
These rules have been playtested and work fine. The alternative scales allow for larger battles with the same number of figures. The revised ‘ranges and fire points’ table is merely a fine-tuning of the original rules. The suggested scale slightly reduces the amount of artillery available but strengthens brigades. Enjoy!

Alternative Figure Bases

Infantry stands 15mm wide x 20mm deep2 figures

Cavalry stands15mm wide x 30mm deep1 figure

Unlimbered Artillery stands25mm wide x 30 mm deep1 model & crew

Limbered Artillery stands25mm wide x 40mm deep1 limber model

Divisional leader stands15mm wide x 30mm deep1 figure

Corps leader stands25mm wide x 30mm deep2 figures

Alternative Game Scales

Each infantry stand represents 150 men, each cavalry stand represents 150 men and each artillery stand represents 8 guns.

Each inch represents 100 paces. To achieve this under the Fire & Fury rules simply half all distances, i.e. movement distances, fire ranges and command ranges etc. All distances in these optional rules reflect the original Fire & Fury ground scales and therefore need to be halved for these alternative scales.

Each turn represents 30 minutes.


Field Column:At least two stands wide and three or four stands deep with equal numbers of stands in each rank except for the last. All stands count for close combat purposes. Field columns must pay movement costs for wheeling

Supported Line:Only the front rank of supported lines may fire.

Cavalry: May use any formation available to infantry when dismounted. Cavalry only get the –1 fire modifier if armed with carbines or repeater carbines.

All other formations as per Fire & Fury rules.

Offensive Fire Phases

These rules abolish offensive fire phases so that infantry, dismounted cavalry and artillery may only fire during the defensive fire phase. During the defensive fire phase a unit may fire at the target at any point during the preceding movement phase.


Batteries may interpentrate, and be interpenetrated by, friendly units without penalty. Brigades may interpentrate friendly brigades without movement penalties but both brigades become disordered. Brigades retreating through friendly brigades disorder them.

Range & Fire Points

4" 8"16"24"32"40”

Carbines 1

Muskets 1.5

Rifles 1 1

Repeating Carbines 2

Repeating Rifles 2 2

Union Artillery 8 6 4 3 2 1

Confederate Artillery10 6 3 2 1

Charge Combat Results: Artillery

All artillery batteries directly involved in a charge combat are affected by an adverse result. If the result is “Swept from the Field”, all batteries involved directly in the charge combat are captured. If the result if “Driven Back”, all batteries involved in the charge combat are damaged and must retreat a full move silenced.

Artillery batteries which are incidental to a charge combat and which suffer an adverse result must limber up and retreat a full move in good order.

Artillery Prolong Movement

Unlimbered artillery batteries may prolong 1” in any direction. This counts as a move under the rules.

Low on Ammunition (Optional)

Every time a brigade or battery rolls an unmodified die of '9' or ‘10’, it must test for ammunition. It becomes low on ammunition if it subsequently rolls a ‘9’ or '10'.

Higher Charge Combat Casualties (Optional)

If the result in a charge combat is “Hard Pressed” or “Assault Checked”, both sides lose one stand rather than taking no casualties.

Averaging Charge Combat Modifiers (Optional)

This is a more complex but more accurate method of determining charge combat modifiers in combats involving more than two units. Modifiers are determined for each brigade for the side with multiple brigades involved. Multiply the modifiers for each brigade by the number of stands in that brigade and then add the totals together for all units. Simply divide the total by the number of stands in all brigades from that side. Batteries count as one stand brigades for this purpose. Rounds results down if .50 or less, round up if greater than .50 and the result represents the final modifier for that side.

Generic Artillery (Optional)

This rule abolishes the disparity between Union and Confederate Artillery and makes for a more even game. If using historical orders of battle, the Union will probably retain a numerical advantage in artillery but the advantage in artillery will not be as crippling as it is under the original rules.

4" 8"16"24"32"40”

Artillery 8 6 4 3 2 1

Stationary Defensive Fire (Optional)

If a steady (not disordered) brigade of infantry or dismounted cavalry does not move during its movement phase, it is marked as stationary. A stationary brigade may double its fire factor during its subsequent defensive fire phase. A stationary brigade armed with repeating rifles or carbines firing with a fire factor of 2 increases its fire factor to 3 because of being stationary.

Please Note: This rule will substantially change the balance of the game in favor of the defender while more closely replicating historical implications of using Napoleonic offensive tactics with contemporary 1860’s weapons technology. Battle results such as Fredricksburg, Cold Harbour and Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg are more likely. If used it is suggested that the attacker be allowed 1,200 points with which to purchase troops.

Test for Disorder from Fire Combat (Optional)

Rather than automatically becoming disordered if it suffers an adverse result from fire combat, a unit that receives an adverse result on the fire combat table must test morale to determine whether it becomes disordered or not. The unit rolls a die and compares the result to its modified morale rating. If the die roll is higher than the morale rating the testing unit becomes disordered. If charging, the unit recoils disordered 2” from contact and does not participate in any subsequent charge combat. If the die roll is equal to or less than the modified morale rating of the unit, the unit remains steady and if charging may participate in charge combat in the subsequent phase.

Morale Ratings




Morale Modifiers

+1If general attached to unit or brigade has an exceptional leader.

-1For each stand loss suffered from fire combat this turn.

Reduced Divisional Leader Command Radius (Optional)

Divisional leaders are in command of subordinate units if within 12” of the unit and line of sight. The purpose of this rule is to force players to make decisions about exactly which units Divisional leaders are supervising at any point in time.

Coordinated Divisional Movement (Optional)

During their movement phase, a player may declare that he is attempting a divisional movement rather than rolling on the manoeuvre table for each brigade. This is done by rolling one die for a division and applying the results to all brigades within the command radius and line of sight of the divisional leader. Each brigade still applies modifiers to this die roll relating to their individual circumstances to determine their result on the manoeuvre table.