Internet UseCompliance Checklist
Idaho Code 33-2741. Public Libraries-Internet Use Policy
Beginning October 1, 2012, all public libraries in Idaho receiving public moneysmust comply with Idaho Code33-2741 regarding Internet Use Policies.
Internet Safety Policy
The law states that public libraries shall:
Develop policy (for minors and adults) under the direction of the library board of trustees
Adopt policy in an open meeting
Review policy every three years
Include an effective date on the policy
Post availability of the policy in a conspicuous place within the library
The law states that the policy may:
State that it restricts access to internet or online sites that contain material described in the law
State how the policy meets the requirements of the law
Inform patrons that administrative procedures and guidelines for library staff to follow in enforcing the policy have been adopted and are available for review at the library
Inform patrons that procedures for use by patrons and staff to handle complaints about the policy, its enforcement or about observed patron behavior have been adopted and are available for review at the library
Terms such as “child pornography,” “harmful to minors,” “minor,” and “obscene” shall have the meanings (taken from federal law) that are defined in Idaho Code 33-2741.
An example of an internet safety policy that meets the criteria of Idaho Code 33-2741 can be found at (
Filtering (technology protection measure)
The law states that public libraries shall:
Have filters in place for publicly accessible computers used by minors
The law states that public libraries may:
Have filters in place for any publicly accessible computer
Disable the filter for legal purpose for anyone, including minors
An example of an internet safety policy that meets the criteria of HB205 can be found at (
Comparison data for available technology protections measures can be found at (
Internet Use Compliance Checklist, cont’d
Idaho Code 33-2741 and Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
By July 1, 2012, all public libraries receiving E-rate funding for internet must comply with CIPA requirements for Internet safety. In addition to complying as noted on page 1 for Idaho Code 33-2741, public libraries receiving E-rate funding must comply as noted below.
Internet Safety Policy
The policy must address:
Access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web
The safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications
Unauthorized access including "hacking" and other unlawful activities by minors online
Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors
Measures designed to restrict minors' access to materials harmful to minors
The policymust:
Be addressed in a public meeting or hearing with reasonable public notice.
An example of an internet safety policy that meets the criteria of both Idaho Code 33-2741and CIPA can be found at (
Filtering (technology protection measure)
Public libraries shall:
Have filters in place for all of the library’s computers
Comparison data for available technology protections measures can be found at (
Idaho Commission for Libraries February 2012Page1