Mission Statement (if applicable):
Introduce your report by indicating who participated in its compilation and analysis, and the date(s) this took place. Note any significant changes to the department in the last year, e.g., new programs, personnel changes, etc.
Introduction[type here]
Analysis of Learning Outcomes Data: Program Learning Outcomes
Using the prompts below, analyze the eLumen reports of assessment results for eachprogram/major and write your commentary in the rows provided.
Themes:What patterns of student learning emerge from the assessment data? (E.g., students tend to be stronger on oral compared to written skills)
Strengths:In which areas have students shown particular proficiencies?
Challenges:In which areas have students shown particular weaknesses?
Longitudinal Trends:How did student learning this year compare to previous years?
[e.g., Marketing]
(insert/delete rows as needed)
Analysis of Learning Outcomes Data: Institutional Learning Outcomes
Using the prompts above, analyze the eLumen reports of assessment results for University Outcomes (Undergraduate) orGraduate School Outcomes(Graduate) and write your commentary in the rows provided.
Undergraduate: List University Outcome Categories Addressed in the Department / Analysis and Commentary[e.g., Global]
(insert/delete rows as needed)
Graduate Outcomes / Analysis and Commentary
Research & Synthesis
Analysis & Application
Ethics & Professional Behavior
Use of Results: Planned Improvements for Program or Learning Quality
Using the prompts below, list the action steps planned for each program/major in the rows provided.
Teaching: How might new strategies and practices, faculty development, adjunct orientation, etc., improve student achievement?
Course Content:How might course content be modified to address areas of unsatisfactory student achievement?
Program Elements: How might new or modified program requirements, e.g., internships, capstone courses/projects, etc., improve student learning?
Curriculum Map: How might placement of learning outcomes in your program curriculum be modified to improved learning (where they are introduced, reinforced, assessed)?
Learning Outcomes: Are changes needed in the student learning outcomes for your program or major?
Rubrics:Are the rubrics used to evaluate student performance effective? Is scoring consistent across your faculty (inter-rater reliability)? Are rubrics shared with students?
Assessment Activities: Are the activities used to measure outcome achievement (synthesizing papers, final presentations, essay exams, etc.) effective in answering the question: how well can students meet this outcome?
(insert/delete rows as needed)
Use of Results: Report on Assessment Action Steps from Previous Years
How did changes you made last year or in previous years impact student learning this year?
Action Steps for 2016-17 or earlier / Results(insert/delete rows as needed)
Department Goals
Describe the progress on departmental goals or action plans. What has been accomplished? What has been the most challenging? Why? What further resources (personnel, funding, grants, inter-departmental collaboration, etc.) might be needed?
Department Goals / Progress/Challenges/Resources(insert/delete rows as needed)
List of Programs/Majors/Minors/Certificates
Please list the programs in your department.
Majors/Programs / Minors / Certificates(insert/delete rows as needed)
Major/Minor Enrollments
View Argos data in the “Curriculum” section.Argos Link
What enrollment trends do you see across 2014-15, 15-16, 16-17?How do graduation numbers compare enrollments to?
Note number of teacher education students among your majors (optional)
Course Section Size
View Argos data in the “Classes” section.
Are class/section sizes workable? Why, why not? Note any trends or patternsCourse Section Delivery Mode
View Argos data in the “Course location-Delivery” section.
Are course delivery options meeting student demand? Note any trends or patternsProgram Celebrations
Note any faculty achievements, including teaching innovations or commendations, publications, etc.Note any student achievements.
Note any alumni achievements.
- Summary
Consider student learning data, enrollment, graduation/retention, course delivery options, and other factors impacting your department.
What strengths do you see? What steps do you plan to strengthen and maintain these?What opportunities do you see? What steps do you plan to take advantage of these?
What challenges do you see? What steps do you plan to address these?
What threats do you see? What steps do you plan to deal with these?
Summary Comments (optional)
Dean’s Feedback
Dean’s Name and Date of Review
2017 Annual Report1