Almost All Dissection Manual
Min Suk Chung, Beom Sun Chung
Department of Anatomy,
Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea
Anatomy is a very important subject in the field of medicine as it is the foundation of all the other studies. You will be able to ascertain almost everything in the lab from the textbook. You need a lab manual in order to quickly perform dissection and learn as much as you can from the anatomy lab. However, I think this simplified lab manual is more helpful to students than other published lab manuals.
This manual contains very simple diagrams to help you perform dissections, and you do not necessarily need to follow the instruction word by word. For example, it is suggested that you approach the specimen from various angles and dissect in many different ways when working on arms and legs which have bilateral symmetry. The goal of anatomy labs is to repeatedly see and understand the structures of the human body.
Under each picture, there is a list of structures that should be found during dissection. At the end of each chapter, you will find a list of structures that are to be studied. I hope you will be able to compare every structure from this manual to the actual specimen. Please bring this manual and a notebook to the lab. In case you cannot find a structure that you are supposed to, you should determine why. It is advised to memorize this manual before coming to the lab because it allows you more time to work on the body. If you are too cautious, you will not have enough time. Be moderately bold, but with a little bit of prudence.
I recommend students to dissect and feel the human body as much as possible. For example, it can be boring to separate skin from fascia sometimes; however you will become more familiar with the human body. Also, it is important to have relevant discussions with colleagues and professors beforehand and afterwards. These are keys to good grades and to becoming a great physician.
When performing dissections, always be courteous and thankful to the family of the deceased and those who donated their cadavers.
October 2, 2014
Min Suk Chung (Professor, PhD, MD) /
Beom Sun Chung (Teaching Assistant, MD) /
Department of Anatomy, Ajou University School of Medicine, 164 Worldcup-ro, Suwon, Republic of Korea / 443-380
1. Anatomy terms in this manual follow the TerminologiaAnatomica (Thieme, 1998).
2. The names of the cranial nerves are written in following abbreviations.
I = Olfactory nerve
II = Optic nerve
III = Oculomotor nerve
IV = Trochlear nerve
V = Trigeminal nerve
V1 = Ophthalmic nerve
V2 = Maxillary nerve
V3 = Mandibular nerve
VI = Abducens nerve
VII = Facial nerve
VIII = Vestibulocochlear nerve
IX = Glossopharyngeal nerve
X = Vagus nerve
XI = Accessory nerve
XII = Hypoglossal nerve
3. Orientations of the head and methods of dissection are represented like below.
Chapter I. Dry bone 1
Chapter II. General principles of dissection 7
Chapter III. Back 10
Chapter IV. Upper limb 16
Chapter V. Neck 23
Chapter VI. Head 27
Chapter VII. Thorax 37
Chapter VIII. Abdomen 45
Chapter IX. Pelvis & perineum 53
Chapter X. Lower limb 57
Chapter I. Dry bone
1. Do not leave the lab with the dry bone. Do not write on the bone. Be careful not to break the bone.
2. Leave the lab after reorganizing bones like below.
Cranial base
Vertebral column Clavicle Pelvic girdle or Hip bone
1st rib Scapula Femur
Rib Humerus Patella
Sternum Radius Tibia
Ulna Fibula
Bones of hand Bones of foot
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Essential structures to identify in dry bone>
Touch and memorize the following bone structures from the dry bone. If the structure is marked with (surface), try to palpate them on your own body.
