Alternate Energy Evaluation

Senior Design May06-16

Final Report


Professor Ralph Patterson III

Dr. John W Lamont

Faculty Advisors

Tom Baird

Team Members

Steven Chebuhar

Anhtuan Dinh

Ryan Ferneau

Justin Jorgensen


DISCLAIMER: This document was developed as a part of the requirements of an electrical and computer engineering course at IowaStateUniversity, Ames, Iowa. This document does not constitute a professional engineering design or a professional land surveying document. Although the information is intended to beaccurate, the associated students, faculty, and IowaStateUniversity make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, quality, or adequacy of the information. The user of this document shall ensure that any such use does not violate any laws with regard to professional licensing and certification requirements. This use includes any work resulting from this student-prepared document that is required to be under the responsible charge of alicensed engineer or surveyor. This document is copyrighted by the students who produced this document and the associated faculty advisors. No part may bereproduced without the written permission of the senior design course coordinator.

May 3, 2006

Table of Contents

List of Figures...... v

List of Tables...... vi

List of Acronyms/Definitions...... vii

1 Introductory Materials...... 1

1.1 Executive Summary...... 1

1.1.1 The Need for the Project...... 1

1.1.2 Project Activities...... 1

1.1.3 Final Results...... 2

1.1.4 Recommendations for Follow-On Work...... 2

1.2 Acknowledgement...... 2

1.3 Problem Statement...... 2

1.3.1 General Problem Statement...... 2

1.3.2 Solution Approach...... 3

1.4 Operating Environment...... 3

1.5 Intended Users/Uses...... 3

1.5.1 Intended Users...... 3

1.5.2 Intended Uses...... 4

1.6 Initial Assumptions and Limitations...... 4

1.6.1 Current Assumptions...... 4

1.6.2 Current Limitations...... 4

1.7 Expected End-Product and Other Deliverables...... 5

2 Project Approach and Results...... 6

2.1End-Products Functional Requirements...... 6

2.1.1 No Utility Case...... 6

2.1.2 Alternative Energy Backup Case...... 6

2.1.3 Utility Backup Case...... 7

2.1.4 Informational Website...... 7

2.2 Design Requirements...... 7

2.3 Approaches Considered and Used...... 8

2.3.1 Interactive Program...... 8

2.3.2 Informational Website...... 9

2.4 Detailed Design...... 9

2.4.1 The research...... 10

2.4.2 Webpage layout...... 10

2.4.3 The Homepage...... 11

2.4.4 The Individual Alternative Energy Sources Pages...... 11

2.4.5 Publishing the Website...... 12

2.5 Implementation Process Description...... 12

2.5.1 The Original Implementation Process...... 12 Web-based vs. Executable Program...... 12 Creation of the Web-based Program...... 13 Input/Output data...... 14 Additional information and links...... 17

