Easton Vol. Fire Dept. Inc.
St. Michaels Fire Dept. Inc.
Oxford Fire Co., Inc.
Cordova Vol. Firemen’s Assoc., Inc. / / Trappe Vol. Fire Co. Inc.
Queen Anne-Hillsboro Vol. Fire Co., Inc.
Tilghman Vol. Fire Co., Inc.

605 Port Street, Easton, MD 21601

Secretary Minutes for Meeting October 12th, 2016

Called to Order at 18:23

Roll Callof Officers Representatives: Present-President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, 20, 30, 40,50, 60 absent, 70, 80 absent.

Thanks to Holly Guschke for a successful Miss and Little Miss Talbot County Fire Queen paegent. Little Miss is from Cordova, Annette Claherty, Miss Talbot County is from Easton, Eve Van Horn.

Fred Bahr led us in prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

John Hanes, President of Oxford Vol. Fire Dept., welcomed everyone to Oxford. We then broke for the meal.

Meeting was re-started at 19:02.

Reading of the minutes—Motion made by Jimmy Easonand seconded by Chris Hood to waive reading of the minutes and approve as presented.Vote taken: 20 yes, 30 yes, 40 yes, 50 yes, 60 yes, 70 yes, 80 not present

Introduction of guests:

Doyle Cox, Secretary Marylane State Fire Association: pleasure to be here.

Richard Smith, Executive Committee MD State: Greetings from Mike Davis, President. Physicals for new members are available free of charge at Your Docs In. Safety Committee meeting postponed to 10/16 in Kent Island. Spiral protocol books not available at MIEMS. Visit web site for updates on sprinklers, also looking for volunteers for sprinkler committee. Also need help to rebuild side by side trailers. Sprinklers not dead in legislature as they are looking at either repealing it or to rethink/revise. There has been 12 side by side burns. Executive Committee meeting in Ridge. Doyle Cox added that celebrating 125 years at Lowell State House and everyone is invited to come.

Calvin Stack, First VP Fire Chiefs Association: 10/27 at Fisherman’s Inn is Delmarve Assn. meeting. Calvin is stepping down as Director. New director will be elected at next meeting in Easton. Jamie thanked him for his 33 years of service.

Don Kinnamon, Director of Delmarva: Little Miss in Easton with parade at 2. Next meeting in Greenwood 11/6 at 12. Don will be running for Calvin’s position.

Donald Knauer, Chaplain of Eastern Shore Association: He has tendered his resignation due to health and memory issues.

Standing Committee Reports:

By Laws, nothing yet looking at meeting requirements.

Nominating Committee: Jim Towers nominated Jamie McNeal for President, seconded by Chris Hood. Richard Smith nominated Steve Mroczek for Vice President, seconded by Jim Eason. Richard Smith nominated John Hanes for Treasurer, seconded by Jim Towers. Richard Smith nominated Connie Greenhawk for Secretary, seconded by Chris Hood. Richard Smith motioned for nominations to be closed, seconded by Jim Tower.

R&R: Tom DiFatta no longer chairs. Jamie and John Hanes recommends not dealing with Star Democrat any longer due to lack of cooperation, lack of reporting. Golf Tournament was used as an example. Trailer was with one vendor where it sat for 4 months, moved to a new one and should be done by end of month. R&R meets last Wednesday each month at Easton, see if we can get more participation. Companies will be getting a letter from John Hanes that TCVFRA will be giving each company $1,000 towards purchasing tee shirts or hats. Also, a $50 gift certificate for 20 hours or more of training will be given at a dinner meeting as a thank you.

Steve Mroczek: Web and Facebook pages—best week ever in Facebook, 15,000 hits for 9/11 ceremony, 1400 followers. The County wide drill, burn in Oxford, is 3rd one with no injuries.

Steve Mroczek, Talbot County EMS Board: End of month meeting, thinking about budgets. Think about what we ask for. Changes at MIEMS, Dr. Seamans (sic) leaving. Letter from Talbot County Council: Lois MacDonald has been appointed for 3 year term to EMS Advisory Board for Chapel District. Still a vacancy in St. Michaels.

Career Tech: all students are in fire fighter 1 except for 1 at Station 60. Have 1 interested from St. Michaels.

Holly Guschke: Publicity, Jamie and Steve have been doing some of this.

Chris Hood, Chiefs Committee: Thanks to Oxford for County wide drill, also thanks to Board for everything with the 9/11 ceremony. Tomorrow there is a County drill at Station 60, line of duty death. County drill at Station 50 for LP Gas drill. Tanker Force drill 11/5 at Station 30 at 7:30 AM.

Golf tournament, all thank you letters have mailed and a listing of thanks will go in Star Democrat.

Executive Committee decided to do collages of 9/11 ceremony and each department as well as County Council and 3 folks from NY will receive.

Hall of Fame letters out, nominations due by 10/31. George McCracken, Holly Guschke and Dave McQuay for the Committee.

December will be a long meeting with elections, Hall of Fame and Awards for people who have gone above and beyond.

Richard Smith, Tim McNeal with 28 years of service at Control Center we should recognize him. John Hanes made motioned we should do letter of recognition plus gift card, seconded by Jim Eason. Vote taken: 20 yes, 30 yes, 40 yes, 50 yes, 60 yes, 70 yes, 80 not present. Maybe Chiefs Committee would like to do the same.

Treasurer’s Report: Budget Report, next month President and Treasurer of each company should plan to meet 1 hour before regular meeting on 11/9.Checking balance $13,950.16. Career Tech: $1649.19, CD $14,318.

Holly Guschke indicated control center renovations almost done about 95% complete, Getting new CAD, radio and telephones. Live with CAD 11/15, move 12/13 into building.

Reminder for LOSAP benefits 25 years of service and age 62 must submit by end of quarter if you are eligible.

Safer grant—letters out to all departments to obtain an AFG grant for Community for extraction washers and dryers. 4 page list of questions and numbers for every company in County. Committed: Tilghman, Easton, St. Michaels, Oxford, Cordova, Trappe. Grant would be $25,000 for each station. Need support and fast, opened today and closes in 5 weeks. Easton has 1 extractor that was donated.

Good of the Association

20-Breakfast 11/6, 49th Antique show on 11/12-13

30-Soup on 10/17, 11/8 soup & sandwich, 11/19 craft show

40-Pig & Crab 10/22 all you can eat at noon, passing of Past President Bob Traynelis on the first Sunday of June his name will be added to wall in Annapolis, line of duty death

50-Propane drill this weekend, so far 75 people, company doing breakfast and lunch, floors being redone

60-Friday night Bingo, Beerfest had 700 people, doing reno to building with ramp, sidewalk, new windows and doors, will have train garden for Holidays

70-Tilghman Day 10/15 with waterman display and live auction, 10to5

80-not here

When events come up, try to volunteer to help other companies. Next meeting is 11/9 at Station 60 at 7 pm, with budget meeting at 6 pm.

Motion to adjourn by Richard Smith and seconded by Chris Hood.

Adjourned at 21:18.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Connie Greenhawk.