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* Skull
Cranial base
Cranial cavity
Outer table
Inner table
Groove for superior sagittal sinus
Anterior cranial fossa
Middle cranial fossa
Posteriorcranial fossa
Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
Anterior fontanelle
Supraorbital margin
Infraorbital margin
Superior orbital fissure
Inferior orbital fissure
Optic canal
Nasolacrimal canal
Temporal fossa
Zygomatic arch (surface)
Infratemporal fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Jugular foramen
Foramen lacerum
Greater palatine foramen
Incisive foramen
Parietal bone
Groove for sigmoid sinus
Groove for middle meningeal artery
Superior temporal line
Inferior temporal line
Parietal foramen
Sagittal suture
Frontal bone
Supraorbital notch (surface)
Supraorbital foramen
Frontal sinus
Coronal suture
Occipital bone
Foramen magnum
Occipital condyle
Condylar canal
Hypoglossal canal
External occipital protuberance (surface)
Highest nuchal line
Superior nuchal line
Inferior nuchal line
Internal occipital protuberance
Lambdoid suture
Sphenoid bone
Hypophysial fossa
Posteriorclinoid process
Sphenoid sinus
Lesser wing
Anterior clinoid process
Greater wing
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Lateral pterygoid plate
Medial pterygoid plate
Temporal bone
Styloid process
Mastoid process (surface)
Carotid canal
Internal acoustic meatus
Stylomastoid foramen
External acoustic meatus
Zygomatic process
Mandibular fossa
Articular tubercle
Auditory ossicle
Ethmoid bone
Cribriform plate
Crista galli
Perpendicular plate
Ethmoidal cell
Superior nasal concha
Middle nasal concha
Inferior nasal concha
Lacrimal bone
Nasal bone
Infraorbital foramen
Maxillary sinus
Frontal process
Zygomatic process
Palatine process
Alveolar process
Dental alveolus
Palatine bone
Perpendicular plate
Horizontal plate
Lesser palatine foramen
Zygomatic bone
Temporal process
Frontal process
Body of mandible
Mental spine
Mylohyoid line
Ramus of mandible
Mandibular foramen
Lingula (surface) (need to put hand inside the oral cavity)
Mandibular canal
Mental foramen
Mylohyoid groove
Coronoid process
Condylar process
Head of mandible (surface)
Neck of mandible
Hyoid bone (surface)
Body of hyoid bone
Greater horn
Lesser horn
* Vertebra
Vertebral column
Cervical curvature
Thoracic curvature
Lumbar curvature
Sacral curvature
Vertebral canal
Vertebral body
Vertebral arch
Vertebral foramen
Superior vertebral notch
Inferior vertebral notch
Intervertebral foramen
Spinous process
Transverse process
Superior articular process
Inferior articular process
Cervical vertebra
Transverse foramen
Lateral mass
Anterior arch
Groove for vertebral artery
Vertebraprominens (surface)
Thoracic vertebra
Superior costal facet
Inferior costal facet
Transverse costal facet
Lumbar vertebra
Ala of sacrum
Auricular surface
Anterior sacral foramen
Posteriorsacral foramen
Median sacral crest (surface)
Intermediate sacral crest
Lateral sacral crest
Sacral horn
Sacral hiatus (surface)
Sacral canal
* Rib
True rib
False rib
Floating rib
Head of rib
Neck of rib
Body of rib
Tubercle of rib
Costal angle
Costal groove
Scalene tubercle
Groove for subclavian artery
Groove for subclavian vein
Costal cartilage
* Sternum
Manubrium of sternum
Jugular notch (surface)
Clavicular notch
Sternal angle (surface)
Body of sternum
Xiphoid process
Costal notch
* Shoulder girdle
Sternal end (surface)
Acromial end (surface)
Conoid tubercle
Subscapular fossa
Spine of scapula (surface)
Supraspinous fossa
Infraspinous fossa
Acromion (surface)
Suprascapular notch
Glenoid cavity
Coracoid process (surface)
* Humerus
Head of humerus (surface)
Anatomical neck
Surgical neck
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Intertubercular groove
Body of humerus
Radial groove
Medial supracondylar ridge
Lateral supracondylar ridge
Deltoid tuberosity
Capitulum of humerus
Trochlea of humerus
Olecranon fossa
Coronoid fossa
Medial epicondyle (surface)
Lateral epicondyle (surface)
* Radius
Head of radius (surface)
Neck of radius
Body of radius
Radial tuberosity
Interosseous border
Styloid process (surface)
Dorsal tubercle (surface)
* Ulna
Olecranon (surface)
Coronoid process
Trochlear notch
Radial notch
Interosseous border
Head of ulna (surface)
Styloid process (surface)
* Carpal bone
Tubercle of scaphoid (surface)
Pisiform (surface)
Tubercle of trapezium (surface)
Hook of hamate (surface)
*Metacarpal bone
Base of metacarpal bone
Body of metacarpal bone
Head of metacarpal bone (surface)
* Phalanx
Proximal phalanx
Middle phalanx
Distal phalanx
Base of phalanx
Body of phalanx
Head of phalanx
* Pelvic girdle = Hip bone
Acetabular notch
Acetabular fossa
Lunate surface
Obturator foramen
Arcuate line
Iliac crest (surface)
Iliac tubercle (surface)
Anterior superior iliac spine (surface)
Anterior inferior iliac spine
Posteriorsuperior iliac spine (surface)
Posterior inferior iliac spine
Greater sciatic notch
Posterior gluteal line
Anterior gluteal line
Inferior gluteal line
Iliac fossa
Auricular surface
Body of ischium
Ramus of ischium
Ischial tuberosity (surface)
Ischial spine
Lesser sciatic notch
Body of pubis
Pubic crest
Pubic tubercle (surface)
Superior ramus of pubis
Pectineal line
Inferior ramus of pubis
Pelvic inlet
Linea terminalis
Anatomical conjugate
Pelvic outlet
Greater pelvis
Lesser pelvis
* Femur
Head of femur
Fovea for ligament of head
