Puppy Sitting/Trading Worksheet
The sitter fills out this page. You probably won’t notice everything on this list during a “sit.”
Raiser to fill out this section
Puppy’s name: Puppy’s age:
Puppy’s tattoo/ID #:
Raiser’s information
Raiser’s name: Cell phone:
Raiser’s email: Do you want texted pictures?
Puppy’s veterinary information
Does the puppy primarily go to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley?
If the puppy goes to the veterinary clinic at the humane society, the puppy’s file is under “Guide Dogs for the Blind.” The contact information is: 2323 55th St, Boulder, CO 80301. (303) 442-4030
If the puppy does not go to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley, who is puppy’s vet?
Address: Phone:
Most raisers bring puppy’s food with them. Some even pre-package the meals into individual zippy bags. Remember to include extra meals, just in case. As another just in case, indicate the puppy’s brand of food.
Food type (brand): Two meals a day or three?
Number of cups per meal:
Does puppy need any shots while staying with the sitter?
If so, what type of shot? Is an appointment already set up?
Appointment time: Date scheduled:
Is puppy on any medications? What kind?
Meds start date: Meds finish date:
What’s the reason for the meds?
Instructions for meds:
Puppy’s behavior and training status
Current state of potty training:
How does puppy sleep at night? (Crate, tie down, free in room, free in house, …)
What does puppy do when he/she needs to relive?
Does puppy need any work on certain surfaces for relieving? (For example, if you don’t have access to concrete and the sitter does, puppy might need concrete work.)
Does puppy need to be crated when left home alone?
Special requests
What is your puppy really good at?
Does puppy need special attention on anything?
What’s the max length of an outing that your puppy is comfortable with? (5 minutes, half hour, a couple hours, all day?)
What stuff are you bringing for puppy to the sitter’s house? Remember, when a current puppy raiser watches your pup, that sitter will have a lot of this stuff already, so ask before you bring it.
Emergency vet formJacket
Gentle leader or HaltiID Card
MedicineHeartgard or Frontline
FoodPuppy sitting/trading worksheet
Tooth brush/toothpasteTie Down
Clean up kitGates
TRAINED BEHAVIORS & CUED RESPONSES / audible marker responsefood reward acceptance
enjoyment (valued) secondary reinforcement
environmental food & debris avoidance
“come” (off leash recall in enclosed areas only)
“go to bed”
“let’s go” / leash walking behavior
“kennel” –c rate behavior
“that’s enough” (cue to stop allowable behavior)
LIFE MANAGEMENT SKILLS / public settling behavior (on leash)
home settling behavior (off leash)
tether behavior (fixed objects & ground tether)
vehicle riding
off leash household demeanor
in home play behavior
unsupervised behavior at home
resource sharing
home greeting behavior
relieving “do your business”
HUSBANDRY / grooming/examination
mail clipping/ear cleaning/eye cleaning/teeth cleaning/pilling
equipment acceptance
ENVIRONMENTAL SKILLS / distractions (e.g. dogs, people, food)
greetings – people in public
greetings – dogs in public
surfaces (i.e. slick floors, stairs, grates, etc.)
animals (other than dogs)
In Case of Emergency
GDB Emergency No. 800-295-4050