Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity Section 41
Standing Rules of Section 41
Article I Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Section 41.
Section 2. The name of the policy making body of Section 41 is the Section 41 Assembly (Sec41 Assembly)
Article II Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of the Sec41 Assembly shall be to aid the chapters of the Section 41 geographic area in exemplifying the cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service, to provide guidance for the Section 41 chair, and provide general polices and standards for Section 41.
Article III Membership and Voting Power
Section 1. Membership in the Sec41 Assembly shall be composed of two duly elected voting delegates from each active chapter from within the Section 41 geographic area, the Section 41 Chair, and Region VII Director or any National Board member in the event the Region VII director is not present.
Section 2. An active chapter shall be any chapter that is in "Good Standing" with the National Fraternity. Each elected delegate shall have one vote. In the event only one delegate represents a chapter, that delegate will cast two votes.
Section 3. Neither the Section 41 chair, Region VII Director, nor National Board Member shall vote, except in the event that he or she is presiding over a tied vote.
Article IV Assembly Meetings
Section 1. The Sec41 Assembly shall meet at each Section 41 Conference and when called for by the Section 41 Chair, Region VII Director, or by a joint resolution from 1/2 of the active chapters in Section 41.
Section 2. The dates and places of the meetings shall be designated at an appropriate time and must be approved by the Region VII Director. The Sectional Chair shall distribute written notice of meetings at least four weeks before said meeting.
Section 3. The Section Chair shall be the presiding officer, except in the case of a conflict of interest, in which case the Region VII Director or the National Board Member shall preside. A conflict of interest shall be, but is not limited to elections or motions that affect the presiding officer directly, and impeachment proceedings of the presiding officer.
Section 4. The Assembly meeting shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 5. The presiding officer shall break all ties.
Article V The Section 41 Distinguished Service Key (DSK)
Section 1. The Sec41 Assembly shall have the sole power to award the Section 41 DSK.
Section 2. Nominations for Section 41 DSKs shall be submitted to the Section 41 Chair, the Region VII Director or a National Board Member at or prior to the Assembly Meeting. Any member can submit nominations.
Section 3. In the event that a presiding officer has been nominated the Sec41 Assembly may meet in closed session without the presiding officer present.
Section 4. When voting on Section 41 DSKs each delegate shall carry 1 vote. The only votes allowed are Yes or No. Abstentions are not allowed. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the chapters present is needed to award the Section 41 DSK.
Section 5. Previous recipients of the Section 41 DSK shall have a voice, but no vote during the deliberative process.
Section 6. The Section 41 DSK shall be Section 41's highest award and may be given to any person who is deemed (1) to have made an outstanding and unique contribution to Section 41 as a whole, (2) to have exemplified and furthered the Fraternity's Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service, and (3) to have made a substantial contribution to Section 41 over a sustained period of time. Deliberations on Section 41 DSKs may include testimony and/or statements from people that are able to attest to a nominee's qualifications for meeting the criteria for the Section 41 DSK.
Article VI Section 41 Conference
Section 1. There shall be a Section 41 conference held every spring.
Section 2. Elections for Section 41 Chair shall be held at the Section 41 Conference Assembly Meetings.
Section 3. Nominations and Election for future locations of the Section 41 Conference shall be taken at the Section 41 Conference Assembly Meetings.
Section 4. The date of the Section 41 Conference shall be submitted to the Section 41 Chair in the fall prior to the proposed conference date. The Region VII Director must approve the date.
Article VII Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to the Standing Rules may be made by submitting proposals to the Section 41 Chair 30 days prior to the Section 41 Conference Assembly. These proposals must then be distributed to all active chapters 2 weeks prior to the meeting date. The Section 41 Chair will submit the proposals for ratification at the voting assembly meeting. The final ratification of the amendment will become effective upon the 2/3 affirmative vote. Amendment proposals may also be submitted from the floor.