located at Newport andAltona.
Residents describeAltona North and Brooklyn as a good place to live and an area that is still affordableand reasonably well serviced. Long term residents spoke about noticeable improvements in the standard of housing and shopping options despite it being “an old area that needs a few touch ups”.
At the 2006 Census, there were approximately 12,500 people living in Brooklyn and Altona North, a3.6 per cent decline since the 2001Census.However,population forecasts predict a reversal of this trend, with the area expected to havejust under 16,000 residents by 2020, a growth rate of around three times the rate for the city of HobsonsBay.
Age structure
Since the 2001 Census, the number of children and young people in Altona North and Brooklyn has declined and residents over 70 years of age have increased. Population forecaststo 2016 predict the number of residentsaged over 70 years will continue to grow.Most age groups below the age of 35 years are also expected to increase, a turnaround in recent trends.
Overseas born residents
Approximately 40 per cent of Altona North and Brooklyn residents were born overseas.
The main countries of birth are Italy, Vietnam, Greece,Lebanon andMalta.More than 80 per cent of these residents speak a language other than English.
Residents needing assistance
There are 663 people who require assistance with core activities involving self care, communication and mobility.
Just over 18 per cent of Altona North and Brooklyn residents are enrolled in education compared to around 22 per cent for HobsonsBay.
Ten per cent fewer people in the area have completed Year 12 compared to HobsonsBay and eight per cent more left school before or on completing Year 8.
Labour Force
Forty five per cent of Altona North and Brooklyn residents (over 15 years) are in the labour force, 14 per cent below the HobsonsBay rate. Of these,61.8 per cent work full-time, 25.6 percent work part-time and 8.8 per cent are unemployed and looking for work.
Altona North and Brooklyn has a much higher rate of people not in the labour force compared to HobsonsBay (47.5 per cent and 34.8 per cent respectively),influenced bythe high proportion of residents over the retirement age.The largest employment sectors for the area’s workers are manufacturing and retail (17.3 per cent and 12.4 per cent respectively).
At the 2006 Census, approximately 73.7 per cent of Altona North and Brooklynresidents had below average incomes.According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Victorian average gross weekly incomewas around $815 (August 2006). Just over 50 per cent of Altona North and Brooklyn residents have a gross income below $400 per week.
The main type of housing in the area is separate or detachedhouses, making up around three quarters of the total dwelling stock. Around 47 per cent of households in Altona North and Brooklyn are owners, 10 per cent above the HobsonsBay rate.
Residents spoke positively about the relative affordability of housing in the area.However, there were concerns that the situation is changing. “In the last 12 months, house prices have increased dramatically”.
Future developments proposed for the area
- Most newresidential development is expected tobe infill development. In addition, the recent rezoning of land bounded by Blackshaws and Kyle Roads and New Streetwill potentially add around 1,600 new dwellings and increase the population by around 3,400.
- There is currently no library facility in Altona North and Brooklyn. Hobsons Bay City Council is investigating the development and constructionof a new library,to be co-located with the BaysideSecondaryCollege in Millers Road.
- An extensive upgrade of PaisleyParkis underway, including the newly opened Bayfit Leisure Centre. Proposed new works include play spaces, pathwaysand barbeque facilities together with improvements toexisting sports facilities.
- Redevelopmentof BaysideSecondaryCollegecommenced in early 2008. The new facilitywill operate as a Prep to Year 9 campus and bring about the merger ofAltonaGatePrimary School and BaysideCollege.
Published 2008