2.5.2 The New Design Implementation Process...... 18

2.6 Testing of the End-Product and Results...... 18

2.7 End Results of Project ...... 18

2.7.1 Viability of Alternative Energy Sources...... 18

2.7.2 Results of the No Utility Case...... 20

2.7.3 Results of the Utility as Backup Case...... 22

2.7.4 Results of Alternative Source as Backup Case...... 23

2.7.5 Presenting Data on a Website...... 23

3 Estimated Resource and Schedule Requirements...27

3.1Personnel Effort Requirements...... 27

3.2Other Resource Requirements...... 28

3.3Financial Requirements...... 29

3.4 Schedule...... 31

4 Closure Materials...... 34

4.1 Project Evaluation...... 34

4.2 Commercialization...... 34

4.3 Recommendations for Additional Work...... 34

4.4 Lessons Learned...... 35

4.4.1 What Went Well...... 35

4.4.2 What did not go well...... 35

4.4.3 Technical Knowledge Gained...... 36

4.4.4 Non-technical Knowledge Gained...... 36

4.4.5 What would be done differently...... 36

4.5 Risk Management...... 36

4.5.1 Anticipated Potential Risks and Planned Management...... 36

4.5.2 Anticipated Risks encountered...... 37

4.5.3 Unanticipated Risks Encountered...... 37

4.5.4 Resultant Changes in Risk Management...... 37

4.6 Project Team Information...... 38

4.6.1 Client Information...... 38

4.6.2 Faculty Advisor Information...... 38

4.6.3 Student Team Information...... 39

4.7 Closing Summary...... 40

List of Figures

Figure Web design flow diagram...... 10

Figure User Input Page...... 14

Figure Clickable map of Iowa...... 15

Figure Example of recommended page for wind...... 16

Figure Location of additional links on recommended page...... 17

Figure Block Diagram of No Utility System...... 20

Figure Cost Results for No Utility System Using Wind Power...... 21

Figure Block Diagram for Utility as Backup Case...... 22

Figure Cost of System Utility as Backup Case...... 22

Figure Webpage for Wind Energy...... 24

Figure Webpage Showing Spreadsheet for Fuel Cells...... 25

Figure Webpage for Fuel Cells Detailing Functionality...... 26

Figure 3.4.1 Original Project Schedule...... 31

Figure 3.4.2 Updated Project Schedule...... 32

Figure Actual Project Schedule...... 33

Figure Deliverable Schedule...... 33

List of Tables

Table T3.1.1 Personnel Effort (original)...... 27

Table T3.1.2 Personnel Effort (revised) ...... 27

Table T3.1.3 Personnel Effort (actual, final) ...... 28

Table T3.3.1 Total Project Cost (original) ...... 29

Table T3.3.2 Total Project Cost (revised) ...... 30

Table T3.3.3 Total Project Cost (actual, final) ...... 30

List of Acronyms/Definitions

Alternate energy source – An energy source that is renewable.

Wind energy – Energy that comes from the wind.

Solar energy – Energy that comes from the sun.

Micro hydro – Energy that comes from flowing water.

Microturbines – A generator able to burn many different types of fuel.

Fuel cells – A device able to convert chemical energy to electricity.


1Introductory Materials

The following is a description of the introductory material which explains a brief summary of the project, the steps which were taken to reach a solution, the assumptions and limitations, and the deliverables.

1.1Executive Summary

In today’s world of ever-increasing energy prices and environmental concerns, alternative energy sources are constantly being researched. This project has examined several available alternative energy sources for rural areas. Below the need for the project is explained, the actual project activities, the final results, and recommendations for follow-on work.

1.1.1The Need for the Project

Unstablefuel prices and the concerns for the effect that fossil fuels will have on the environment are the main reasons for this project being considered. This project will allow an individual that is not familiar with alternative energy sources to find the information needed to make an informed decision.

1.1.2 Project Activities

One of the very first activities performed was to research each source and make a decision on which ones would be viable to the user, and which ones would not likely be viable to the user at all. After it was narrowed down to the viable sources, it was then necessary to start looking into what would be needed to get the system running. Finally, an economic analysis of each source was done to see exactly what the source would end up costing the user to implement.

1.1.3Final Results

The final product is a website that includes spreadsheets for each source, showing the cost that will be required to get that source working. There are also extra links and information about each source, so that the user will be better informed.

1.1.4 Recommendations for Follow-On Work

It is recommended that another group do more research in a couple of years because the advancements in alternative energy sources are growing rapidly. The costs of many of these sources are also going down every year, and some sources that could not be used now because of cost could be within range in a year or two.


The group would like to thank Dr. Lamont, Professor Patterson, and Tom Baird for all of their help and guidance throughout the project.

1.3Problem Statement

The following two sections will give the problem statement and give the approach that has been followed to formulate a solution.

1.3.1General Problem Statement

Increasing energy costs and environmental concerns create a need for alternative energy sources. Rural residents are best able to implement alternative energy sources due to having more space and less government regulation.

1.3.2Solution Approach

The first approach to the problem was to gather information on the different alternatives available. These alternate energy sources include solar power, wind power, hydro power, fuel cells, heat pumps, microturbines, and biomass. With this information, there was consideration for different types of energy storage systems. These include batteries, thermal, and air compression. Research in the geographical area, area regulations, and interconnection with utility companies has been a key factor in determining which sources to use. The final step toward the solution was to post the results of the research on a website that has been created. This website also includes other information on each alternative energy source and links for extra information.

1.4Operating Environment

Data is organized and presented on a website that can be viewed using Windows XP and Internet Explorer.

1.5Intended Users/Uses

The following is a description of who the intended users are and what the use of this program is.

1.5.1Intended Users

The intended user is a rural resident or farmer looking to supplement or eliminate electric utility. The three systems that will be considered are a user that wants to use the alternative energy as the primary source with no utility backup, a user that wants to use the utility as the primary source with alternative energy as a backup, and a user that wants to use alternative energy as a primary source and utility as a backup.

1.5.2Intended Uses

The intended use is to provide information to a rural resident interested in alternative energy.

1.6Initial Assumptions and Limitations

The following is a listed description of the initial assumptions and limitations.

1.6.1Current Assumptions

The following is a list of assumptions that has been considered during the planning of this project.

  1. The user must have basic computer skills.
  2. The user must have knowledge about their power needs.
  3. The user must have knowledge about their system requirements which includes power usage, reliability, and cost.
  4. Six possible sources were considered.
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Fuel cells
  • Micro hydro
  • Microturbines
  • Biomass

1.6.2Current Limitations

1.The costs are approximate for installation, maintenance, and fuel.

  1. Interconnection with utility company may make system cost too expensive to be viable.

1.7Expected End-Product and Other Deliverables

The expected end-product isa website, which includes an Excel spreadsheet detailing the system cost, and extra information and links for each source. Listed below are the deliverables the team expects to complete by the end of the project.

Documentation – The documentation shall show how the solution was developed.

