Special Education Student File Layout and Edit Specifications
The following table contains general information for the Special Education Student File. Included here are field names, sizes and types.
Student File Layout
General Field Descriptions / Format "C"All Fields
File Name: spd#####.nnc
File Type:
Record Type: fixed ASCII
Record Size: 232 bytes
Field Names / No. of Bytes / Field
Type / Start Position / End Position
Admin Unit/SOP Number / 5 / code / 1 / 5
Local ID (LASID) / 10 / numeric / 6 / 15
Student State ID (SASID) / 10 / numeric / 16 / 25
Racial Category / 2 / code / 26 / 27
Racial Category (For Future Use) / 2 / code / 28 / 29
Racial Category (For Future Use) / 2 / code / 30 / 31
Racial Category (For Future Use) / 2 / code / 32 / 33
Racial Category (For Future Use) / 2 / code / 34 / 35
Racial Category (2 new bytes will be added in 2010)
Ethnic Category (For Future Use)Please note that these bytes will move to bytes 26-27 in 2010 / 2 / code / 36 / 37
Gender / 2 / code / 38 / 39
Birth Date / 8 / date / 40 / 47
Grade Level / 3 / code / 48 / 50
Pupil's Attendance Information / 2 / code / 51 / 52
State Code of Parent's Residence for Non-resident Students / 2 / code / 53 / 54
School Code (Public, Non-Public, Head Start) / 4 / code / 55 / 58
Eligible Facility/Detention Code / 4 / code / 59 / 62
Special Education Funding Status / 2 / code / 63 / 64
Last Name / 30 / alpha / 65 / 94
First Name / 30 / alpha / 95 / 124
Middle Name / 30 / alpha / 125 / 154
District of Residence - See Pupil's Attendance Information / 4 / code / 155 / 158
District/State of Attendance - See Pupil's Attendance Information / 4 / code / 159 / 162
Setting Code / 3 / code / 163 / 165
Primary Disability / 2 / code / 166 / 167
Deaf/Blind Registry / 2 / code / 168 / 169
Date entered into Part B (for students under 4) Not required, will be eliminated in 2010 / 8 / date / 170 / 177
Part C Not required, will be eliminated in 2010 / 2 / code / 178 / 179
Specialized Transportation / 2 / code / 180 / 181
Medicaid Eligible / 2 / code / 182 / 183
Educational Orphan / 2 / code / 184 / 185
Parentally Placed in Private School / 2 / numeric / 186 / 187
Primary Provider/Service Coordinator SSN / 9 / numeric / 188 / 196
Secondary Provider 1 SSN / 9 / numeric / 197 / 205
Secondary Provider 2 SSN / 9 / numeric / 206 / 214
Secondary Provider 3 SSN / 9 / numeric / 215 / 223
Secondary Provider 4 SSN / 9 / numeric / 224 / 232
Special Education Student Preliminary Edit Checks
(The following criteria must be met before further validation of the file will occur)
File Name
- Data File Name - spd#####.nnc
- SPD – Indicates the collection.
- ##### - Is your Administrative Unit/State Operated Program code
- .nn – Is the file revision number (01, 02, 03, 04….99)
- c – Is the file format (ASCII)
Note: The data file revision number will be increased by one of each submission.
Record Size—The record size for the Student Data file spd#####.nncmust be 232 bytes.
Student Data Edit Specifications by Field
- Administrative Unit/State Operated Program Number
- Required
- Must be a valid Administrative Unit/State Operated Program Code (refer to Administrative Unit/SOP Codes in the Student Code Table document).
- Must be the 5-digit code representing the AU/SOP submitting the data.
- Must match the Administrative Unit/State Operated Code referred to in the file name. (Preliminary Check).
- Optional unique record identifier provided by the submitting district.
- Must be 10 digits (either the LASID or zero-filled).
- Student State ID (SASID)
- Required if Parentally Placed in Private School is 00 or 01.
- If required, must be a valid SASID, (SASIDs will be validated at the time of submission using four locater fields: last name, first name, date of birth and gender) and must be 10 digits long.
- Must be an unduplicated SASID. (SASIDs will be validated at the time of submission for duplicates within the administrative unit and after submission for duplicates statewide using two locator fields: last name and date of birth).
