*Indicates the common learning goals and textbooks for this course (CS502) between ATS campuses.
Church As A Social And
Cultural Institution CS 502
Spring 2011
Wednesdays 9am – 12pm Room: TBA
Instructor: Stephen Bailey
Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies
Tel# 845-770-5755
*Indicates the common learning goals and textbooks for this course (CS502) between ATS campuses.
This course studies the social factors that influence the life of the Church as an institution. Social science tools of analysis are used to enable students to become aware of and evaluate the social factors that impact the local church and to which the local church responses to in ministry. Issues such as war, the state, institutionalization, gender, racism, economics, postmodernism, and globalization are discussed. The course is intended to help students begin to theologically about the strategies that might help them lead the local church in responding to and shaping society.
1. To enable students to learn theories, terminology and models for the social science analysis of the local church in order to consider how the church as an institution interacts with society. *
2. To enable students to acquire an empathetic disposition for social justice in the local church in light of the impact of social forces such as ethnicity, economics, technology, social power, and institutionalization on local churches. *
3. To enable students to learn some of the dynamics of social change – including the impact of globalization and postmodernism – on local churches.
4. Information Literacy Goal: To enable students to learn the skill of accessing needed information effectively and efficiently and implement well designed research writing project on the institutional life of the church.
CS502 fits into the second phase, (the Church Phase), of the ATS model of ministerial formation. The goal of this course is to enable the student to see the social factors that shape the church and the implications of these factors for the ministry and mission of the Church.
Clarke E. Cochran, Derek H. Davis, Ronald J. Sider, and Corwin Smidt. Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views. InterVaristy Press Academic. 2007. Pp. 254. ISBN: 10: 083082796.*
Phyllis Tickle. The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why? Baker Books. 2008. Pp.165. ISBN978-0-8010-1313-3.
Ralph Winter. “The Two Structures of God’s Redemptive Mission.” Pp.220-230. in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. 3rd Ediion. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne eds. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library. 1999. Available on the institutional network I Drive and online at
*Indicates the common learning goals and textbooks for this course (CS502) between ATS campuses.
Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith. Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America. Oxford University Press. 2001. Pp.224. ISBN: 10: 0195147073. *
Donald B. Kraybill. The Upside Down Kingdom. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. (2nd Edition). 1994. Pp. 309. ISBN: 10-8361-3522-9.
Special Issues Reading: Choose One of the Following Books
Dale Hanson Burke. The Skeptic's Guide To Global Poverty (The Skeptic's Guide). Authentic. 2007. Pp. 112. ISBN: 10: 1932805575. Discusses the basic evidence for global poverty and some of the various ways people go about addressing it.
M. Daniel Carroll R. Christians At the Borders: Immigration, the Church and the Bible. Baker Academic. 2008. Pp.143. ISBN: 978-0-8010-3566-1.
Ruth Tucker. Daughters of the Church: Women and Ministry From New Testament Times to the Present. Zondervan. 1987. Pp. 560. ISBN: 10: 0310457416.
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham. Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920. Harvard University Press. 1994. Pp. 320. ISBN: 10: 0674769783.
Outside Reading: Students must complete 300 pages of reading of relevant library and online materials for their research paper. They should keep a record of this reading and hand it in on the last day of class.
ATS may use assignments that are assessed for this course for program evaluation purposes. Individual results may be used as exemplars but will only be available to the program reviewers and not made public. Results of assessments will be used to show program effectiveness and program improvement.
MDiv Program Goals Addressed
B. Students will gain knowledge and be able to apply methodology in biblical studies, theology and cultural understandings.
Socially Relevant -- Preparing students to serve in ministerial, educational, healing and community-building professions.
Academically Excellent -- Pursuing academic excellence in the spirit of grace and humility.
Globally Engaged -- Fostering a global perspective within a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Christian academic community.
Intentionally Diverse -- Providing educational access and support to motivated students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
Formatting Your Papers: Every paper should be double-spaced and have margins of one inch at the left, right, top and bottom of the page. Use only Times New Roman size 12 font. Be sure your name and campus PO Box # are on the paper. Staple your papers. Do not use paper clips or plastic covers.