Weekly e-mails – These shall update the instructors, advisors, and clients involved with the project on the work completed the previous week and ask recipients about any issues that have arisen during the previous week. They shall also serve as a plan for the upcoming week.

Project plan – The project plan outlined the basic objective of the project and included information about design restrictions, estimation of work, supplies necessary, and the process being used to develop the product.

Project poster – The project poster is a large, graphical description of the basic components, operation, and design of the project.

Oral presentation of the design results – The team shall give an oral presentation describing the progress achieved and the final design.

Design report – Describes progress made during the first semester and outlines the project plan for the second semester.

Final design report – A final report due at the end of the year detailing all aspects of the design process.

2Project Approach and Results

This section describes the design approach used by the team, as well as the results.

2.1End-Products Functional Requirements

This section describes the functional requirements of each of the three cases that have been explored, and the website that formalizes the information collected.

2.1.1 No Utility Case

For the no utility tie-in case, alternative energy sources were examined that would be able to reliably supply the entire load of the system. The economic feasibility of each source was also included, and how likely the end-user would be willing to use it. There was also consideration given to governmental restrictions that applied. For example, micro hydro has many regulations on installation and usage that makes it very difficult for a small user to consider.

2.1.2 Alternative Energy Backup Case

For the alternative energy backup case, alternative energy sources were examinedthat would not be required to take on the entire load, but only a fraction of the load when the utility company is unable to supply it. The alternative energy sources would also relieve some of the reliance on the utility company, while lower the user’s monthly utility bill. These sources would not be required to be as reliable as the ones in the no utility case because utility will usually be available.

2.1.3 Utility Backup Case

For the utility backup case, the team examined alternative energy sources that would take on most of the load, if not all of it, with the utility company backing up the alternative energy source. This case would take most of the reliance on the utility company away; relying on the utility company only when the load goes beyond the available output of the alternative energy sources. Again, these sources would not have to be as reliable as the no utility case because the utility company will usually be available.

2.1.4 Informational Website

The website, will include all of the results from the research performed. Spreadsheets giving estimated costs of all supplies needed will be include, with a description of how to interpret the spreadsheets. There will then be links where the user can find extra information on each of the alternative energy sources.

2.2 Design Requirements

The following are the requirements and constraints chosen for the project design based on the functional requirements and the assumptions and limitations.

  • The three cases of alternative energy use—alternative energy backup, utility backup, and no utility—will be evaluated and presented separately.
  • Each alternative energy source will be evaluated for each of the three cases independently of the other sources.
  • The user should be informed of the feasibility of using the sources based on the user’s particular situation. In particular, the user must be warned if certain conditions or regulations could make the use of an energy source impractical or far less economical than the ideal.

2.3Approaches Considered and Used

The following are the approaches that were considered. This includes which approach was chosen and why.

2.3.1 Interactive Program

It was originally envisioned that the end product would be a program hosted on the World Wide Web. It would take in data regarding the user’s living area, current energy usage, and other personal facts and preferences as input, and then it would use the data gathered throughout the project to analyze the situation and produce economic advice on the use of various alternative energy sources as output.

Within this approach, there were several ideas raised as to how the program could be implemented. One way would involve simply hosting a stand-alone program for the user to download and install. An advantage of this method is that the program could be designed in a platform-independent language such as Java to avoid the hassles of programming for the Web itself. It also allows the user to make use of the program without browsing the Web again. However, this could also be a drawback, as the user would not be able to receive any updates to the software without revisiting the site hosting it. Also, the requirement to download and install new software could be viewed as a needless extra hassle when most users would only need to plan their future energy usage once or at a few infrequent times.

Building the program into the Web site presents a variety of approaches which could accommodate a variety of levels of interactivity. A simple script would allow for the analysis of many situations based on input data, but this would depend on how well the acquired research could relate all the variables and account for every possible alternative energy setup. An approach that may be simpler is creating several pages with pre-determined analysis on each page which depends on what the user chose to reach the page. For example, the main site could include a clickable map of Iowa counties, and each county or set of similar counties could have its own page with a description of alternative energy possibilities in that area or a request for more data to analyze the situation more thoroughly. This was the approach which the group had been favoring before the direction of the project was re-evaluated and the need for interactivity was greatly reduced.

2.3.2 Informational Website

It was decided that to improve the accuracy of the analysis and to alleviate the tedium of attempting to cover every possible situation, the project’s research would focus on the three major cases of energy use described in Section 2.1 and analyze the sources independently. Thus, the focus of the end product is presenting the information in a useful format. The information gained from the research could simply be dropped into an HTML page for viewing; however, it was decided that a spreadsheet created in Microsoft Excel 2003 would better catalog the data and be more versatile in its presentation. Thus, the current form of the analysis exists in a series of Excel spreadsheets, one for each source and use case combination, which contain cost and energy output data for the alternative sources as well as whatever backs it up, including batteries, generators, and the utility if applicable.