- Not required if Parentally Placed in a Private School is 02.
- If not required, must be zero-filled.
- Race/Ethnicity
- Requiredif Parentally Placed in Private School is 00 or 01.
- If required, must be a valid Race/Ethnicity Code (refer to Student Data Elements and Definitions).
- Not required if Parentally Placed in a Private School is 02.
- Gender
- Required if Parentally Placed in Private School is 00 or 01.
- If required, must be a valid Gender Code (refer to Student Data Elements and Definitions)
- Not required if Parentally Placed in Private School is 02.
- Birth Date
- Required.
- Must bea valid date in the MMDDYYYY format.
- Calculated age must be greater than 0 and less than 22 as ofDecember 1st.
- Grade Level
- Required if Parentally Placed in Private Schoolis 00 or 01.
- If required, must be a valid Grade Code (refer to the Student Data Elements and Definitions).
- Not required if Parentally Placed in Private School is 02.
- If the age calculation for the grade entered is outside of the "expected" age for that grade, you will get a warning.
- If the age calculation for the grade entered is outside of the min/maxrange for that grade, you will receive an error and must contact the December Count custodian at CDE for approval before that grade code will be accepted.
- Must be a valid grade code within the school reported based on the School Master table unless Parentally Placed in Private School is 02.
- Pupil’s Attendance Information (Attendance/Residence)
- Requiredif Parentally Placed in Private School is 00 or 01.
- If required, must be a valid Attendance/Residence Code (refer to the Student Data Elements and Definitions).
- Choose from Table A if the student is attending an educational program operated by your administrative unit/State Operated Program.
- Choose from Table B if the student is attending an educational program not operated by your administrative unit (State Operated Programs will not use any code from Table B).
- Not required if Parentally Placed in Private School is 02.
- If not required, must be zero-filled.
- Attendance Code 19 is only valid for State Operated Programs.
- If a student is reported on the B side, they must also be reported on the A side in another administrative unit (post collection edit).
A. Pupils Attending an Educational Program Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit
01 - Resident, Designated School
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Public).
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must be equal, and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
02 – Resident, School of Choice (Open Enrollment)
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Public)
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must be equal, and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
03 – Resident, Non-District Site
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Non-Public or Head Start) is required if student is not served in the home on an IFSP.
- School Code must be zero-filled if not required.
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must be equal and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
04 – Non-Resident, Choice (Public Schools of Choice)
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- State Code of Parent’s Residence for Non-resident Student if parents reside in another state.
- School Code (Public).
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- District of Residence:
- if State Code of Parent’s Residence is zero-filled, thenmust be a valid code and not zero-filled.
- Must not be 0000 or a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must notbe equal to District of Residence.
- District/State of Attendance must be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
05 – Non-Resident, Non-Choice
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Public).
- Funding Status must be 50, 51, 53 or 55.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must not be equal.
- District of Attendance must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
08 – Resident, Non-Choice
The following fieldsare required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Public) is required if student is in a program at a facility that does not have an approved on-grounds school (report code for school of accountability).
- School Code, if not zero-filled, must be valid code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Facility/Detention Center (detention center only) is required if student is in a detention center.
- School Code and Facility/Detention Code may both be zero-filled if student is in an expelled program at a non-school site.
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must be equal and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Provider SSN.
14 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence Code:
- School Code (Public, where services are provided).
- Funding Status must be 54.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must be equal and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Parentally Placed in Private School must be 01.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
15 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence Code:
- School Code (Public, where services are provided).
- Funding Status must be 54.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must not be equal.
- District of Attendance must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Parentally Placed in Private School must be 01.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must bezero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
16 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence Code:
- School Code (Non-Public).
- Funding Status must be 54.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District of Attendance must be the district code where the private school is located and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Parentally Placed in Private School must be 01.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
17 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence Code:
- School Code (Non-Public).
- Funding Status must be 54.
- District of Residence and District/State of Attendance must not be equal.
- District of Attendance must be the district code where the private school is located and must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- Parentally Placed in Private School must be 01.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
19 – State Operated Program
Required if Admin Unit/SOP Code is 66050, 66060, 66070, 66080, or 66090.
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence Code:
- District of Residence.
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51.
