Appendix A:
Maps 1, 2, 3 & 4
Alternatives for North and South Interchange Options Presented)
Appendix B:
Community and Economic Growth and Development Factors
1.0 Adopting appropriate land use measures
1.1 Land Use Plan
1.2 Zoning
1.3 MPO Plan
2.0 improving access for business development
3.0 improving Investment and employment oppurtunities
1.1 Land Use Plan
A comprehensive land use plan has been prepared for the project area by the Delaware County Regional Planning Commission. The land use plan, titled Corridor Analysis: United States Route 36 and State Route 37, has been enclosed. The plan illustrates existing and planned land usages within Berkshire Township. The plan also calls out the addition of several local roadways to facilitate job growth and development in the area. The proposed interchange enhancements are key to the planned developments illustrated in the land use plan for Berkshire Township. Additionally, the construction of the proposed C-D streets along with additional ramps and the overpass will be vital to achieving connectivity between the interstate and the proposed local roads indicated on the land use plan.
1.2 Zoning
The Berkshire Township Zoning District Map has been enclosed. The zoning map closely aligns with land use plan for the area. Several of the areas indicated in the land use plan for commercial, office, industrial, or residential development have already been zoned as such. Most notably are large planned commercial and residential districts to the north of US36/SR37 that constitute the Northstar development. The rezoning of other planned development areas will occur as individual developments advance. While the zoning of the area in support of job creation and development has already begun, the continued development of these parcels has been limited due to the severe congestion experienced at the IR-71 and US36/SR37 interchange. The proposed interchange enhancements will provide safe and efficient access to the surrounding areas that have been or are anticipated to be zoned as commercial and residential. This will encourage job growth and will increase tax revenues for the surrounding communities.
1.3 MPO Plan
The Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s (MORPC) 2008-2030 CapitalWays Transportation Plan indicated the interchange of IR-71 and US36/SR37 as requiring modification to expand the capacity of the interchange. The MORPC transportation plan also indicates that the project area is projected to experience a significant increase over the next twenty years in population and employment, along with significant increases in retail, office, and industrial square footage. This growth will result in significant job creation in the project area; in fact the MORPC plan projects over a 1,000% increase in jobs in the project area, making this area potentially one of the largest job growth areas in the greater Columbus region. Unfortunately, the economic growth of the area has been hindered by the severe congestion at the IR-71 and US36/SR37 interchange. With no other interchanges in the vicinity, this area will continue to experience restricted growth potential until the congestion issue is addressed. Relevant excerpts from the 2008-2030 CapitalWays Transportation Plan have been enclosed.
The existing employment sectors within the project area are as follows:
Employers in Area by Sector
62% Food Service
9% Retail
6% Accommodation/ Hotel
12% Transportation
7% Recreation
1% Real Estate
1% Construction
2% Agriculture
The project will enhance access to existing businesses by reducing congestion and improving safety at the US 36/SR 37 interchange. A majority of the existing employers in the project area service interstate travelers. These employers include restaurants, gas stations and travel stops, hotels, and tow-truck services. Improvements to the operation of the interchange are of the highest importance to the continued operation and development of these businesses. The other major employers in the area are two golf courses, a construction company, and an agricultural employer. These employers will also benefit by the improved operation of the interchange. Congestion at the interchange partially inhibits the movement of goods for the construction and agricultural employers in the project area. Efficient access to the interstate is highly important for agricultural manufactures and construction firms. The proposed interchange improvements will enhance the movement of goods and improve access to local businesses. The project area currently lacks residential neighborhoods or sub-divisions. Therefore, the majority of employees in the area travel through the interchange to their place of employment. The reduction in congestion and enhanced safety at the interchange will improve worker’s access to the existing employers in the project area.
The project area is projected to create a very large amount of employment opportunities over the next twenty years. MORPC has forecasted job growth and creation in the area to increase over 1,000%. This represents one of the most significant job growth areas in the greater Columbus region. While currently the region is largely undeveloped, at a 17.2% developed area, this new interchange and safety enhancement to US 36/ SR 37 interchange provide access to developable areas for these high rates of forecasted growth, provided the congestion at the interstate interchange is alleviated.
To support the planned development for the area, significant investments will be provided by local entities. Berkshire Township and Delaware County have zoned a significant area to the north of the interchange for commercial, office, and residential land uses. These zoned areas constitute the Northstar development. To date, Northstar has invested $40,000,000 into the area in entitlements along with roadways and utility improvements. The Northstar development has extended Wilson Road 3.2 miles and has widened 1.1 miles of North Galena Road. Utilities, including water and sewer, were also installed with these roadway improvements in order to support future development. Northstar has also developed a golf course and a condominium developed to date.
The continued development of the project area will require the construction of additional roadway and utility improvements. The area surrounding the interchange is anticipated to experience significant growth as a result of the Northstar development to the northeast of the US 36/ SR 37 interchange and the Northgate development to the southeast and southwest of the interchange. Four local streets, to be designed and constructed through other funding sources, are proposed through the project area for the purposes of: a) providing access to the surrounding developments; b) enhancing connectivity between the existing and proposed local roadway network and the collector-distributor streets via the proposed ramps; and c) enhancing connectivity throughout northern Delaware County. A planned connector road is proposed to extend from proposed Fourwinds Drive to Wilson Road. This roadway will provide access to the Northstar development and will provide an east-west connection across I-71. Sunbury Parkway will extend from 3B’s and K Road to the intersection of Cheshire Road and Domigan Road at the Village of Sunbury. Sunbury Parkway will provide access to the Northgate development and will enhance regional connectivity by providing a regional connection to the Village of Sunbury and an east-west connection across I-71. Wilson Road will be extended from US36/SR37 to Cheshire Road. The extension of Wilson Road will enhance regional connectivity through the Nortstar and Northgate developments to Cheshire Road. Fourwinds Drive will be extended approximately 1.11 miles north and 0.87 miles south of US36/SR37. This roadway extension will provide access to the Northgate development.
The proposed local streets will be constructed with utility extensions to provide water and sewer access to the surrounding development areas. A shared use path is intended to be installed along Sunbury Parkway. The shared use path will serve pedestrians and bicyclists, and in the future will connect with a proposed regional bikeway planned in the Village of Sunbury. The local investment for roadway and utility extension, including right-of-way and design costs, is estimated at $59,593,000. This local investment in support of the job growth and development for the surrounding area significantly exceeds the investment necessary towards the improvement of the IR-71 and US36/SR37 interchange.
Appendix C:
Letters of Support
Village of Sunbury
City of Delaware
Village of Galena
Berkshire Township Zoning Board
Appendix D:
Cost Estimates
Cost Estimates
These cost estimates are planning level estimates prepared in June 2010 for the evaluation of the proposed interchange options along IR 71 near US 36/ SR 37. Right-of-way costs are shown at a full value. Several of the parcels affected by the new northern interchange are owned by various developers who are interested in the growth of this area and could donate portions of the land necessary, thus further reducing the cost of the overall project costs.