Neck of femur
Greater trochanter (surface)
Lesser trochanter
Intertrochanteric line
Intertrochanteric crest
Body of femur
Linea aspera
Lateral lip
Medial lip
Gluteal tuberosity
Medial supracondylar line
Lateral supracondylar line
Medial epicondyle
Medial condyle (surface)
Adductor tubercle
Lateral epicondyle
Lateral condyle (surface)
Intercondylar fossa
Patellar surface
* Patella (surface)
* Tibia
Medial condyle (surface)
Lateral condyle (surface)
Intercondylar eminence
Body of tibia
Tibial tuberosity (surface)
Soleal line
Interosseous border
Medial malleolus (surface)
* Fibula
Head of fibula (surface)
Neck of fibula
Body of fibula
Interosseous border
Lateral malleolus (surface)
Malleolar fossa
* Tarsal bone
Head of talus
Neck of talus
Body of talus
Talar shelf (surface)
Calcaneal tuberosity (surface)
Medial cuneiform
Intermediate cuneiform
Lateral cuneiform
* Metatarsal bone
Base of metatarsal bone
Body of metatarsal bone
Head of metatarsal bone
Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal bone (surface)
* Phalanx
Proximal phalanx
Middle phalanx
Distal phalanx
Base of phalanx
Body of phalanx
Head of phalanx
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Chapter II. General principles of dissection
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1.Teacher prepares forceps, a handle of scalpel, a blade, a hook, scissors, a chisel, a hammer, a saw, nippers, a 1 mm thick soft wire, a pin, a disposable razor, a wooden prop, a scoop to poor preservative, a bucket to put under the table, a container to put a part of the cadaver, strings (red, blue, yellow, green), cloth, vinyl, a soap powder, a disinfectant, and disposable band-aids.
2. Students prepare rubber gloves, a mask, a towel, a soap, a chalk, and a water soluble pen.
3.In order to identify the number of the body, tie all the tags attatched to both arms and legs to the desk’s legs. Identify the age and the reason of death.
4. If the smell of cadaver fixative is too strong, spray water on the body. The cadaver fixative contains following chemicals:
Formalin 3 L
Ethanol (95%) 10 L
Phenol 1 kg
Water 22 L
5.Sufficiently cover the non-dissecting parts to prevent drying. (For example, when dissecting the back and the upper limbs, cover the head, neck, pelvis, perineum, torse and lower limbs with cloth.) Clean after each dissection lab. Spray enough cadaver conservative to keep the cadaver moist, and cover with vinyl. Cadaver conservative contains followings:
Formalin 1 L
Water 100 L
6.Put removed parts of a cadaver during dissection (removed skin for example) into a container. Do not mix with other garbages or parts from a different cadaver. This will be cremated with the cadaver in a coffin.
7.Feel free to see and refer to useful materials such as a dry bone, a plastic model, and anatomical specimans. Put it back when you are done using it.
8.Do not leave the lab with a model or a specimen.
9.On each dissection stage, encircled “d” stands for dissection method.
10.Skin: during skinning process, snip a shallow cut. Do not cut the muscle. Refer to the subcutaneous papilla while skinning. Keep the skin thin. Make holes on skin and pull to ease the skinning process.
When each lab is done, re-cover the skin to prevent drying or collect the removed skin in a container.
11. Subcutaneous tissue: after skinning, scratch the subcutaneous tissue with a hook and find cutaneous nerve and cutaneous vein
12. Muscle: remove the fascia that covers the muscle, tendon, and aponeurosis with a knife. It is better to remove the fascia in the muscle bundle direction. Also remove the intermuscular septum. The purpose of removing a fascia is to identify the border, origin and insertion of the muscle. After identifying the muscle, cut and fold the necessary muscle to see other structures inside (e.g. other muscle). Give a clean horizontal cut to a muscle belly near the origin and fold towards the insertion. The tendon should not be cut since it is hard to match and identify later. When cutting and folding the muscle, be cautious not to damage other muscle, nerve and artery. After folding the muscle, detach the fascia covering inside the muscle and identify the nerve and a located in the muscle Remove the vein located in the muscle
13. Blood vessel: because artery has a thicker wall and a smaller lumen compare to vein, there is almost no blood clot in a lumen which makes it appear white. Although artery appears white like nerve, unlike vein, artery has smooth muscle and elastic fiber on the wall. This allows artery to have a circular cross section.
14. Lymph node: check which region it belongs and then remove. Lymphatic vessel that connects lymph node can be hardly seen.
15. Bone: use both chisel and hammer or saw or pincer to cut. Electric saws, electric drills, or osteotomes.
16. Variation does not have a trouble in functioning. Congenital malformation has problem in functioning. Congenital malformation can be used for case report. When you find one, reporight to teacher. Remove vein that accompany artery. When detaching vein, make sure a blood cloth inside does not contaminate the surrounding area. Do not detach a vein that does not accompany a, cutaneous vein, superior vena cava, pulmonary vein, azygos vein, and portal vein.
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Chapter III. Back