Rockland St Mary with Hellington
Parish Council
Meeting of Rockland St Mary with Hellington Parish Council held onMonday 16 April 2012
Public Participation:
Parishioners present raised the issues of the new housing land allocation in the LDF in Rockland, which might prove controversial, the need to ensure grass verges in Surlingham Lane were cut, the fact that the wooden playhouse at the Playing Field had been burnt down and might be covered on insurance, and the imminent expiry of the 21 year agreement between the Parish Council and the Poors Trust for the Staithe car park
Cllr Sue Thompson (South Norfolk Council) drew members’attention to heating oil thefts from churches and houses in the area, the public vote on local priorities for the Neighbourhood Boards which are being reported to Cabinet on 16 July, the grants fund policy for groups in the district which isstill available, the solar powered boat now on Whitlingham Great Broad and the Annual Meeting of the District Council on 21 May.
Cllr Adrian Gunson (Norfolk County Council) reported on surface dressing which had taken place at various locationswithin the parish, the reporting of the footpath obstruction considered at the last Parish Council meeting, the planning application for the Bergh Apton recycling site (see item below), the flashing speeding sign to be located on the main road at Thurton, Council grants available towards Jubilee and Olympic activities, the creation of apprenticeships by the Norse group and circulated the new Broads Authority magazine
Present: Cllrs Martin Stedman (Chair), Malcolm Robinson, Chris Plaw, Stephanie Ross-Wagenknecht, Lydia Kemp, Zing Eagling (for later items) and Tony Palframan
In attendance: Michael Presland (Clerk to the Council) and 5 Parishioners.
Apologies: None
12.25Declarations of interest:none
12.26 Minutes of the meeting of 26 March 2012, which had been previously circulated, were APPROVED as correct and signed by the Chair.
Planning application C/7/2012/7009, retention of Bergh Apton Recycling Centre on a permanent basis, construction of 2 infiltrationbasinsand associated pipework and access chambers to improve surface water drainage, erection of CCTV cameras and small scale sale of compost
RESOLVED tostrongly support retention and other works, and recommend approval to Norfolk County Council
12.28 Correspondence
The Clerk circulated correspondence of a non urgent nature and not forming part of the agenda, as follows:
12.28.1 Notes of Broads Forum 5 April 2012
12.28.2 Hosting of Village SOS event by Norfolk RCC on 31 May to promote development of village projects
12.28.3 Letter from Broads Authority regarding Rockland Car Park and other assets
RESOLVED that the Clerk and Poors Trust would meet Broads Authority officers to discuss current issues at the car park including access and general condition
12.28.4NALC Coffee Cluster at Tacolneston 14 July
Invitation from South Norfolk Council to attend briefing on new Place Making Guide 18 April
RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to attend on the Council’s behalf
12.29 Financial Matters
12.29.1 Payments for approval.
Parish Clerk salary and expenses£236.60
Rockland PCC (grant – see minute 12.06 and 12.29.3 below) £300.00
12.29.2 Financial statement
Latest bank balance as at 3 April£3227.85
Unpresented cheques£1106.32
Cheques paid in £663.08
Currentbalance of account£2784.61
12.29.3 Grant aid requests
A request for grant aid from the Rockland St Mary Festival Committee had been approved in principle at the February meeting (minute 12.06), subject to the provision of specific costs relating to insurance and toilets. These had now been supplied.
RESOLVED to award £360 (in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, S145)
Further to minute 12.06, further details of the establishment of a Trust to manage the resurfacing of Rectory Lane had been received.
RESOLVED to award the grant of £300 to the PCC (in accordance with the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, S43,50)
Further to minute 12.14.4, it was agreed to fund the provision of new gates for the churchyard from Council funds, the precise details of ownership of the gates to be determined at the next meeting
RESOLVED to fund the gates up to a maximum of £450(in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, S137)
12.30 Membership subscriptions
Requests for the payment of subscriptions to three organisations were considered.
RESOLVED to renew membership of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (£161.07) and Norfolk RCC (£25.00), but to defer consideration of membership of the Norfolk County Playing Fields Association pending further comments from the Playing Fields committee
12.31 Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting on 23 April was discussed, including the agenda and the possibility of providing refreshments
AGREED to make coffee and biscuits available to parishioners attending the meeting
Other business and public final say.
One parishioner asked how many young people lived in the parish – this information is available from the Demographic Unit at County Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.
Next meeting: 14 May 2012
Michael Presland
Parish Clerk