1. Class attendance and participation: There are no excused absences. Addresses Learning Goals 1, 2 & 3. 15% of grade
2. Church, State and Public Justice Essay – Each student will write a three to four page essay on the Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views book. In this essay they will choose one of the five views as the one that is most representative of their personal viewpoint. They will defend it against the other four views. Be sure to interact with each point of view and demonstrate your understanding of each position. Late papers will be marked down 10 points. Addresses Learning Goal 1. 20% of grade
Grading Rubric
1) Formatting and Spelling 10pts
2) Accurate and thorough summary of each position 70pts
3) Clear and organized argument for the student’s chosen view 20pts
3. Kraybill Critique – Each student will write a three to four page critique of Kraybill’s theology of the Kingdom as developed in The Upside Down Kingdom. Note his interpretation of how Jesus responds to the three spheres of social power: politics, economics and religion. What are the strengths and weaknesses of his view? Which of the five models described in Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views does Kraybill’s theology best fit into? How do you feel the Church should be engaging social power of politics, religion and economics in America? Late papers will be marked down 10 points. Addresses Learning Goals 1 & 2. 10% of grade
Grading Rubric
1) Formatting and Spelling 10pts
2) Accuracy and thoroughness of the summary of Kraybill’s theological arguments 60pts
3) Discussion regarding how Kraybill’s theological position lines up with one of 20pts
the 5 views of relating church and society
4) Clear and organized writing style 10pts
4. Reading report: The student will write 3 short reading reports on the books by Emerson and Smith, the Special Issues Reading book you choose and the article by Winters. The reading reports are to be two pages only. Papers longer than two pages will not be accepted. The papers are due on the dates indicated in the class schedule below. A sample of the format for the reading reports can be found in the Appendix. Addresses Learning Goal 2. 15% of grade
Grading Rubric
1) The bibliography (at top of the 1st page) and brief information regarding the author’s personal background. (check the inside cover and the internet) 5pts
2) Summary of the main points of the author. 80pts
3) Interaction and Critique - how does the reading interact with your present or anticipated ministry context. Critique of the author’s argument. 10pts
4) Spelling and grammar 5pts
5. Tickle Critique – Each student will write a three to four page essay / critique on The Great Emergence. What is the author’s key message and what does she propose to the Church? How do you evaluate her suggestions and what would it mean for the local church (or for missions if you are a missions student) today? Late papers will be marked down 10 points. Addresses Learning Goal 3. 15% of grade
Grading Rubric
1) Formatting and Spelling 5pts
2) Accuracy and thoroughness of the summary of the key message and proposal 65pts
3) Evaluation of the proposal made for the Church / Missions 20pts
4) Clear and organized writing style 10pts
6. Research Paper: Each student will write a 15 page paper on one of the topics listed below or a topic approved of by the professor. Each paper will address the various models of Church and Society discussed in class and in your textbooks, and relate them to subject of the paper. Addresses Learning Goals 1, 2, 3 & 4. 25% of your grade.
You must have at least 10 scholarly works cited (you may not count our textbooks among them) in your paper (you may have two reliable web based sources not counting online scholarly journals). You must do at least 300 pages of reading for your paper. You will be provided with instruction in methods for retrieving needed research and for designing and writing the research paper during two class sessions. After selecting one of the approved topics you will need to hand in the following:
6.1 A thesis or purpose statement, outline and annotated bibliography with five of the ten sources – due . The thesis should focus and guide your research and the writing of the paper.
6.2 A re-written thesis, detailed outline and bibliography of your paper due on.
6.3 1st Draft of the Research Paper is due
6.4 Final Draft of the Research Paper is due
Approved Topics For Research Papers
· Church and State Relations – Examine the various models of church and state relationships by reviewing the arguments for the different perspectives and the strengths and weaknesses of each position. Relate this to the current discussion in the United States about the relationship between faith and civil life. Apply the model you prefer to a specific issue such as prayer in school, federal funding of faith based organizations, etc.
· Institutional Structure and Church Renewal– Research the phenomena of spiritual renewal movements in the Christian Church over history and analyze the relationship between spiritual renewal movements, the structure of Church life (institutionalization) and the social events surrounding revivals. Consider what older churches can do to bring renewal to their people without creating another church movement if indeed that is possible. Consider what church / society model renewal movements tend to lean towards.
· War and the Christian – Research and discuss the major Christian positions regarding war and the church / Christian faith. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each position and how do these relate to the war going on in Iraq? Consider each position in light of the various church / society models discussed in class and the readings.
· Globalization (or Postmodernism) and the Local Church – Discuss the impact of globalization (or Postmodernism) on the life of the local church. Consider various views of globalization (or Postmodernism), critique them and then defend one of them. Finally, outline a plan for a local church to adapt itself for effective ministry in a world shaped by globalization (or Postmodernism).
· Racism, Multiculturalism and the Local Church – Survey the literature on racism and prejudice and how it impacts religion in the country that you intend to do ministry in. Describe the history and current situation then suggest some ways in which progress can be made in regard to the ministry of the local church in that context. How do the various church / society models discussed in class and the readings engage this issue?
· Economics and the Church – Consider the impact of finance on the Church in the country that you intend to do ministry in. How does it shape the Church’s institutional life, theology and praxis? What steps need to be taken to implement a Biblical theology of wealth and stewardship in the Church? What should be the role of wealthy churches in regard to missions and the poor? How do the choices before the Church reflect the various views of Church / Society discussed in class and in the readings?
General Guidelines for the Research Paper
1) Your paper should include a short INTRODUCTION. It will include Thesis / Purpose Statement, Methodology and Delimitations sub-sections.
2) Your paper should have section titles and sub-section titles that serve as a clear outline of the development of your argument supporting your thesis / purpose.
3) The second major section of the paper will be called REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. In it you will do an overview that will serve as a summary of the major arguments related to the subject you are researching. Be sure to discuss how the theological discussion on the relationship between Luther’s two Kingdoms idea impacts the position people take on your topic.
4) Cite scholarly literature using parenthetical citations (e.g. Bailey 2002, 50) that support your thesis and some that do not support your thesis. Present your reasons for why you have not chosen to hold these other positions.
5) The third section of your paper will be called CONLUSIONS. It will serve as the section in which you argue for your position and discuss its significance for the local church and for your ministry. This section of the paper should be at least three to four pages long.
6) The last page of your paper should be a WORKS CITED page where you list in bibliographic form the sources cited in the paper.
7) You should format the paper following the rules found in Kate L. Turabian’s book, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 6th Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1996.
Grading Rubric
1) Formatting, Spelling 10%
2) Clarity and logic of the paper’s presentation 20%
3) Thoroughness of the research 40%
4) Theological significance of the conclusions for local church life 30%
Class Attendance 15% Kraybill Critique 10%
3 Book Reports 15% Tickle Critique 15%