- Provider SSN.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Facility/Detention Code.
- District of Attendance.
B. Resident Pupils Attending an Educational Program Not Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit
22 – Licensed Eligible Facility or State Operated Program Attending On-Grounds School
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Funding Status must be 50 or 51 if Licensed Eligible Facility.
- Funding Status must be 52 if State Operated Program.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must not be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
- Facility/Detention Code (Detention Centers not valid, facilities only, not 9801, 9802, 9803, 9804, 9805, 9806, 9807, 9808, 9809).
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- District/State of Attendance.
- Provider SSN.
23 – Licensed Facility, Attending Public School
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must not be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Provider SSN.
24 – Court-Mandated Juvenile Detention
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Facility/Detention Code (Detention codes only - 9801, 9802, 9803, 9804, 9805, 9806, 9807, 9808, 9809).
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residencemust be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must not be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must be a valid district code and must be the district where the detention center is located.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Provider SSN.
27 – Non-Public School, (Contractual Agreement)
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Non-Public).
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must not be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
The following fields must be zero-filled.
- Facility/Detention Code.
- District/State of Attendance.
- Provider SSN.
28 – Outside of Colorado, Public Education Agency
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must be a valid state code (not district code) indicating state of attendance. Cannot be CO. The state code should be reported with the two letter state abbreviation to the left, followed by two blank spaces; thus, Texas would be reported as follows:TX__.
The following field must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Facility/Detention Code.
- Provider SSN.
29 – Outside of Colorado, Non-Public School
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must be a valid state code indicating state of attendance. Cannot be CO. The state code should be reported with the two letter state abbreviation to the left, followed by two blank spaces; thus, Texas would be reported as follows: TX__.
The following field must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Facility/Detention Code.
- Provider SSN.
30 – Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement)
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- School Code (Head Start) if student is attending a public Head Start program not operated by an administrative unit.
- School Code must be zero-filled if not Head Start.
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
The following fields must bezero-filled:
- Facility/Detention Code.
- District/State Code of Attendance.
- Provider SSN.
31 – Administrative Unit (Contractual Agreement)
The following fields are required for this Attendance/Residence code:
- Funding Status must be 50, 51 or 52.
- District of Residence must be a valid member district code for the reporting administrative unit.
- District/State of Attendance must not be a member district of the reporting administrative unit.
The following fields must be zero-filled:
- School Code.
- Facility/Detention Code.
- Provider SSN.
State Code of Parent’s Residence for Non-resident Students– Refer to the State Code Table on the ADE website.
- Allowed only if District of Residence is zero-filled and Attendance/Residence code is 04 – Public Schools of Choice.
- Must be a valid state code, not CO.
- Must be zero-filled if District of Residence is not zero-filled.
- School Code - if Attendance/Residence Code is 03, 05 or 08 and School Code is zero-filled, documentation must be faxed to December Count(303-866-6477) including student SASID, District of Attendance, and program name.
- Public School Code- Refer to the School Codes Table on the ADE website.
- Required if Attendance/Residence code is 01, 02, 04, 05, 14 or 15.
- Allowed if Attendance/Residence code is 08.
- Must be a valid school code within the District/State of Attendance
- Must be zero-filled if Attendance/Residence code is zero-filled or 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 or 31.
- Must be zero-filled if Parentally Placed in Private School is 02.
- Non-Public School Code - Refer to the School Code Table on the ADE website. Required if Attendance/Residence code is 16, 17 or 27.
- Allowed if Attendance/Residence code is03 and special education services are not being provided by Head Start.
- Must be zero-filled if Attendance/Residence code is zero-filled or19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 or 31.
- Head Start Code – Refer to the School Code Table on the ADE website.
- Allowed if Attendance/Residence code is 03 or 30 and special education services are provided at the Head Start site.
- Must be zero-filled if Attendance/Residence code is zero-filled or 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 or 31.
- Eligible Facility/Detention Code- Refer to the Facility Code or Detention Center Code Tables on the ADE website.
- Eligible Facility Code
- Required if Attendance/Residence Code is 22.
- Must be zero-filled if Attendance/Residence Code is zero-filled or 01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 or 31.
- Detention Code- Refer to the Detention Center Code Table on the ADE website.