Allocation Process


2011-2012 Allocation Process

Sport Club Council Allocation

San Diego State University through the Campus Recreation department provides the sport club program with an annual budget that is distributed to the individual clubs. These funds are provided with the understanding that clubs will not be eligible for the SLL (Student Life & Leadership) funding. Also, Sport Clubs may not approach student government organizations for additional funding unless they have first approached the Sport Club Administrators and Campus Recreation Director. Allocation Funds will be available to club teams who have met all requirements set forth by the Sport Club Finance Committee. The following is a brief summary of the requirements and expectations:

·  Sport Club teams must complete the renewal process

·  Sport Club teams must be active

·  Submitted at least one sports club award application in 2010-2011

·  First-year sport club teams are not eligible for funding until 365 days after formal approval

·  Sport club teams must have representation at Sport Club Council meetings (teams are allowed to miss one meeting without penalty)

·  Only club teams with a balanced budget are allowed to receive funding through the IRA Allocation

Each team is required to submit an allocation packet into the Sports Club Office by 6pm Friday, April 8, 2011. In addition, an electronic copy of the club team budget must be e-mailed to by 6pm Friday, April 8, 2011. When a complete packet is turned in, teams may sign up for an allocation hearing time. Failure to submit an allocation packet by the due date will result in a total loss of allocation funding for the team.

Allocation hearings will be held April 19 and April 21 2011, from 7:00pm-10:00pm. For the hearings, teams may have up to three club team members available to present and answer questions. All three individuals must be student members of the team. Each group will be given 10 minutes to present their budget, followed by a 5 minute question and answer session. Failure to present during the assigned time slot will result in a total loss of allocation funding for the team.

The official allocation committee will be comprised of the Sports Club Executive Committee, the Sport Club Council Finance Committee, and two representatives from the Recreation Board. The Sports Club Coordinator and the Asst. Sport Club Coordinator will serve as advisors to the Allocation Committee.

Distribution of Sport Club Council Funds

The system for the distribution of allocated funds encourages club teams to attend Sport Club Council meetings, participate in Sport Club Council sponsored events, motivate club teams to raise funds, and follow sport club policies and procedures. Allocation funding is supported through the San Diego State University Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) fee. Depending student enrollment numbers and available IRA funds, the allocation amounts may vary from year to year. The methods of distribution include a tier classification system to allocate annual funds. The tiers range from tier A to tier C, with tier A receiving the highest funding allocation. Based upon a set of criteria and budget presentations, club teams will be divided into three tiers (A, B, & C).

A sport club team must apply for a tier classification each year. This is done as part of the budgeting process during the spring semester. Based upon a set of criteria and the budget presentations, members of the official allocation committee will determine which tier a club team falls into. For the 2011-2012 academic year, there will be four “A”, nine “B” and five “C” clubs teams. Classifications will not be known until after all of the allocation hearings have been completed. In order for a club team to receive funding from a particular tier, they will need to meet the following criteria:

TIER A –Up to $21,000 of allocated funds for maximum of four club teams

·  Must have an annual operating budget of at least $50,000.

·  Collect member fees/dues

·  Have a minimum of 30 active team members who are full time students at San Diego State University

·  Has at least one coach

·  Compete in local or regional leagues or associations

·  Have at least 10 organized scheduled games or competitions.

·  Fund-raise an amount that equals 30% or exceeds allocated funds from the previous year (Does not include member dues).

·  Follow SDSU/A.S. Sports Club policies and procedures

·  Submit all appropriate paperwork on time

·  Participate in annual Sports Club events (such as ARC After Dark, Sport Club Faire, etc.)

·  Attendance at Sport Club Council meetings.

TIER B -Approximately $11,000 of allocated funds for maximum of nine club teams

·  Have an annual operating budget of at least $30,000

·  Collect dues.

·  Have a minimum of 25 active members who are full time students at San Diego State University.

·  Has at least one coach

·  Compete in local or regional leagues or associations

·  Have at least five organized scheduled games or competitions.

·  Fund-raise an amount that equals 30% or exceeds allocated funds from the previous year (Does not include member dues).

·  Follow SDSU/A.S. Sports Club policies and procedures

·  Submit all appropriate paperwork on time.

·  Participate in annual Sports Club events (such as ARC After Dark, Sport Club Faire, etc.)

·  Attendance at Sport Club Council meetings.

TIER C- Approximately $5,500 of allocated funds annual for a maximum of five club teams

·  Have an annual operating budget up to $20,000

·  Collect dues.

·  Have at least 15 active members who are full time students at San Diego State University

·  Compete in local or regional leagues or associations

·  Have at least five organized scheduled games or competitions.

·  Fund-raise an amount that equals 30% or exceeds allocated funds from the previous year (Does not include member dues).

·  Follow SDSU/A.S. Sports Club policies and procedures

·  Submit all appropriate paperwork on time.

·  Participate in annual Sports Club events (such as ARC After Dark, Sport Club Faire, etc.)

·  Attendance at Sport Club Council meetings.

Allocation Distribution:

Allocation funding will be distributed in two ways: 50% based on objective criteria, and 50% based on the quality and content of the team’s budget presentation.

Objective Criteria:

Fifty percent of the allocation can be earned by meeting the following criteria:

·  40% Budget was turned in on time

·  25% Did not miss more than 1 Sport Club Council Meeting

·  10% Participate in annual Sports Club events (such as ARC After Dark, Sport Club Faire, etc.)

·  5% Submitted at least one sport club award application in 2010-2011

·  20% In good standing with the Sport Club Program (not on probation, turns in paperwork

on time, responds to information requests, etc)

Subjective Criteria:

Fifty percent of the allocation can be earned at the allocation hearing based on the following explanations during the allocation hearings:

·  10% Team Expenses

·  20% Travel Expenses

·  5% Equipment Expenses

·  15% Team Dues

·  25% Fundraising Efforts

·  10% Money Saving Actions

·  5% Quality of Presentation

·  5% Knowledgeable Presenters

·  5% Classification Explanations

Each member of the allocation committee will be given a “grade sheet” to fill out during the presentations. This grade sheet will have a 1-5 scale for each of the subjective criteria listed above. After the presentation, an average will be determined for each criterion, and that will determine tier level and how much funding the club will be allocated from the presentation.

San Diego State Sport Clubs

Annual Report & Allocation Request

Forms must be typed and submitted to the Sports Club office by 6:00pm Friday, April 8, 2011

Sport Club Team: ______

Report Submitted by: ______Position: ______

Phone Number: ______E-mail: ______


Please type or print the requested information into the following pages, fill out the annual report/budget Excel file, and submit them to the Sport Club Office before Friday, April 9, 2010 at 6:00 PM.

At that time, you may select an Allocation Hearing time. If you do not turn in a report or attend your scheduled hearing, you will not be eligible to receive allocation funding for the 2010-2011 school year.

Operating Budget for previous year: 2010-2011: $______

Classification Level Requested for 2011-2011 (circle one): A B C

Please see classification requirements before circling your choice.

Number of Active Members: ______

Amount of dues per members per semester/annual:

Fall Semester $______Spring Semester $______Annual: $______

Number of members who have paid team dues 2010-2011: ______

Number of club team fundraisers for 2010-2011:______

Amount of funds raised via club team fundraisers for 2010-2011:______

*Member dues/fees do not count towards fundraising efforts*


Please provide specific details of the following below

(Must be typed)


PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION OF AMOUNT EACH MEMBER PAID DURING 2009-2010 (ex. Dues, out of pocket expenses, equipment, travel, etc):


_____ Yes _____ No



If no fundraising efforts, please explain why.